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Text Fields

interface NumberField extends InputBase, TextInputBase, ValueBase<number>, RangeInputBase<number>, Labelable, DOMProps, StyleProps {
  isQuiet?: boolean,
  decrementAriaLabel?: string,
  incrementAriaLabel?: string,
  hideStepper?: boolean,
  formatOptions?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions

## NumberField Changes
| **v2**           | **v3**               | **Notes** |
| ---------------- | -------------------- | --------- |
| `<NumberInput>`  | `<NumberField>`      |           |
| `min`            | `minValue`           |           |
| `max`            | `maxValue`           |           |
| `decrementTitle` | `decrementAriaLabel` |           |
| `incrementTitle` | `incrementAriaLabel` |           |
| -                | `hideStepper`        | added     |
| -                | `formatOptions`      | added     |

Implementation details:

We need to support many different locales, so we can’t use parseFloat/Number() which will only work with specific locales. Instead, we should try starting from parsing like this, it should be able to handle Arabic numbers as well as a few others that we support. This can also help us figure out the allowed character set for a given locale. If we only specify the pattern [0-9], we miss the Arabic numerals, as this talks about We should handle the parsing in stately. We could possibly create a hook to do the opposite of our useNumberFormatter instead of a class like the above link has. Maybe useNumberParser?

To add units/currency to the value, we should pass that through the options for useNumberFormatter, which handles putting things in the right place automatically based on the locale. If a user needs to change the unit or the currency, then we should provide a Select or some other input. If we try to do it in the string itself, it’ll get complicated to parse since it can be in different places or may have different lengths of characters. It’d also complicate the pattern that we’d specify for the input. We should be able to do this in useNumberFieldState, which can return both the number value and the string textValue for use in the component.

We’d like to have the input and output of the NumberField be a number as this is the likely value type that will be stored in a database, not a string representation. If a consumer of our library needs the formatted string version of the value, they can pass the value from onChange through useNumberFormatter with the same options that they pass into NumberField and they should get the same string that is being displayed in the input.

Example Behavior

In an uncontrolled NumberField with defaultValue of 50 and style percent, when a user focuses, the entire text should be selected, so that the user can begin typing a new number. They type 34.56, we fire onChange only on a blur. Only characters that are valid numerals or separators can be typed, other keys like letters are ignored. When they blur, the % reappears after formatting according to the formatOptions again. The user should be able to type any valid symbols that the formatter would add.

If they typed something invalid (invalid combination of valid characters) at any point, we fail to parse it into parts, then we do not set the state to that value and we do not fire onChange. This should prevent us from re-rendering so they could still change it to something valid. If they blur while it’s invalid, we haven’t updated the state with anything invalid, so we just format and display that value.

More notes:

We shouldn’t restrict people to a numeral system and we should retain the users numeral system, but format based on the locale. To do this, detect the locale entered using character mapping to Determine what assumptions are valid with this, if the user starts entering Arabic numerals and then starts entering Latin, what do we do. See if we can keep things like currency symbols from the formatter in the textfield the entire time. Can we ignore any invalid characters? use [pattern]? Input mode should go to numberpad in mobile, how can we do this best? other numeral systems? what about minus signs

Future considerations:

Large number formatting? Million is M in English, but Mo in French