Lightweight and fast css-in-js tool
- ๐ญ Polymorphism
- ๐ต Full ts type
- ๐บ Support SourceMap
- ๐ Support SSR
- ๐จ Support Themes
- โ๏ธ Small size compression + gzip 4kb
- โก๏ธ Near native rendering speed
It's very fast. Almost as fast as using native css, and even faster than native rendering under certain conditions
React wrapper including the styled
npm install @styils/react
Solid wrapper including the styled
npm install @styils/solid
Vue wrapper including the styled
npm install @styils/vue
This is required for sourcemap. Note that babel-plugin
does not support vue suorcemap
npm install @styils/babel-plugin
Wraps @styils/babel-plugin
and provides vue sourcemap support.
npm install @styils/vite-plugin
Styils was inspired by other css in js tools such as emotion, goober, stitches. Thanks.
Benchmarks come from stitches
Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright ยฉ 2022-present zoy-l
See LICENSE for more information.