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Python Module for 2Captcha API (captcha solver)

The easiest way to quickly integrate the 2Captcha captcha-solving service into your code and automate the solving of any type of captcha. Examples of API requests for different captcha types are available on the Python captcha solver page.


This package can be installed with Pip:

pip3 install 2captcha-python


TwoCaptcha instance can be created like this:

from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha

solver = TwoCaptcha('YOUR_API_KEY')

Also, there are a few options that can be configured:

config = {
            'server':           '',
            'apiKey':           'YOUR_API_KEY',
            'softId':            123,
            'callback':         '',
            'defaultTimeout':    120,
            'recaptchaTimeout':  600,
            'pollingInterval':   10,
            'extendedResponse':  False
solver = TwoCaptcha(**config)

TwoCaptcha instance options

Option Default value Description
server API server. You can set it to if your account is registered there
softId 4580 your software ID obtained after publishing in 2captcha software catalog
callback - URL of your web server that receives the captcha recognition result. The URL should be first registered in pingback settings of your account
defaultTimeout 120 Polling timeout in seconds for all captcha types except reCAPTCHA. Defines how long the module tries to get the answer from the res.php API endpoint
recaptchaTimeout 600 Polling timeout for reCAPTCHA in seconds. Defines how long the module tries to get the answer from the res.php API endpoint
pollingInterval 10 Interval in seconds between requests to the res.php API endpoint. Setting values less than 5 seconds is not recommended
extendedResponse None Set to True to get the response with additional fields or in more practical format (enables JSON response from res.php API endpoint). Suitable for ClickCaptcha, Canvas


Once callback is defined for the TwoCaptcha instance, all methods return only the captcha ID and DO NOT poll the API to get the result. The result will be sent to the callback URL.

To get the answer manually use get_result method

Solve captcha

When you submit any image-based CAPTCHA, you can provide additional options to help 2captcha workers solve it properly.

Captcha options

Option Default Value Description
numeric 0 Defines if the captcha contains numeric or other symbols see more info in the API docs
minLen 0 minimal answer length
maxLen 0 maximum answer length
phrase 0 defines if the answer contains multiple words or not
caseSensitive 0 defines if the answer is case sensitive
calc 0 defines captcha requires calculation
lang - defines the captcha language; see the list of supported languages
hintImg - an image with a hint shown to workers with the captcha
hintText - hint or task text shown to workers with the captcha

Below, you can find basic examples for every captcha type. Check out examples directory for more examples with all available options.

Normal Captcha

API method description.

To bypass a normal captcha (distorted text on an image) use the following method. This method can also be used to recognize any text in an image.

result = solver.normal('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...)
# OR
result = solver.normal('', param1=..., ...)

Audio Captcha

API method description.

Use the following method to bypass an audio captcha (mp3 formats only). You must provide the language as lang = 'en'. Supported languages are "en", "ru", "de", "el", "pt", "fr".

result ='path/to/captcha.mp3', lang = 'lang', param1=..., ...)
# OR
result ='', lang = 'lang', param1=..., ...)

Text Captcha

API method description.

This method can be used to bypass a captcha that requires answering a question provided in clear text.

result = solver.text('If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?', param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Use the following method to solve reCAPTCHA V2 and obtain a token to bypass the protection.

result = solver.recaptcha(sitekey='6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-',
                          param1=..., ...)


API method description.

This method provides a reCAPTCHA V3 solver and returns a token.

result = solver.recaptcha(sitekey='6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-',
                            param1=..., ...)


API method description.

FunCaptcha (Arkoselabs) solving method. Returns a token.

result = solver.funcaptcha(sitekey='6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-',
                            param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Method to solve GeeTest puzzle captcha. Returns a set of tokens as JSON.

result = solver.geetest(gt='f1ab2cdefa3456789012345b6c78d90e',
                        param1=..., ...)

GeeTest v4

API method description.

Use this method to solve GeeTest v4. Returns the response in JSON.

result = solver.geetest_v4(captcha_id='e392e1d7fd421dc63325744d5a2b9c73',
                            param1=..., ...)

Lemin Cropped Captcha

API method description.

Use this method to solve the Lemin captcha. Returns JSON with an answer containing the following values: answer, challenge_id.

result = solver.lemin(captcha_id='CROPPED_1abcd2f_a1234b567c890d12ef3a456bc78d901d',
                            param1=..., ...)

Yandex Smart

Use this method to solve Yandex Smart Captcha. Returns JSON with the token.

result = solver.yandex_smart(sitekey='0x1AAAAh45AAAAkg0s2VIOD34y5hy4h4h',
               proxy={'type': 'HTTPS', 'uri': 'login:password@IP_address:PORT'},
               userAgent='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36')

Cloudflare Turnstile

API method description.

Use this method to solve Cloudflare Turnstile. Returns JSON with the token.

result = solver.turnstile(sitekey='0x1AAAAAAAAkg0s2VIOD34y5',
                            useragent='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36')

Amazon WAF

API method description.

Use this method to solve Amazon WAF Captcha also known as AWS WAF Captcha is a part of Intelligent threat mitigation for Amazon AWS. Returns JSON with the token.

result = solver.amazon_waf(sitekey='0x1AAAAAAAAkg0s2VIOD34y5',
                            param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Token-based method to solve KeyCaptcha.

result = solver.keycaptcha(s_s_c_user_id=10,
    				   param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Use this method to solve atbCaptcha challenge. Returns a token to bypass the captcha.

result = solver.atb_captcha(app_id='af25e409b33d722a95e56a230ff8771c',
                            param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Token-based method to bypass Capy puzzle captcha.

result = solver.capy(sitekey='PUZZLE_Abc1dEFghIJKLM2no34P56q7rStu8v',
                     param1=..., ...)


API method description.

The grid method was originally called the Old reCAPTCHA V2 method. The method can be used to bypass any type of captcha where you can apply a grid on an image and click specific grid boxes. Returns numbers of boxes.

result = solver.grid('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...)


API method description.

The canvas method can be used when you need to draw a line around an object on an image. Returns a set of points' coordinates to draw a polygon.

result = solver.canvas('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...)


API method description.

The ClickCaptcha method returns the coordinates of points on the captcha image. It can be used if you need to click on particular points in the image.

result = solver.coordinates('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...)


API method description.

This method can be used to solve a captcha that asks to rotate an object. It is mostly used to bypass FunCaptcha. Returns the rotation angle.

result = solver.rotate('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Use this method to solve MTCaptcha and obtain a token to bypass the protection.

result = solver.mtcaptcha(sitekey='MTPublic-KzqLY1cKH',
                          param1=..., ...)

Friendly Captcha

API method description.

Friendly Captcha solving method. Returns a token.


To successfully use the received token, the captcha widget must not be loaded on the page. To do this, you need to abort request to /friendlycaptcha/...module.min.js on the page. When the captcha widget is already loaded on the page, there is a high probability that the received token will not work.

result = solver.friendly_captcha(sitekey='FCMGEMUD2KTDSQ5H',
                                 param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Use this method to solve Cutcaptcha. Returns the response in JSON.

result = solver.cutcaptcha(misery_key='ad52c87af17e2ec09b8d918c9f00416b1cb8c320',
                           param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Use this method to solve Tencent captcha. Returns a token.

result = solver.tencent(app_id="197326679",
                        param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Use this method to solve DataDome captcha.


To solve the DataDome captcha, you must use a proxy. It is recommended to use residential proxies.

result = solver.datadome(captcha_url="",
                         userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
                            'type': 'HTTP',
                            'uri': 'login:password@IP_address:PORT'
                         param1=..., ...)


API method description.

Use this method to solve CyberSiARA. Returns a token.

result = solver.cybersiara(master_url_id='tpjOCKjjpdzv3d8Ub2E9COEWKt1vl1Mv',
                           userAgent='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
                           param1=..., ...)

Other methods

send / get_result

These methods can be used for manual captcha submission and answer polling. The send() method supports sending any captcha type, to specify the captcha type you must send value method manually, for example method='recaptcha' for solving reCaptcha. You can find the value of the method parameter in the API documentation.

Example for solving Normal captcha manually:

import time
. . . . . 

id = solver.send(file='path/to/captcha.jpg')

code = solver.get_result(id)


API method description.

Use this method to get your account's balance

balance = solver.balance()


API method description.

Use this method to report good or bad captcha answers., True) # captcha solved correctly, False) # captcha solved incorrectly

Error handling

In case of an error, the captcha solver throws an exception. It's important to properly handle these cases. We recommend using try except to handle exceptions. The list of all errors can be found in the API documentation.

    result = solver.text('If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?')
except ValidationException as e:
    # invalid parameters passed
except NetworkException as e:
	# network error occurred
except ApiException as e:
    # api respond with error
except TimeoutException as e:
    # captcha is not solved so far


You can pass your proxy as an additional argument for the following methods: recaptcha, funcaptcha, geetest, geetest v4, keycaptcha, capy puzzle, lemin, atbcaptcha, turnstile, amazon waf, mtcaptcha, friendly captcha, cutcaptcha, Tencent, DataDome, cybersiara.

The proxy will be forwarded to the API to solve the captcha.

We have our own proxies that we can offer you. Buy residential proxies to avoid restrictions and blocks. Quick start.

    'type': 'HTTPS',
    'uri': 'login:password@IP_address:PORT'

Async calls

You can also make async calls with asyncio, for example:

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha

image = "..."

async def captchaSolver(image):
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
        result = await loop.run_in_executor(pool, lambda: TwoCaptcha(API_KEY).normal(image))
        return result

captcha_result =


Examples of solving all supported captcha types are located in the examples directory.

Examples using Selenium

Also we have a separate repository you can find examples of captcha solving using Selenium library. At the moment we have implemented examples of bypassing reCAPTCHA, Cloudflare, Coordinates, MTCaptcha, normal captcha (image captcha) and text captcha using Selenium.

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