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A humble, and ๐—ณ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜, security-oriented HTTP headers analyzer.


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A humble, and fast, security-oriented HTTP headers analyzer

A quick analysis with 'humble'!

"ๅƒ้‡Œไน‹่กŒ๏ผŒๅง‹ๆ–ผ่ถณไธ‹ - ่€ๅญ"
("A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu")

"And if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. - Bilbo Baggins"

Table of contents

Installation & Update (Source code)
Installation & Maintenance (Docker)
Installation & Update (Kali Linux)
Advanced Usage (Linux)
Checks: Missing Headers
Checks: Fingerprint Headers
Checks: Deprecated Headers and Insecure Values
Checks: Empty Values
Guidelines included
Further Reading


โœ”๏ธ 58 checks for enabled security-related HTTP response headers.
โœ”๏ธ 14 checks for missing security-related HTTP response headers (the ones I consider essential).
โœ”๏ธ 1214 checks for fingerprinting through HTTP response headers.
โœ”๏ธ 133 checks for deprecated HTTP response headers/protocols or with insecure/wrong values.
โœ”๏ธ Checks compliance with OWASP 'Secure Headers Project' Best Practices.
โœ”๏ธ SSL/TLS checks: requires the amazing
โœ”๏ธ Browser support references for enabled HTTP security headers: provided by
โœ”๏ธ Two types of analysis: brief and detailed, along with HTTP response headers.
โœ”๏ธ Can exclude specific HTTP response headers from the analysis.
โœ”๏ธ Can export each analysis to CSV, HTML5, JSON, PDF 1.4, TXT and XML (and in a filename and path of your choice).
โœ”๏ธ Can analyze 'raw response files': text files with HTTP response headers and values. Ex: curl option '--dump-header'.
โœ”๏ธ Highlights experimental headers in each analysis.
โœ”๏ธ Each detailed analysis may include up to dozens of official links, references and technical articles.
โœ”๏ธ l10n: can display each analysis, the messages and almost all errors in English or Spanish.
โœ”๏ธ Saves each analysis, showing at the end the improvements or deficiencies in relation to the last one.
โœ”๏ธ Can display analysis statistics: either against a specific URL or all of them.
โœ”๏ธ Can display fingerprint statistics: either against a specific term or the Top 20.
โœ”๏ธ Can display guidelines: for enabling security HTTP response headers on popular frameworks, servers and services.
โœ”๏ธ Code reviewed via Bandit, Flake8, pyinstrument and SonarQube for IDE.
โœ”๏ธ Tested, one by one, on thousands of URLs.
โœ”๏ธ Tested on Docker 26.1, Kali Linux 2021.1, macOS 14.2.1 and Windows 10 20H2.
โœ”๏ธ Almost all the code under one of the most permissive licenses: MIT.
โœ”๏ธ Regularly updated.
โœ”๏ธ Minimal dependencies required.
โœ”๏ธ Featured on Artemis, Chinese Software Developer Network, DefectDojo, HackTricks, Kali Linux, Linux Magazin and OWASP.
โœ”๏ธ Developed entirely in my spare time, no strings attached: feel free to try it out and integrate it into your projects!.
โœ”๏ธ And with the approval of several AI ๐Ÿ˜„!.


.: (Windows) - Brief analysis.

(Windows) - Brief analysis

.: (Linux) - Brief analysis along with HTTP response headers.

(Linux) - Brief analysis along with HTTP response headers

.: (Linux) - Detailed analysis, in Spanish.

(Linux) - Detailed analysis in Spanish

.: (Linux) - Analysis of a "raw response file". Example.

(Linux) - Analysis of a raw response file

.: (Linux) - SSL/TLS checks.

Options used: -f -g -p -U -s --hints

(Linux) - SSL/TLS checks (requires and Linux/Unix client)

.: (Linux) - Compliance with OWASP 'Secure Headers Project' best practices.

(Linux) - Compliance with OWASP 'Secure Headers Project' best practices

.: (Linux) - List of HTTP fingerprint headers based on a specific term.

(Linux) - List of HTTP fingerprint headers based on a specific term

.: (Linux) - Detailed analysis saved as CSV. Example.

(Linux) - Brief analysis saved as CSV

.: (Windows) - Detailed analysis saved as PDF. Example.

(Windows) - Detailed analysis saved as PDF

.: (Linux) - Detailed analysis saved as HTML. Example.

(Linux) - Detailed analysis saved as HTML

.: (Linux) - Brief analysis saved as JSON. Example.

(Linux) - Brief analysis saved as JSON

.: (Linux) - Brief analysis saved as XML. Example.

(Linux) - Brief analysis saved as XML

.: (Linux) - Analysis history file: Date, URL, Enabled, Missing, Fingerprint, Deprecated/Insecure, Empty headers & Total warnings (the four previous totals).

(Linux) - Analysis history file: Date, URL, Missing, Fingerprint, Deprecated/Insecure, Empty headers & Total warnings (the four previous totals)

.: (Linux) - Statistics of the analysis performed against a specific URL.

(Linux) - Statistics of the analysis performed against a specific URL

.: (Linux) - Statistics of the analysis performed against all URLs, in Spanish.

(Linux) - Statistics of the analysis performed against all URLs in Spanish

.: (Windows) - Checking for updates

(Windows) - Checking for updates

Installation & update (Source code)


Python 3.9 or higher is required.

# Install python3 and python3-pip:
# (Windows)
# (Linux) if not available, install them: e.g. Synaptic, apt, dnf, yum ...
# (macOS)

# Install Git:
# (Windows)
# (Linux)
# (macOS)

# Set up a virtual environment (pending how to do it in Windows), download 'humble' and its dependencies
# '/home/bluesman/humble_venv' is a example path for the virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv /home/bluesman/humble_venv
$ source /home/bluesman/humble_venv/bin/activate
$ cd /home/bluesman/humble_venv/
$ git clone
$ cd humble
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Analyze! :). Linux and Windows examples
$ python3 -u
$ py -u

# Good practice: deactivate the virtual environment after you have finished using 'humble'
$ deactivate

# Activate the virtual environment to analyze URLs again with 'humble'
$ cd /home/bluesman/humble_venv/
$ source /home/bluesman/humble_venv/bin/activate
$ cd humble

# Updating (weekly): activate the virtual environment and from 'humble' folder
$ git pull

# Updating (Release): activate the virtual environment, download the latest source code file
# and decompress it in the 'humble' folder, overwriting files.

Installation & maintenance (Docker)


Python 3.9 will be used to build the image.

# Install Docker, and make sure it's running:
# E.g. (Linux):
# E.g. (macOs):
# E.g. (Windows):

# Clone the repository *or* download & decompress the latest release:
$ git clone

# Build the image inside the 'humble' folder: providing the TAG as the latest Release of 'humble' ()'1.46' in this example).
# (Windows may require elevated console privileges)
$ docker build -t humble:1.46 .

# Run the analysis specifying the above TAG, along with the specific options for 'humble':
# '-it', required: allocate a pseudo-TTY and keep the input interactive
# '-rm', required: automatically remove the container and associated anonymous volumes when it exits

# (Linux/macOS)
# E.g. Analyze https://facebook with a brief analysis:
$ docker run -it --rm --name humble humble:1.46 /bin/bash -c "python3 -u -b"

# (Windows)
# E.g. Analyze https://facebook with a brief analysis:
$ docker run -it --rm --name humble humble:1.46 python3 -u -b

# Removing (and untagging) previous images of 'humble' after upgrading to the latest release.
$ docker rmi humble:1.46

Installation & update (Kali Linux)


Python 3.9 or higher is required.

# Verify that the 'humble' package contains 'Homepage:'
$ apt show humble

# Install it and grant permissions (e.g. to enable analysis history and export analysis)
$ sudo apt install humble
$ sudo chmod -R a+rwx /usr/share/humble

# Analyze! :)
$ cd /usr/share/humble
$ python3 -u

# Updating (monthly):
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade humble


(Windows) $ py
(Linux)   $ python3
(macOS)   $ python3

usage: [-h] [-a] [-b] [-c] [-df] [-e [TESTSSL_PATH]] [-f [FINGERPRINT_TERM]] [-g] [-grd] [-if INPUT_FILE] [-l {es}] [-lic] [-o {csv,html,json,pdf,txt,xml}]
                 [-of OUTPUT_FILE] [-op OUTPUT_PATH] [-r] [-s [SKIP_HEADERS ...]] [-u URL] [-ua USER_AGENT] [-v]

'humble' (HTTP Headers Analyzer) | | v.2025-01-10

  -h, --help                      show this help message and exit
  -a                              Shows statistics of the performed analysis; if the '-u' parameter is ommited they will be global
  -b                              Shows overall findings; if omitted detailed ones will be shown
  -c                              Checks URL response HTTP headers for compliance with OWASP 'Secure Headers Project' best practices
  -df                             Do not follow redirects; if omitted the last redirection will be the one analyzed
  -e [TESTSSL_PATH]               Shows TLS/SSL checks; requires the PATH of
  -f [FINGERPRINT_TERM]           Shows fingerprint statistics; if 'FINGERPRINT_TERM' (e.g., 'Google') is omitted the top 20 results will be shown
  -g                              Shows guidelines for enabling security HTTP response headers on popular frameworks, servers and services
  -grd                            Shows the checks to grade an analysis, along with advice for improvement
  -if INPUT_FILE                  Analyzes 'INPUT_FILE': must contain HTTP response headers and values separated by ': '; E.g. 'server: nginx'
  -l {es}                         Defines the language for displaying analysis, errors and messages; if omitted, will be shown in English
  -lic                            Shows the license for 'humble', along with permissions, limitations and conditions.
  -o {csv,html,json,pdf,txt,xml}  Exports analysis to 'humble_scheme_URL_port_yyyymmdd_hhmmss_language.ext' file; json will have a brief analysis
  -of OUTPUT_FILE                 Exports analysis to 'OUTPUT_FILE'; if omitted the default filename of the parameter '-o' will be used
  -op OUTPUT_PATH                 Exports analysis to 'OUTPUT_PATH'; must be absolute. If omitted the PATH of '' will be used
  -r                              Shows HTTP response headers and a detailed analysis; '-b' parameter will take priority
  -s [SKIP_HEADERS ...]           Skips 'deprecated/insecure' and 'missing' checks for the indicated 'SKIP_HEADERS' (separated by spaces)
  -u URL                          Scheme, host and port to analyze. E.g.
  -ua USER_AGENT                  User-Agent ID from 'additional/user_agents.txt' file to use. '0' will show all and '1' is the default
  -v, --version                   Checks for updates at

  -u URL -a                       Shows statistics of the analysis performed against the URL
  -u URL -b                       Analyzes URL and reports overall findings
  -u URL -b -o csv                Analyzes URL and exports overall findings to CSV format
  -u URL -l es                    Analyzes URL and reports (in Spanish) detailed findings
  -u URL -o pdf                   Analyzes URL and exports detailed findings to PDF format
  -u URL -o html -of test         Analyzes URL and exports detailed findings to HTML format and 'test' filename
  -u URL -o pdf -op D:/Tests      Analyzes URL and exports detailed findings to PDF format and 'D:/Tests' path
  -u URL -r                       Analyzes URL and reports detailed findings along with HTTP response headers
  -u URL -s ETag NEL              Analyzes URL and skips 'deprecated/insecure' and 'missing' checks for 'ETag' and 'NEL' headers
  -u URL -ua 4                    Analyzes URL using the fourth User-Agent of 'additional/user_agents.txt' file
  -a -l es                        Shows statistics (in Spanish) of the analysis performed against all URLs
  -f Google                       Shows HTTP fingerprint headers related to the term 'Google'

want to contribute?:
  How to                

Advanced usage (Linux)

.: Show only the analysis summary.

$ python3 -u | grep -A 8 "\!." | sed $'1i \n'

Show only the analysis summary (Linux)

.: Show only the URL, date and analysis summary.

$ python3 -u | grep -A8 -E "0. Info|\!." | grep -v "^\[1\." | sed 's/[--]//g' | sed -e '/./b' -e :n -e 'N;s/\n$//;tn' | sed '5,6d' | sed '1i\'

Show URL, date and the analysis summary (Linux)

.: Show only the deprecated headers/protocols and insecure values.

$ python3 -u | sed -n '/\[4/,/^\[5/ { /^\[5/!p }' | sed '$d' | sed $'1i \n'

Show only the deprecated headers/protocols and insecure values (Linux)

.: Check for HTTP client errors (4XX).

$ python3 -u | grep -A1 -B5 'Note : \|Nota : ' --color=never

Check for HTTP client errors (4XX) (Linux)

.: Analyze multiple URLs and save the results as PDFs.

$ datasets=('' '' ''); for dataset in "${datasets[@]}"; do python3 -u "$dataset" -o pdf; done

Analyze multiple URLs and save the results as PDFs

Checks: enabled headers

Check this file.

Checks: missing headers

Check this file.

Checks: fingerprint headers

Check this file.

Checks: deprecated headers/protocols and insecure values

Check this file.


humble tries to be strict: both in checking HTTP response headers and their values; some of these headers may be experimental and you may not agree with all the results after analysis.

And that's OK! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ; you should never blindly trust the results of security tools: there should be further work to decide whether the risk is non-existent, potential or real depending on the analyzed URL (its exposure, environment, etc).

Checks: empty values

Any HTTP response header.

Guidelines included to enable security HTTP headers

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Angular
  • Apache HTTP Server
  • Cloudflare
  • LiteSpeed Web Server
  • Microsoft Internet Information Services
  • Nginx
  • Node.js
  • Spring
  • WordPress


  • Add more Header/Value checks (only security-oriented)
  • Google Style Python Docstrings and documentation via Sphinx

Further reading


Thanks for downloading 'humble', for trying it and for your time!.



MIT ยฉ 2020-2025 Rafa 'Bluesman' Faura (
Original Creator - Rafa 'Bluesman' Faura (