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expo-ui-kit - a components based React-Native UI Kit


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expo-ui-kit - a components based React-Native UI Kit

expo-ui-kit is a React-Native UI framework based on SDK that will help build React-Native Expo apps using predefined & customizable UI components.

UI Components:

Tools & Utils:

  • helpers: getMargins, getPaddings, mergeTheme
  • rgba: transform hex colors into rgba colors using opacity
  • theme.js: default theme for UI components with predefined values for: COLORS, SIZES, FONTS



  • default Block has flex: 1
  • disable flex
<Block flex="{0}">
  <Text>flex: 0</Text>
<Block noFlex>
  <Text>flex: 0</Text>
  • flex for half of the size
<Block flex="{0.5}">
  <Text>flex: 0.5</Text>
  • row will render flexDirection: row
<Block row>
  <Text>text 1</Text>
  <Text>text 2</Text>
  • vertical centering the content
<Block center>
  <Text>text 1</Text>
  <Text>text 2</Text>
  • horizontal centering the content
<Block middle>
  <Text>text 1</Text>
  <Text>text 2</Text>
  • vertical & horizontal centering the content
<Block center middle>
  <Text>text 1</Text>
  <Text>text 2</Text>


  • will render backgroundColor using predefined colors from theme.js COLORS array
  • predefined colors: primary, secondary, tertiary, black, white, gray, error, warning, success, info
<Block primary>
  <Text>backgroundColor: COLORS.primary</Text>
<Block secondary>
  <Text>backgroundColor: COLORS.secondary</Text>
  • custom color using hex color
<Block color="#DDDDDD">
  <Text>backgroundColor: #DDDDDD</Text>

Arrange content using justifyContent

  • space between the content
<Block space="between">
  <Text>1st text</Text>
  <Text>2nd text</Text>
  • space evenly the content
<Block space="evenly">
  <Text>1st text</Text>
  <Text>2nd text</Text>
  • space around the content
<Block space="around">
  <Text>1st text</Text>
  <Text>2nd text</Text>

Border radius

  • round the corners using borderRadius: 6
<Block radius="{6}">
  <Text>1st text</Text>
  <Text>2nd text</Text>

Wrap content using flexWrap, default flexWrap: 'nowrap'

  • flexWrap: 'wrap'
<Block wrap>
  <Text>1st text</Text>
  <Text>2nd text</Text>
  <Text>3rd text</Text>

For animations animate props can be use to render Animated.View component

  • animated will render Animated.View
<Block animated>
  <Text>animated view</Text>

For safe area views, safe props can be use to render SafeAreaView component

  • safe will render SafeAreaView
<Block safe>
  <Text>safe area view</Text>


Default render an instance of TouchableOpacity

  • TouchableHighlight
<button highlight>
  <Text>instance of TouchableHighlight</Text>
  • TouchableNativeFeedback
<button nativeFeedback>
  <Text>instance of TouchableNativeFeedback</Text>
  • TouchableWithoutFeedback
<button withoutFeedback>
  <Text>instance of TouchableWithoutFeedback</Text>


  • will render backgroundColor using predefined colors from theme.js COLORS array
  • predefined colors: primary, secondary, tertiary, black, white, gray, error, warning, success, info
<button primary>
  <Text>backgroundColor: COLORS.primary</Text>
<button transparent>
  <Text>backgroundColor: "transparent"</Text>
  • custom color using hex color
<button color="#DDDDDD">
  <Text>backgroundColor: #DDDDDD</Text>

Set activeOpacity using opacity prop default activeOpacity=0.8

<button opacity="{0.5}">

Outlined and add borderColor equal with backgroundColor

<button primary outlined>

Disabling the button

<button disabled>
<button disabled="{false}">

Add flex to button style

<button flex>
<button flex="{2}">

Add height to button style

<button height="{58}">


Using Block component with predefined props: color, radius and padding

  <Text>default card</Text>

Border radius using radius props

<Card radius="{8}">

Padding using padding props

  • default padding={SIZES.base}
<Card padding="{12}">

Set shadow using shadow props

  • default shadow with color black and elevation
  • shadowOffset is calculated using elevation - 1
  • shadowRadius is equal with elevation value
<Card shadow>

<Card shadow elevation="{2}">
  <Text>shadow elevation={2}</Text>

Set borderColor using outlined prop

  • default borderWidth: 1 and borderColor: Utils.rgba(, 0.16) with alpha 0.16
<Card outlined>



  • onValidation return a single boolean or object with boolean values
  • pattern using regex string for validating the value
  • single pattern to validate the value
<Input pattern="/\d/" // validate digits onValidation={isValid =>
console.log(isValid)} />
  • multiple pattern to validate the value
<Input pattern={[ "/\d/", "/\w/"]} // validate digits and words
onValidation={isValid => console.log(isValid)} />

Border color using color prop

<input color="red" />

Pass ref from props using internalRef reference

<Input internalRef={c => this.c} />



  • fontSize predefined by theme.js
<Text h1>fontSize of 34 from FONTS.h1</Text>
<Text h2>fontSize of 24 from FONTS.h2</Text>
<Text h3>fontSize of 20 from FONTS.h3</Text>
<Text title>fontSize of 18 from FONTS.title</Text>
<Text subtitle>fontSize of 14 from FONTS.subtitle</Text>
<Text caption>fontSize of 12 from FONTS.caption</Text>
<Text small>fontSize of 10 from FONTS.small</Text>
  • fontSize defined by user
<Text size="{20}">fontSize of 20</Text>
  • margin & padding
<Text margin="{4}">set margin 4 to: top, right, bottom & left</Text>
<Text padding="{6}">set margin 6 to: top, right, bottom & left</Text>
  • text styling
<Text transform>textTransform: capitalize, lowercase, uppercase</Text>
<Text regular>fontWeight from WEIGHTS.regular</Text>
<Text bold>fontWeight from WEIGHTS.bold</Text>
<Text semibold>fontWeight from WEIGHTS.semibold</Text>
<Text medium>fontWeight from WEIGHTS.medium</Text>
<Text light>fontWeight from WEIGHTS.light</Text>
<Text weight="700">fontWeight from user input</Text>
  • text colors
<Text primary>color from COLORS.primary</Text>
<Text secondary>color from COLORS.secondary</Text>
<Text tertiary>color from COLORS.tertiary</Text>
<Text black>color from</Text>
<Text white>color from COLORS.white</Text>
<Text gray>color from COLORS.gray</Text>
<Text info>color from</Text>
<Text success>color from COLORS.success</Text>
<Text warning>color from COLORS.warning</Text>
<Text error>color from COLORS.error</Text>
<Text color="#DDD">color from user input</Text>

custom theme using the src/theme.js data structure

  • create a custom theme by defining: const customTheme.js
  • with the following structure to rewrite any value
    primary: "cyan" or "#8A00D4",
    secondary: "fucsia" or "#D527B7",
    tertiary: "yellow" or "#FFC46B"
  SIZES: {
    font: 15,
    h1: 28
    title: 17
  • include the custom theme to the component props
<Text primary theme="{customTheme}">primary using new color: #8A00D4</Text>
  • animating text can be used using the "animated" props
<Text animated>will render Animated.Text</Text>