This docker build is currently experimental.
# 1. Build the docker image
docker build -t caiyeon/goldfish:<version> .
# or: pull the image from docker hub
docker pull caiyeon/goldfish:<version>
# 2. Create a config.hcl with your desired configuration (see wiki)
# set the file to an environment variable to be passed to docker later
export GOLDFISH_CONFIG=$(cat config.hcl)
# 3. Generate a token (or skip if you want to bootstrap goldfish later)
export VAULT_TOKEN=<see wiki for details>
# 4. Set a port to expose
export GOLDFISH_PORT=8000
# 5. Run (note double quotation marks around config env - preserves newlines)
docker run -it --rm -p ${GOLDFISH_PORT}:${GOLDFISH_PORT} \
To run in standalone dev mode:
Note: this will NOT work in OSX due to network being inside the docker VM
docker pull caiyeon/goldfish:<version>
docker run -it --rm --network=host caiyeon/goldfish:<version>