If you find yourself here, having read this manual from start to finish, I would like to extend a genuine thank-you for your time. Hopefully, jluna will be worth the effort you have already put in by reading this overly verbose manual.
Version 0.9.0 was released in late April 2022. As of its release, jluna can be considered feature complete. The library will still be supported, and any potential issues will be fixed, hopefully for years to come. Maybe, with time, a feature request will come in that inspires me to add a new section to jluna, we'll see. Some additional performance optimization may also happen, along with me maturing in my C++ knowledge.
For now, I would like to personally thank the Julia community, and in particular the Julia discord, for the positive response to jluna.
While I will never make any money from it, I still consider all this effort of mine to be worth it. Hopefully, jluna will lower the barrier of entry, allowing C++-devs, who were previously only tangentially interested in Julia, to finally properly get into it by embedding it into their project.
Unlike the C-API, I tried to make jluna as easy to use and as well-documented as is reasonable. Hopefully this giant manual is proof of that, and that I achieved my goal of doing better than the C-API, at least in terms of usability.
For collaboration or other matters, feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your participation,
C. Cords