This folder contains examples for using the library. You can run each of them with cargo run --example <example-name>
(for example cargo run --example cli_polygon_test
The core of this example was developed by @bipentihexium. It is a cli utility to test points on the sphere if they are inside a polygon. The default polygon is a non-convex one that kept causing issues in development :D It accepts several command line arguments, in order:
- how many rows to print the result into (kind of resolution). If it can not be parsed to ani32
, defaults to50
- how many columns to print the result into (kind of resolution). If it can not be parsed to ani32
, defaults toheight*2
- the declination to start at, in radians. If it can not be parsed to anf32
, defaults to-PI/2.0
- the declination to end at, in radians. If it can not be parsed to anf32
, defaults toPI/2.0
- the right ascension to start at, in radians. If it can not be parsed to anf32
, defaults to-PI
- the right ascension to end at, in radians. If it can not be parsed to anf32
, defaults toPI
Points considered to be inside the polygon are yellow, those outside are purple, and colours in between indicate a state in between - it uses MSAA, so each printed point actually checks multiple points in its area and averages the result.