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Generates dynamic forms from JSON.

Vue 3

Use version 2.x.x

Vue 2

Use version 1.x.x

🚧 This is Work in progress. Not recommended to use in production.

πŸ“¦ Installation

npm install @7span/vue-form

✨ Usage

<v-form ref="vForm" v-model="values" :config="form.config" :fields="form.fields"></v-form>

βš™οΈ Props

1. config

Config defines how to process the form. Configuration options are as below

Option Default Possible Values What is does
defaults {} Default configuration for the fields.
endpoint null Valid URL An endpoint to process data for CRUD

2. fields

An array containing configuration object of the fields of form. The key of the object will be added as name of field. Each object can have below options.

Option Default Possible Values What is does
interface input input,choice,select,file,textarea Renders input elements. choice will render either radio or checkbox. Know more.
type text text,email,radio,checkbox etc. Based on input, the type can be diffrent. I.e. the input can have email,text,url etc.
label Camel cased value of key String The label of the field
placeholder null String The placeholder. Will be added where supported.
value null String, Array The default value to set whilte rendering form. If repeater is set, provide an array of values.
hide false Boolean If the field is hidden.
choices [] Array Options for radio,checkbox & select. Know more.
messages null Object Know more.
design {} Object Know more.
repeater null Object If allow to add multiple values to field. Know more.
before null String Value to prepend in Field Group
after null String Value to append in Field Group
fields null Object If interface is set to group, you can provide fields under this which follows same structure as fields prop. This is recursive.


List of possible interfaces to add into field configuration.

Name Types Desc
input text,email,url,[any valid input type]
choice radio, checkbox
select NA
file NA
textarea NA
group NA You can group fields under one with this. This will recursively create form fields.


Choices is an array of objects with below keys.

Option Default Possible Values What it does
label null String The display text.
value null String ,Number The value.


The object contains diffrent messages to show for validation and helper text.

Option Default Possible Values What it does
desc null String A helper message to show below field.
invalid null String A warning message to show when field validation fails.
valid null String A success message to show when field validation is truthy.


Option Default Possible Values What it does
col 12 Number from 1-12 How many cols to occupy in grid.
grid Number When rendering field choices in radio/checkbox, how many items should be displayed in single row


Option Default Possible Values What it does
max null Number Maximum values to allowed to add.
min null Number Minimum values required.

🏁 Events

1. change

The change event exposes following values as an object.

key Type What it contains
changed Array An array of changed values. It will only contain multiple values if the fields are grouped. Know more
values Object All the values in current state.
valuesObj Object All the values with metadata in current state.


The changed object contains following keys.

  • action : What action taken which triggered the change event. Possible values are:
    • input: When the field value is updated.
    • child-input: In a case of grouped fields, if the child value is updated, the parent action will be this.
    • repeater-add: When a new repeater field is added.
    • repeater-remove: When a new repeater field is removed.
  • field: Name of the field.
  • value: Value of the field.
  • valueObj: Value of the field with metadata.
  • index: If the field is repeater one, the index of affected repeater item.

πŸ•³ Slots

  • form--start
  • form--end
  • field--before--{field-name}
  • field--before--{field-name}--{index}
  • field--after--{field-name}
  • field--after--{field-name}--{index}
  • field--start--{field-name}
  • field--start--{field-name}--${index}
  • field--end--{field-name}
  • field--end--{field-name}--${index}
  • repeater--add
  • repeater--remove

βš”οΈ Methods

1. setValue

You can set the value directly from your component by calling this function.

  field: "e_company", 
  value: "7Span Tech",
  index: 1 // Required only if you want to set value at specific index in repeater fields.

2. setConfig

You can modify the config from your component by calling this function.

  field: "e_company", 
  key:"after", // The configuration key as provided in fields
  value: "#", // The value of the configuration.
  index: 1 // Required only if you want to set value at specific index in repeater fields.