Given strings A, B, and C, find whether C is formed by an interleaving of A and B.
An interleaving of two strings S and T is a configuration such that it creates a new string Y from the concatenation substrings of A and B and |Y| = |A + B| = |C|
For example:
A = "XYZ"
B = "ABC"
so we can make multiple interleaving string Y like, XYZABC, XAYBCZ, AXBYZC, XYAZBC and many more so here your task is to check whether you can create a string Y which can be equal to C.
Specifically, you just need to create substrings of string A and create substrings B and concatenate them and check whether it is equal to C or not.
Note: a + b is the concatenation of strings a and b.
Return true if C is formed by an interleaving of A and B, else return false.
Example 1:
A = YX, B = X, C = XXY
Output: 0
Explanation: XXY is not interleaving
of YX and X
Example 2:
A = XY, B = X, C = XXY
Output: 1
Explanation: XXY is interleaving of
XY and X.
Your Task:
Complete the function isInterleave() which takes three strings A, B and C as input and returns true if C is an interleaving of A and B else returns false. (1 is printed by the driver code if the returned value is true, otherwise 0.)
Expected Time Complexity: O(N * M)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(N * M)
here, N = length of A, and M = length of B
1 ≤ length of A, B ≤ 100
1 ≤ length of C ≤ 200