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DevKit Administrative Scripts

This folder contains all the scripts that can be run using devkit-admin.

In order to be able to use the DevKit scripts, you must first run:

$ npm link

This will link the binaries included in this repository, which includes the devkit-admin binary. This document describes each scripts available.


Runs all benchmarks of the repo. Benchmarks are run like Jasmine tests, but when the test are passing also record performance metrics. An example is the file packages/angular_devkit/core/src/json/parser_benchmark.ts.

There's no flags associated with this script.


Builds the repo and the pack files. The output of build is in dist/ and contains 1 tgz per package which can be installed (the result of npm pack on that package), and a directory using the name of the package to publish.


  • --local. Enable building packages with dependencies to their pack files (instead of versions).
  • --snapshot. Enable building packages with dependencies to their snapshot repos (instead of versions).


Creates a changelog draft in GitHub releases.


  • --from=<git-ref>. [Required] The git ref (SHA, tag or ref) to start the CHANGELOG at.
  • --to=<tag>. [Required] The git ref (tag) to end the CHANGELOG at. This will also be used to name the changelog on GitHub.
  • --githubToken=<string>. The github token to update the changelog with. If this is not specified, the release notes will be outputted to stdout.
  • --githubTokenFile=<path>. Reads the githubToken from a file instead of the command line (for CI).
  • --stdout. Skip the whole release note process and output the markdown to stdout instead.


Runs tslint on the whole repo.


  • --fix. Also applies fixes.


Outputs a JSON containing all informations from the package script (main files, repo names, versions, deps, etc).


Builds and published the packages to npm.


  • --tag=<name>. Publishes under the npm dist-tag specified.


General version and release manager.


$ devkit-admin release

Outputs all the packages, their versions and their hashes. By default, excludes private packages that are only used in the repo (such as private schematics). With the --verbose flag will output the private packages as well.

By adding a command, the release script will update the version;

  • major-beta. Set the version of packages to the next beta of the next major.
  • major-rc. Set the version of packages to the next RC of the next major.
  • major. Increment the major version of packages.
  • minor-beta. Set the version of packages to the next beta of the next minor.
  • minor-rc. Set the version of packages to the next RC of the next minor.
  • minor. Increment the minor version of packages.
  • patch. Increment the patch version of packages.

By default, the release script will increment versions of packages that have changed. Use the --force flag to change the version of all packages, even those who haven't changed.


$ devkit-admin release minor-beta --force


Serialize JSON Schema into .d.ts files. This script is deprecated and doesn't work anymore.


Create and upload snapshots. This is used in CI.


  • --force. Force push the snapshot to github.
  • --githubToken=<string>. The github token to update the changelog with. Either this of --githubTokenFile is required.
  • --githubTokenFile=<path>. Reads the githubToken from a file instead of the command line (for CI).


Calculates and output the list of special thanks.


  • --sha=<git ref>. The SHA to start the special thanks from. Calculates them from this sha to the HEAD.


Compile and outputs the templates. For now, only README is being built and outputted.


Run unit or large tests. Tests will exclude all files that excluded from tsconfig.json.


  • --large. Run the large tests (**/*_spec_large.ts).
  • --full. Run all the tests. By default only runs tests in packages that have changed since the last release.
  • --spec-reporter. Use the spec reporter (instead of the default one).
  • --glob=<glob string>. Only run the tests that match the glob pattern.
  • --code-coverage. Outputs code coverage for the tests run.


Performs BUILD files, commit messages and license validation.


  • --verbose. Ignore errors and continue showing outputs.