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76 lines (61 loc) · 3.77 KB


A code editor widget for customtkinter. image


  • Multiple language support
  • Code syntax highlighting
  • Multiple Themes
  • Right-click copy-paste menu
  • Line numbers on left side
  • Fully customizable
  • Easy to Use


GitHub repo size

Download the source code, paste the CTkCodeBox folder in the directory where your program is present.
Requirements: Pygments and TkLineNums

Simple Usage

import customtkinter
from CTkCodeBox import *

root = customtkinter.CTk()

codebox = CTkCodeBox(root, language="python")
codebox.pack(padx=10, pady=10, expand=True,fill="both")



Parameter Description
width change the default width of the widget
height change the default height of the widget
fg_color change the fg_color of the widget
language set the language lexer for the codebox
theme change the overall color theme for the code syntax
line_numbering boolean, enable or disable the line numbering
numbering_color change text color of the line numbering
menu boolean, enable or disable the right click popup menu
menu_fg_color color of the menu (optional)
menu_text_color text color of the menu buttons (optional)
menu_hover_color hover color of the menu buttons (optional)
wrap enable or disabled word wrapping in the textbox
select_color change the selection color of the codebox
cursor_color change the cursor color I (blinking)
undo boolean, enable or disable the undo text feature
*Other Parameters All other parameters of ctktextbox can be passed in ctkcodebox


  • .insert(index, code): insert code in the box
  • .configure(kwargs): change parameters of the codebox
  • .cget(parameter): get the parameter name from the codebox
  • .update_code(): update the code syntax colors
  • .clear_code(): delete all the code from the box


More lexers available here:

Color Themes

abap, arduino, autumn, borland, colorful, default, dracula, emacs, friendly_grayscale, friendly, fruity, github-dark, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, igor, inkpot, lightbulb, lilypond, lovelace, manni, material, monokai, murphy, native, nord-darker, nord, one-dark, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash, rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, staroffice, stata-dark, stata-light, tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode, zenburn

More style examples given here:

Follow me for more stuff like this: Akascape

That's all, hope this project can help!