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  <i>Huge collection of All ▲lgorithms implemented in multiple languages</i>

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## See

- [What is an algorithm](#what-is-an-algorithm)
- [Contributing](
- [Code of Conduct](
- [Stickers and T-Shirts](
- [Twitter](
- [Instagram](
- [Algorithms Categories](#categories)
- [Maintainers](#maintainers)
- [License](#license)

## What is an algorithm?

Informally, an algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes
some value, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of values, as
output. An algorithm is thus a sequence of computational steps that transform the
input into the output.

An algorithm should have three important characteristics to be considered valid:

- **It should be finite**: If your algorithm never ends trying to solve the problem
it was designed to solve then it is useless
- **It should have well defined instructions**: Each step of the algorithm has to
be precisely defined; the instructions should be unambiguously specified for each case.
- **It should be effective**: The algorithm should solve the problem it was designed
to solve. And it should be possible to demonstrate that the algorithm converges with
just a paper and pencil.

## Categories

> Structure of The All ▲lgoritms project

- [Artificial Intelligence](#artificial-intelligence)
- [Backtracking](#backtracking)
- [Bit Manipulation](#bit-manipulation)
- [Cellular Automaton](#cellular-automaton)
- [Ciphers](#ciphers)
- [Computational Geometry](#computational-geometry)
- [Cryptography](#cryptography)
- [Data Structures](#data-structures)
- [Divide and conquer](#divide-and-conquer)
- [Dynamic Programming](#dynamic-programming)
- [Gaming Theory](#gaming-theory)
- [Graphs](#graphs)
- [Greedy Algorithms](#greedy-algorithms)
- [Math](#math)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [Numerical Analysis](#numerical-analysis)
- [Operating system](#operating-system)
- [Randomized Algorithms](#randomized-algorithms)
- [Searches](#searches)
- [Selections Algorithms](#selections-algorithms)
- [Sorting](#sorting)
- [Strings](#strings)
- [Online Challenges](#online-challenges)
- [Others](#others)

## [Artificial Intelligence](artificial-intelligence)

- [Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN Clustering)](
- [Interactive Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique yAy! (ISODATA Clustering)](
- [Linear Regression](
- [Logistic Regression](
- [Neutral Style Transfer](
- [SATisfiable (SAT)](
- [Travelling salesman problem (TSP)](
- [A* (A Star)](
- [Artificial Neutral Network](
- [Convolutional Neutral Network](
- [Decision Tree](
- [Factorization Machines](
- [Gaussian Mixture Model](
- [Gradient Boosting Trees](
- [Hierachical Clustering](
- [Image Processing](
- [K Nearest Neighbors](
- [K Means](
- [Minimax](
- [Native Bayes](
- [Nearest Sequence Memory](
- [Neutral Network](
- [Perceptron](
- [Principal Component Analysis](
- [Q Learing](
- [Random Forests](
- [Restricted Boltzman Machine](

## [Backtracking](backtracking)

- [Algorithm X](backtracking/algorithm-x)
- [Crossword Puzzle](backtracking/crossword-Puzzle)
- [Knight Tour](backtracking/knight-tour)
- [M Coloring Problem](backtracking/m-coloring-problem)
- [N Queen](backtracking/n-queen)
- [Number of ways in Maze](backtracking/number-of-ways-in-maze)
- [Partitions of set](backtracking/partitions-of-set)
- [Permutation of Strings](backtracking/permutation-of-strings)
- [Powerset](backtracking/powerset)
- [Rat in maze](backtracking/rat-in-maze)
- [Subset Sum](backtracking/subset-sum)
- [Sudoku Solve](backtracking/sudoku-solve)

## [Bit Manipulation](bit-manipulation)

- [Addition using bits](bit-manipulation/adding-using-bits)
- [Bit divisor](bit-manipulation/bit-divisor)
- [Byte swapper](bit-manipulation/byte-swapper)
- [Convert numbers to binary](bit-manipulation/convert-numbers-to-binary)
- [Count set bits](bit-manipulation/count-set-bits)
- [Flip bits](bit-manipulation/flip-bits)
- [Hamming distance](bit-manipulation/hamming-distace)
- [Invert bit](bit-manipulation/invert-bit)
- [Lonely integer](bit-manipulation/lonely-integer)
- [Magic Number](bit-manipulation/magic-number)
- [Maximum XOR Value](bit-manipulation/maximun-xor-value)
- [Power of 2](bit-manipulation/power-of-2)
- [Subset Generation](bit-manipulation/subset-generation)
- [Sum binary numbers](bit-manipulation/sum-binary-numbers)
- [Sum equals XOR](bit-manipulation/sum-equals-xor)
- [Thrice unique number](bit-manipulation/thrice-unique-number)
- [Twice unique number](bit-manipulation/twice-unique-number)
- [XOR Swap](bit-manipulation/xor-swap)

## [Cellular Automaton](cellular-automaton)

- [Brians Brain](cellular-automaton/brians-brain)
- [Conways Game of life](cellular-automaton/conways-game-of-life)
- [Elementary Cellular Automata](cellular-automaton/elementary-cellular-automata)
- [Generic Algorithm](cellular-automaton/generic-algorithm)
- [Langtons Ant](cellular-automaton/langtons-ant)
- [Nobili Cellular Automata](cellular-automaton/nobili-cellular-automata)
- [Von Neoumann Cellular Automata](cellular-automaton/von-neoumann-cellular-automata)

## [Computational Geometry](computational-geometry)

- [2D Line intersection](computational-geometry/)
- [2D Separating Axis test](computational-geometry/)
- [Area of polygon](computational-geometry/)
- [Area of triangle](computational-geometry/)
- [Axis aligned bounding box collision](computational-geometry/)
- [Bresenham Line](computational-geometry/)
- [Chans Algorithm](computational-geometry/)
- [Cohen-Sutherland Lineclip](computational-geometry/)
- [Distance between points](computational-geometry/)
- [Graham Scan](computational-geometry/)
- [Halfplane intersection](computational-geometry/)
- [Jarvis March](computational-geometry/)
- [Quickhull](computational-geometry/)
- [Sphere tetrahedron intersection](computational-geometry/)
- [Sutherland-Hodgman clipping](computational-geometry/)

## [Cryptography](cryptography)

- [Affine Cipher](cryptography/)
- [Atbash Cipher](cryptography/)
- [Autokey Cipher](cryptography/)
- [Baconian Cipher](cryptography/)
- [Caesar Cipher](cryptography/)
- [Colummnar Cipher](cryptography/)
- [Vigenere Cipher](cryptography/)

## [Data Structures](data-structures)

- [Bag](data-structures/bag/)
- [Hashes](data-structures/hashes/)
- [Linked List](data-structures/linked-list/)
- [List](data-structures/list/)
- [Queue](data-structures/queue/)
- [Stack](data-structures/stack/)
- [Tree](data-structures/tree/)

## [Divide and conquer](divide-and-conquer)

- [Strassen Matrix Manipulation](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Closest Pair of Point](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Inversion Count](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Karatsuba Multiplication](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Maximum Contiguous subsequence sum](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Merge Sort using divide and conquer](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Quick Sort using divide and conquer](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Tournament Method to find min max](divide-and-conquer/)
- [Warnock Algorithm](divide-and-conquer/)
- [X Power Y](divide-and-conquer/)

## [Dynamic Programming](dynamic-programming)

- [Array Median](dynamic-programming)
- [Optima Binary Search Tree](dynamic-programming)
- [Binomial Coefficient](dynamic-programming)

## [Gaming Theory](gaming-theory)

- [Nim Next Best Move Game](gaming-theory/)
- [Nim Win Loss Game](gaming-theory/)
- [Grundy Numbers Kayle Game](gaming-theory/)

## [Graphs](graphs)

- [Bipartite Check](graphs/)
- [Adjacency Lists graphs representation](graphs/)
- [A* (A Star)](

## [Greedy Algorithms](greedy-algorithms)

- [Activity Selection](greedy-algorithms)
- [Dijkstra Shortest Path](greedy-algorithms)
- [Egyptian Fraction](greedy-algorithms)

## [Math](math)

- [2 Sum](math/)
- [Add Polynomials](math/)
- [Amicable Numbers](math/)
- [Armstrong Numbers](math/)
- [Automorphic Numbers](math/)
- [Average Stream Numbers](math/)
- [Babylonian Method](math/)
- [Binomial Coefficient](math/)
- [Catalan Number](math/)
- [Check is Square](math/)
- [Convolution](math/)
- [Coprime Numbers](math/)
- [Count Digits](math/)
- [Count Trailing Zeroes](math/)
- [Decoding of String](math/)
- [Delannoy Number](math/)
- [Derangements](math/)
- [DFA Division](math/)
- [Diophantine](math/)
- [Divided Differences](math/)
- [Euler Totient](math/)
- [Exponentiation Power](math/)
- [Factorial](math/factorial)
- [Fast Fourier Transform](math/)
- [Fast inverse (sqrt) Square Root](math/)

## [Networking](networking)

- [Packet Sniffer](networking/)
- [Determine Endianess](networking/)
- [Validate IP](networking/)

## [Numerical Analysis](numerical-analysis)

- [Integral](numerical-analysis/integral)
- [Monte Carlo](numerical-analysis/monte-carlo)
- [Runge Kutt](numerical-analysis/runge-kutt)

## [Operating system](operating-system)

- [Currency](operating-system/)
- [Deadlocks](operating-system/)
- [Memory Management](operating-system/)
- [Scheduling](operating-system/)
- [Shell](operating-system/)

## [Randomized Algorithms](randomized-algorithms)

- [Birthday Paradox](randomized-algorithms)
- [Karger Minimum Cut Algorithm](randomized-algorithms)
- [Kth Smallest Element Algorithm](randomized-algorithms)
- [Random from Stream](randomized-algorithms)
- [Random Node Linked list](randomized-algorithms)
- [Randomized Quicksort](randomized-algorithms)
- [Reservoir Sampling](randomized-algorithms)
- [Shuffle an Array](randomized-algorithms)

## [Searches](searches)

- [Binary Search](searches)
- [Exponential Search](searches)
- [Fibonacci Search](searches)
- [Fuzzy Search](searches)
- [Interpolation Search](searches)
- [Jump Search](searches)
- [Linear Search](searches)
- [Ternay Search](searches)

## [Selections Algorithms](selections-algorithms)

- [Median of Medians](selections-algorithms)
- [Quick Select](selections-algorithms)

## [Sorting](sorting)

- [Bead Sort](sorting/)
- [Bogo Sort](sorting/)
- [Bubble Sort](sorting/)
- [Bucket Sort](sorting/)
- [Circle Sort](sorting/)
- [Comb Sort](sorting/)
- [Counting Sort](sorting/)
- [Cycle Sort](sorting/)
- [Flash Sort](sorting/)
- [Gnome Sort](sorting/)
- [Heap Sort](sorting/)
- [Insertion Sort](sorting/)
- [Intro Sort](sorting/)
- [Median Sort](sorting/)
- [Merge Sort](sorting/)
- [Pigeonhole Sort](sorting/)
- [Quick Sort](sorting/)
- [Radix Sort](sorting/)
- [Selection Sort](sorting/)
- [Shaker Sort](sorting/)
- [Shell Sort](sorting/)
- [Sleep Sort](sorting/)
- [Stooge Sort](sorting/)
- [Topological Sort](sorting/)
- [Tree Sort](sorting/)

## [Strings](strings)

- [Aho-Corasick Algorithm](strings)
- [Anagram Search](strings)
- [Arithmetic on large numbers](strings)
- [Boyer-Moore Algorithm](strings)
- [Finite Automata](strings)
- [Kasai Algorithm](strings)
- [Kmp Algorithm](strings)
- [Levenshtein Distance](strings)
- [Lipogram Checker](strings)

## [Online Challenges](online-challenges)

- [Coderbyte](online-challenges/coderbyte)
- [Code Chef](online-challenges/code-chef)
- [Code Eval](online-challenges/code-eval)
- [Hackerearth](online-challenges/hackerearth)
- [Hackerrank](online-challenges/hackerrank)
- [LeetCode](online-challenges/leetcode)
- [Project Euler](online-challenges/project-euler)
- [Rosalind](online-challenges/rosalind)
- [SPOJ](online-challenges/spoj)
- [Top Coder](online-challenges/top-coder)`

## [Others](others)

- [Average](others/)
- [Biggest of n numbers](others/)
- [Biggest Suffix](others/)
- [Fifteen Puzzle](others/)
- [Jaccard Similarity](others/)
- [Jose Phus Problem](others/)
- [Lapindrom Checker](others/)
- [Leap Year](others/)
- [Magic Square](others/)
- [Majority Element](others/)
- [Minimum subarray size with degree](others/)
- [No operator addition](others/)
- [Paint fill](others/)
- [Split list](others/)
- [Tokenizer](others/)
- [Unique number](others/)

## License

This work is released under MIT License.

To the extent possible under law, [Abraham Hernandez (@abranhe)]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

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