Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Git must be installed on your operating system.
- Clone this repo.
To run Smart Attendance System, run this command on your git bash:
Linux and macOS:
sudo git clone
git clone
Navigate to Smart Attendance Folder
Install required python packages
pip install -r requirements
Now first we should have the students's data We have name and roll number of the students stored in a data.csv We will encode the each student's name(a string) into a qrcode
In first we will read the data.csv and make a list of name and their rollnumber By cv2 , If a student is present it will give his or her code to camera , we will decode it and by decoding it we will get his or her name after that we will remove his or her name from name list Which names are left in list ,simple logic they are absent
the path of csv should be according your system
If one student has all qrcode than it can also presents his all friends , but soon this code
is going to be integretad by Face Recognization