A very small HTTP/HTTPS server, intended for embedding into other applications generating dynamic content.
- Version 0.9.10 is close to production quality.
- Known to be in use internally for several projects and one external public server.
public class SimpleServer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
get("/index\\.txt", (tx) -> tx.response("Hello World!")).
build()); {
This will run a server in the foreground on localhost:8080
. Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/index.txt
- Supports HTTP and HTTPS (HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1).
- Easily generate dynamic content with simple handlers.
- Serve static content from classpath resources or files.
- Zero dependencies.
- Basic HTTP authentication.
- WebSockets.
- Single source file. Can be just dropped into your project with ease.
- Cookies.
- CONNECT tunnels.
- Chunked output and input
- Compressed output and input
- Multiple contexts.
- Can work with fibers.
- Great for unit / integration testing.
- Full JavaDoc.
- WebSocket compression.
- Tests
- HTTP 2 and 3 (version 2).
- Other authentication (version 2).
- Lots of tests, testing and tuning.
- It will not support the servlet spec (although an extension could).
- It will not support non-programmatic configuration (although an extension could).
- It will not allow configuration change at runtime.
- It will not use non-blocking IO framework.
Now in Maven Central, so to add to your project just include this single dependency (adjust for other build systems that use Maven repositories).
See badge above for version available on Maven Central. Snapshot versions are in the Sonatype OSS Snapshot Repository.
Simple examples. Most will start the server in the foreground indefinitely.
- Serving some HTML
- Handling
parameters - Handling
parameters - Responder
- Response Writer
- Contexts
- Authentication
- Static Content
- Cookies
- WebSockets
- Tunnels
- Error Pages
- Using Fibers
- Running In Background
Just generate a page of HTML from a Java string.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
get("/index\\.html", (tx) -> {
tx.response("text/html", """
<p>Click <a href="other.html">here</a> to go to another page</p>
get("/other\\.html", (tx) -> {
tx.response("text/html", """
<p>Click <a href="other.html">here</a> to go back to the home page</p>
build()) {
Access the Named
via Transaction.parameter
. From this, you can get as various types.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
get("/calc\\.html", (tx) -> {
tx.response(MessageFormat.format("{0} + {1} = {2}",
tx.parameter("a").asFloat() + tx.parameter("b").asFloat()));
build()) {
For example, file uploads.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
post("/upload", (tx) -> {
var content = tx.request();
var tmpFile = Files.createTempFile("upload", ".test");
var file = content.asFormData("file");
try(var in = file.asStream()) {
try(var out = Files.newOutputStream(tmpFile)) {
req.response(MessageFormat.format("Uploaded to {0} (Content type: {1})", tmpFile, file.contentType().orElse("Unknown")));
build()) {
Use a responder()
to feed response content chunk by chunk.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
get("/respond", (tx) -> {
var line = new AtomicInteger(0);
tx.responder(buf -> {
if(line.incrementAndGet() < 10) {
buf.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(("Line " + line.get() + "\n").getBytes()));
build()) {
You can also get a WritableByteChannel
(and so also create a traditional Writer
using Channels
utility methods). As soon as you use this, all other methods of Transaction
that would modify the response can no longer be used.
Make sure you close()
the writer, as this marks the end of the response (for chunked encoding etc).
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
get("/writer.html", (tx) -> {
try(var w = new PrintWriter(Channels.newWriter(tx.responseWriter(), tx.client().charset()), true)) {
w.println("<h1>Some title</h1>");
w.println("<p>A paragraph of text</p>");
build()) {
Contexts let you isolate and group any Handler
under a single path. Any paths of the contained handlers are then relative to the context path. Contexts can be nested.
Contexts are themselves a Handler
, so can be added with a HandlerSelector
, or preceeded by authentication handlers etc.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
get("/file.txt", tx -> tx.response("Some more text.")).
get("/file2.txt", tx -> tx.response("More other text.")).
get("/file.txt", tx -> tx.response("Some text")).
get("/file2.txt", tx -> tx.response("Other text")).
build()) {
Adding authentication (HTTP Basic) to some pages.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
(tx) -> {
tx.response("text/html", """
<p>Click <a href="protected.html">here</a> to login to protected page.</p>
<p>The username is <bold>user</bold> and the password is <bold>password</bold>
UHTTPD.httpBasicAuthentication((creds) ->
creds.username().equals("user") &&
new String(creds.password()).equals("password")))
(tx) -> {
tx.response("text/html", """
<p>This is a protected page.</p>
build()) {
Serve static files and classpath resources. The matching pattern usings regular expression capture groups.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
classpathResources("/cp/(.*)", "web").
fileResources("/local/(.*)", Paths.get("/home/auser/share")).
build()) {
Receiving cookie string values and responding with Cookie
try (var httpd = UHTTPD.server().get("/set-cookie\\.html", (tx) -> {
tx.cookie(UHTTPD.cookie("MyCookie", "A Value").build());
tx.response("text/html", """
<p>I have set a cookie!</p>
}).get("/get-cookie\\.html", (tx) -> {
tx.response("text/html", """
<p>The cookie value is __cookie__.</p>
""".replace("__cookie__", tx.cookie("MyCookie").value()));
}).build()) {
Send and receive text and binary messages.
try (var httpd = UHTTPD.server()
.webSocket("/ws", UHTTPD.webSocket().
onText((txt, ws) -> {
System.out.println("got '" + txt + "'");
ws.send("I received '" + txt + "'"); // text reply
onData((buf, fin, ws) -> {
System.out.println("got " + buf.remaining() + " bytes");
ws.send(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {1,2,3})); // single binary reply
ws.fragment(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {1}), false); // 1st fragment
ws.fragment(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {2}), false); // 2nd fragment
ws.fragment(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {3}), true); // final fragment
onClose((code, text, ws) -> {
// web socket closed
onOpen((ws) -> {
.classpathResources("(.*)", "web")
.build()) {
Tunnelling using the CONNECT
header. This directly connects a new Socket. You can optionally use UHTTPD.tunnel()
which returns a TunnelBuilder
which allows you to handle the incoming and outgoing data yourself.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().tunnel(UHTTPD.socketTunnel()).build()) {
Setting error pages. You can set a handler that is invoked when a particular status code occurs.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
status(Status.NOT_FOUND, UHTTPD.classpathResource("web/404.html")).build()) {
To use SSL you must provide a KeyStore
. If you don't specifically supply one, there must a keystore file at $HOME/.keystore
with a passphrase of changeit
(this is the default used by the keytool
command). Otherwise, either provide the path to a keystore file along with passwords, or provide an instance of KeyStore
. The default port for SSL is 8443.
try(var httpd = UHTTPD.server().
get("/text.txt", tx -> {
tx.response("text/plain", "This is some text.");
build()) {
To generate a self signed certificate for development use, run keytool
keytool -genkey -alias uhttpd -keyalg RSA
If you hava Java 19 and use the --enable-preview
argument to both compile and run, you can try out the use of fibers. These are lightweight threads that should greatly increase scalability. Once the feature is enabled, simply set a custom Runner
try(var httpd = server().
get("/file.txt", tx -> tx.response(Paths.get("/home/tanktarta/Desktop/SMS and EMAIL API Example.java"))).
withRunner(r -> Thread.startVirtualThread(r)).
build()) {
Running the server in the background.
var builder = UTTPD.server();
builder.fileResources("/local/(.*)", Paths.get("/home/auser/share"));
var server = builder.build();
server.start(); // starts in background
// ...
// do other stuff
// ...
server.join(); // optionally wait for threads to shutdown