To integrate the vue-storefront with third party platform You should start with building the API around the platform. It should be compatible with the following specification to let Vue Storefront app seamlesly use it and process the data.
Note: Please check the sample API implementation. It's compliant with this API specification.
Here you can find some example implementations of this API for different platforms:
- NodeJS, this is our default API integrated with magento2magento1-vsbridge
- API implementation done as a native Magento1 modulecoreshop-bridge
- Symfony based implementation for Coreshop,spree2vuestorefront
- Ruby implementation for the Spree Commerce platform.
All methods accept and respond with application/json
content type.
Cart module is in charge of creating the eCommerce backend shopping carts and synchronizing the items users have in Vue Storefront and eCommerce backend. For example it can synchronize Vue Storefront shopping cart with the Magento quotes.
This method is called when new Vue Storefront shopping cart is created. First visit, page refresh, after user-authorization ... If the token
GET parameter is provided it's called as logged-in user; if not - it's called as guest-user. To draw the difference - let's keep to Magento example. For guest user vue-storefront-api is subsequently operating on /guest-carts
API endpoints and for authorized users on /carts/
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
curl '' -X POST
For authorized user:
curl '' -X POST
For guest user
"code": 200,
"result": "a17b9b5fb9f56652b8280bb94c52cd93"
The result
is a guest-cart id that should be used for all subsequent cart related operations as ?cartId=a17b9b5fb9f56652b8280bb94c52cd93
For authorized user
The result
is a cart-id that should be used for all subsequent cart related operations as ?cartId=81668
when success500
in case of error
Method used to fetch the current server side shopping cart content, used mostly for synchronization purposes when config.cart.synchronize=true
This method is called just after any Vue Storefront cart modification to check if the server or client shopping cart items need to be updated. It gets the current list of the shopping cart items. The synchronization algorithm in VueStorefront determines if server or client items need to be updated and executes api/cart/update
or api/cart/delete
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
- numeric (integer) value for authorized user cart id or GUID (mixed string) for guest cart ID obtained from api/cart/create
"code": 200,
"result": [
"item_id": 66257,
"sku": "WS08-M-Black",
"qty": 1,
"name": "Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee",
"price": 32,
"product_type": "configurable",
"quote_id": "dceac8e2172a1ff0cfba24d757653257",
"product_option": {
"extension_attributes": {
"configurable_item_options": [
"option_id": "93",
"option_value": 49
"option_id": "142",
"option_value": 169
"item_id": 66266,
"sku": "WS08-XS-Red",
"qty": 1,
"name": "Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee",
"price": 32,
"product_type": "configurable",
"quote_id": "dceac8e2172a1ff0cfba24d757653257",
"product_option": {
"extension_attributes": {
"configurable_item_options": [
"option_id": "93",
"option_value": 58
"option_id": "142",
"option_value": 167
Method used to add or update shopping cart item's server side. As a request body there should be JSON given representing the cart item. sku
and qty
are the two required options. If you like to update/edit server cart item You need to pass item_id
identifier as well (can be obtainted from api/cart/pull
This method is called just after api/cart/pull
as a consequence of the synchronization process
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
- numeric (integer) value for authorized user cart id or GUID (mixed string) for guest cart ID obtained from api/cart/create
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*' --data-binary '{"cartItem":{"sku":"MS10-XS-Black","item_id":5853,"quoteId":"81668"}}' --compressed
"name":"Logan HeatTec® Tee-XS-Black",
This method is used to remove the shopping cart item on server side.
This method is called just after api/cart/pull
as a consequence of the synchronization process
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
- numeric (integer) value for authorized user cart id or GUID (mixed string) for guest cart ID obtained from api/cart/create
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*' --data-binary '{"cartItem":{"sku":"MS10-XS-Black","item_id":5853,"quoteId":"81668"}}' --compressed
This method is used to apply the discount code to the current server side quote.
curl '' -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*'
This method is used to delete the discount code to the current server side quote.
curl '' -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*'
This method is used to get the currently applied coupon code
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*'
Method called when the config.synchronize_totals=true
just after any shopping cart modification. It's used to synchronize the Magento / other CMS totals after all promotion rules processed with current Vue Storefront state.
Note: Make sure to check notes on Cart prices
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*'
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
- numeric (integer) value for authorized user cart id or GUID (mixed string) for guest cart ID obtained from api/cart/create
You have totals data for the current, synchronized quote returned:
"name":"Logan HeatTec® Tee-XS-Black",
"options": "[{ \"label\": \"Color\", \"value\": \"red\" }, { \"label\": \"Size\", \"value\": \"XL\" }]",
"title":"Shipping & Handling",
"title":"Grand Total",
This method is used as a step in the cart synchronization process to get all the payment methods with actual costs as available inside the backend CMS
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*'
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
- numeric (integer) value for authorized user cart id or GUID (mixed string) for guest cart ID obtained from api/cart/create
"title":"Cash On Delivery"
"Check / Money order"
"title":"No Payment Information Required"
This method is used as a step in the cart synchronization process to get all the shipping methods with actual costs as available inside the backend CMS
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*' --data-binary '{"address":{"country_id":"PL"}}'
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
- numeric (integer) value for authorized user cart id or GUID (mixed string) for guest cart ID obtained from api/cart/create
If the shipping methods are dependend on the full address - probably we need to pass the whole address record with the same format as it's passed to api/order/create
or api/user/me
. The minimum required field is the country_id
"carrier_title":"Flat Rate",
This method sets the shipping information on specified quote which is a required step before calling api/cart/totals
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*' --data-binary '{"addressInformation":{"shipping_address":{"country_id":"PL"},"shipping_method_code":"flatrate","shipping_carrier_code":"flatrate"}}'
- null OR user token obtained from /api/user/login
- numeric (integer) value for authorized user cart id or GUID (mixed string) for guest cart ID obtained from api/cart/create
"code": 200,
"result": {
"payment_methods": [
"code": "cashondelivery",
"title": "Cash On Delivery"
"code": "checkmo",
"title": "Check / Money order"
"totals": {
"grand_total": 45.8,
"subtotal": 48,
"discount_amount": -8.86,
"subtotal_with_discount": 39.14,
"shipping_amount": 5,
"shipping_discount_amount": 0,
"tax_amount": 9.38,
"shipping_tax_amount": 0,
"base_shipping_tax_amount": 0,
"subtotal_incl_tax": 59.04,
"shipping_incl_tax": 5,
"base_currency_code": "USD",
"quote_currency_code": "USD",
"items_qty": 2,
"items": [
"item_id": 5853,
"price": 24,
"qty": 2,
"row_total": 48,
"row_total_with_discount": 0,
"tax_amount": 9.38,
"tax_percent": 23,
"discount_amount": 8.86,
"discount_percent": 15,
"price_incl_tax": 29.52,
"row_total_incl_tax": 59.04,
"base_row_total_incl_tax": 59.04,
"options": "[]",
"name": "Logan HeatTec® Tee-XS-Black"
"total_segments": [
"code": "subtotal",
"title": "Subtotal",
"value": 59.04
"code": "shipping",
"title": "Shipping & Handling (Flat Rate - Fixed)",
"value": 5
"code": "discount",
"title": "Discount",
"value": -8.86
"code": "tax",
"title": "Tax",
"value": 9.38,
"area": "taxes",
"extension_attributes": {
"tax_grandtotal_details": [
"amount": 9.38,
"rates": [
"percent": "23",
"title": "VAT23"
"group_id": 1
"code": "grand_total",
"title": "Grand Total",
"value": 55.18,
"area": "footer"
Registers new user to eCommerce backend users database.
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*'--data-binary '{"customer":{"email":"","firstname":"Joe","lastname":"Black"},"password":"SecretPassword!@#123"}'
"customer": {
"email": "",
"firstname": "Joe",
"lastname": "Black"
"password": "SecretPassword"
In case of success
"code": 200,
"result": {
"id": 286,
"group_id": 1,
"created_at": "2018-04-03 13:35:13",
"updated_at": "2018-04-03 13:35:13",
"created_in": "Default Store View",
"email": "",
"firstname": "Joe",
"lastname": "Black",
"store_id": 1,
"website_id": 1,
"addresses": [],
"disable_auto_group_change": 0
In case of error:
"code": 500,
"result": "Minimum of different classes of characters in password is 3. Classes of characters: Lower Case, Upper Case, Digits, Special Characters."
Authorizes the user. It's called after user submits "Login" form inside the Vue Storefront app. It returns the user token which should be used for all subsequent API calls that requires authorization
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' --data-binary '"username":"","password":"TopSecretPassword}'
"meta": { "refreshToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjEzOSJ9.a4HQc2HODmOj5SRMiv-EzWuMZbyIz0CLuVRhPw_MrOM" }
or in case of error:
"result":"You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled."
The result is a authorization token, that should be passed via ?token=xu8h02nd66yq0gaayj4x3kpqwity02or
GET param to all subsequent API calls that requires authorization
when success500
in case of error
Refresh the user token
"refreshToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjEzOSJ9.a4HQc2HODmOj5SRMiv-EzWuMZbyIz0CLuVRhPw_MrOM"
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' --data-binary '"refreshToken":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjEzOSJ9.a4HQc2HODmOj5SRMiv-EzWuMZbyIz0CLuVRhPw_MrOM"}'
or in case of error:
"result":"You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled."
The result is a authorization token, that should be passed via ?token=xu8h02nd66yq0gaayj4x3kpqwity02or
GET param to all subsequent API calls that requires authorization
when success500
in case of error
Sends the password reset link for the specified user.
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' --data-binary '{"email":""}'
"email": ""
"code": 500,
"result": "No such entity with email =, websiteId = 1"
This method is used to change password for current user identified by token
obtained from api/user/login
- user token returned from POST /api/user/login
"result":"The password doesn't match this account."
Get the user order history from server side
- user token returned from POST /api/user/login
"code": 200,
"result": {
"items": [
"applied_rule_ids": "1,5",
"base_currency_code": "USD",
"base_discount_amount": -3.3,
"base_grand_total": 28,
"base_discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"base_shipping_amount": 5,
"base_shipping_discount_amount": 0,
"base_shipping_incl_tax": 5,
"base_shipping_tax_amount": 0,
"base_subtotal": 22,
"base_subtotal_incl_tax": 27.06,
"base_tax_amount": 4.3,
"base_total_due": 28,
"base_to_global_rate": 1,
"base_to_order_rate": 1,
"billing_address_id": 204,
"created_at": "2018-01-23 15:30:04",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_group_id": 0,
"customer_is_guest": 1,
"customer_note_notify": 1,
"discount_amount": -3.3,
"email_sent": 1,
"entity_id": 102,
"global_currency_code": "USD",
"grand_total": 28,
"discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"increment_id": "000000102",
"is_virtual": 0,
"order_currency_code": "USD",
"protect_code": "3984835d33abd2423b8a47efd0f74579",
"quote_id": 1112,
"shipping_amount": 5,
"shipping_description": "Flat Rate - Fixed",
"shipping_discount_amount": 0,
"shipping_discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"shipping_incl_tax": 5,
"shipping_tax_amount": 0,
"state": "new",
"status": "pending",
"store_currency_code": "USD",
"store_id": 1,
"store_name": "Main Website\nMain Website Store\n",
"store_to_base_rate": 0,
"store_to_order_rate": 0,
"subtotal": 22,
"subtotal_incl_tax": 27.06,
"tax_amount": 4.3,
"total_due": 28,
"total_item_count": 1,
"total_qty_ordered": 1,
"updated_at": "2018-01-23 15:30:05",
"weight": 1,
"items": [
"amount_refunded": 0,
"applied_rule_ids": "1,5",
"base_amount_refunded": 0,
"base_discount_amount": 3.3,
"base_discount_invoiced": 0,
"base_discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"base_original_price": 22,
"base_price": 22,
"base_price_incl_tax": 27.06,
"base_row_invoiced": 0,
"base_row_total": 22,
"base_row_total_incl_tax": 27.06,
"base_tax_amount": 4.3,
"base_tax_invoiced": 0,
"created_at": "2018-01-23 15:30:04",
"discount_amount": 3.3,
"discount_invoiced": 0,
"discount_percent": 15,
"free_shipping": 0,
"discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"is_qty_decimal": 0,
"is_virtual": 0,
"item_id": 224,
"name": "Radiant Tee-XS-Blue",
"no_discount": 0,
"order_id": 102,
"original_price": 22,
"price": 22,
"price_incl_tax": 27.06,
"product_id": 1546,
"product_type": "simple",
"qty_canceled": 0,
"qty_invoiced": 0,
"qty_ordered": 1,
"qty_refunded": 0,
"qty_shipped": 0,
"quote_item_id": 675,
"row_invoiced": 0,
"row_total": 22,
"row_total_incl_tax": 27.06,
"row_weight": 1,
"sku": "WS12-XS-Blue",
"store_id": 1,
"tax_amount": 4.3,
"tax_invoiced": 0,
"tax_percent": 23,
"updated_at": "2018-01-23 15:30:04",
"weight": 1
"billing_address": {
"address_type": "billing",
"city": "Some city2",
"company": "Divante",
"country_id": "PL",
"email": "",
"entity_id": 204,
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka",
"parent_id": 102,
"postcode": "50-203",
"street": [
"telephone": null,
"vat_id": "PL8951930748"
"payment": {
"account_status": null,
"additional_information": [
"Cash On Delivery",
"amount_ordered": 28,
"base_amount_ordered": 28,
"base_shipping_amount": 5,
"cc_last4": null,
"entity_id": 102,
"method": "cashondelivery",
"parent_id": 102,
"shipping_amount": 5
"status_histories": [],
"extension_attributes": {
"shipping_assignments": [
"shipping": {
"address": {
"address_type": "shipping",
"city": "Some city",
"company": "NA",
"country_id": "PL",
"email": "",
"entity_id": 203,
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka",
"parent_id": 102,
"postcode": "51-169",
"street": [
"telephone": null
"method": "flatrate_flatrate",
"total": {
"base_shipping_amount": 5,
"base_shipping_discount_amount": 0,
"base_shipping_incl_tax": 5,
"base_shipping_tax_amount": 0,
"shipping_amount": 5,
"shipping_discount_amount": 0,
"shipping_discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"shipping_incl_tax": 5,
"shipping_tax_amount": 0
"items": [
"amount_refunded": 0,
"applied_rule_ids": "1,5",
"base_amount_refunded": 0,
"base_discount_amount": 3.3,
"base_discount_invoiced": 0,
"base_discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"base_original_price": 22,
"base_price": 22,
"base_price_incl_tax": 27.06,
"base_row_invoiced": 0,
"base_row_total": 22,
"base_row_total_incl_tax": 27.06,
"base_tax_amount": 4.3,
"base_tax_invoiced": 0,
"created_at": "2018-01-23 15:30:04",
"discount_amount": 3.3,
"discount_invoiced": 0,
"discount_percent": 15,
"free_shipping": 0,
"discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0,
"is_qty_decimal": 0,
"is_virtual": 0,
"item_id": 224,
"name": "Radiant Tee-XS-Blue",
"no_discount": 0,
"order_id": 102,
"original_price": 22,
"price": 22,
"price_incl_tax": 27.06,
"product_id": 1546,
"product_type": "simple",
"qty_canceled": 0,
"qty_invoiced": 0,
"qty_ordered": 1,
"qty_refunded": 0,
"qty_shipped": 0,
"quote_item_id": 675,
"row_invoiced": 0,
"row_total": 22,
"row_total_incl_tax": 27.06,
"row_weight": 1,
"sku": "WS12-XS-Blue",
"store_id": 1,
"tax_amount": 4.3,
"tax_invoiced": 0,
"tax_percent": 23,
"updated_at": "2018-01-23 15:30:04",
"weight": 1
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [
"filters": [
"field": "customer_email",
"value": "",
"condition_type": "eq"
"total_count": 61
Gets the User profile for currently authorized user. It's called after POST /api/user/login
successful call.
- user token returned from POST /api/user/login
"created_at":"2018-02-28 12:05:39",
"updated_at":"2018-03-29 10:46:03",
"created_in":"Default Store View",
"street": ["Street name","13"],
when success500
in case of error
Updates the user address and other data information.
- user token returned from POST /api/user/login
As the request You should post the address information You like to apply to the current user (identified by the token).
"customer": {
"id": 222,
"group_id": 1,
"default_billing": "105",
"default_shipping": "105",
"created_at": "2018-03-16 19:01:18",
"updated_at": "2018-04-03 12:59:13",
"created_in": "Default Store View",
"email": "",
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka",
"store_id": 1,
"website_id": 1,
"addresses": [
"id": 109,
"customer_id": 222,
"region": {
"region_code": null,
"region": null,
"region_id": 0
"region_id": 0,
"country_id": "PL",
"street": [
"company": "Divante2",
"telephone": "",
"postcode": "50-203",
"city": "Wrocław",
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka2",
"vat_id": "PL8951930748"
"disable_auto_group_change": 0
In the response You'll get the current, updated information about the user.
"code": 200,
"result": {
"id": 222,
"group_id": 1,
"created_at": "2018-03-16 19:01:18",
"updated_at": "2018-04-04 02:59:52",
"created_in": "Default Store View",
"email": "",
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka",
"store_id": 1,
"website_id": 1,
"addresses": [
"id": 109,
"customer_id": 222,
"region": {
"region_code": null,
"region": null,
"region_id": 0
"region_id": 0,
"country_id": "PL",
"street": [
"company": "Divante2",
"telephone": "",
"postcode": "50-203",
"city": "Wrocław",
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka2",
"vat_id": "PL8951930748"
"disable_auto_group_change": 0
when success500
in case of error
This method is used to check the stock item for specified product sku
"code": 200,
"result": {
"item_id": 580,
"product_id": 580,
"stock_id": 1,
"qty": 53,
"is_in_stock": true,
"is_qty_decimal": false,
"show_default_notification_message": false,
"use_config_min_qty": true,
"min_qty": 0,
"use_config_min_sale_qty": 1,
"min_sale_qty": 1,
"use_config_max_sale_qty": true,
"max_sale_qty": 10000,
"use_config_backorders": true,
"backorders": 0,
"use_config_notify_stock_qty": true,
"notify_stock_qty": 1,
"use_config_qty_increments": true,
"qty_increments": 0,
"use_config_enable_qty_inc": true,
"enable_qty_increments": false,
"use_config_manage_stock": true,
"manage_stock": true,
"low_stock_date": null,
"is_decimal_divided": false,
"stock_status_changed_auto": 0
This method is used to check multiple stock items for specified product skus. Requires skus
param of comma-separated values to indicate which stock items to return.
"code": 200,
"result": [
"item_id": 580,
"product_id": 580,
"stock_id": 1,
"qty": 53,
"is_in_stock": true,
"is_qty_decimal": false,
"show_default_notification_message": false,
"use_config_min_qty": true,
"min_qty": 0,
"use_config_min_sale_qty": 1,
"min_sale_qty": 1,
"use_config_max_sale_qty": true,
"max_sale_qty": 10000,
"use_config_backorders": true,
"backorders": 0,
"use_config_notify_stock_qty": true,
"notify_stock_qty": 1,
"use_config_qty_increments": true,
"qty_increments": 0,
"use_config_enable_qty_inc": true,
"enable_qty_increments": false,
"use_config_manage_stock": true,
"manage_stock": true,
"low_stock_date": null,
"is_decimal_divided": false,
"stock_status_changed_auto": 0
Queue the order into the order queue which will be asynchronously submitted to the eCommerce backend.
The user_id
field is a numeric user id as returned in api/user/me
The cart_id
is a guest or authorized users quote id (You can mix guest cart with authroized user as well)
"user_id": "",
"cart_id": "d90e9869fbfe3357281a67e3717e3524",
"products": [
"sku": "WT08-XS-Yellow",
"qty": 1
"addressInformation": {
"shippingAddress": {
"region": "",
"region_id": 0,
"country_id": "PL",
"street": [
"company": "NA",
"telephone": "",
"postcode": "50-201",
"city": "Wroclaw",
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka",
"email": "",
"region_code": ""
"billingAddress": {
"region": "",
"region_id": 0,
"country_id": "PL",
"street": [
"company": "Company name",
"telephone": "",
"postcode": "50-201",
"city": "Wroclaw",
"firstname": "Piotr",
"lastname": "Karwatka",
"email": "",
"region_code": "",
"vat_id": "PL88182881112"
"shipping_method_code": "flatrate",
"shipping_carrier_code": "flatrate",
"payment_method_code": "cashondelivery",
"payment_method_additional": {}
"order_id": "1522811662622-d3736c94-49a5-cd34-724c-87a3a57c2750",
"transmited": false,
"created_at": "2018-04-04T03:14:22.622Z",
"updated_at": "2018-04-04T03:14:22.622Z"
In case of the JSON validation error, the validation errors will be returned inside the result
Catalog endpoints are a proxy to Elastic Search 5.x and can be used to search the store catalog (synchronized with Magento2 or other platform).
Note: This endpoint is not required as it's possible to configure the vue-storefront
to connect directly to Elastic. Please just set the proper Elastic URL in the config/local.json:elasticsearch
is an Elastic Search index name - by default it's vue_storefront_catalog
for most instalations
is an Elastic Search entity name - product
, attribute
, taxrule
, category
numeric value of the number of records to be returned
numeric value of the first record to be returned
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*' --data-binary '{"query":{"bool":{"filter":{"bool":{"should":[{"term":{"attribute_code":"color"}},{"term":{"attribute_code":"size"}},{"term":{"attribute_code":"price"}}]}}}}}'
Request body is a Elastic Search query. Please read more on Elastic querying DSL
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"attribute_code": "color"
"term": {
"attribute_code": "size"
"term": {
"attribute_code": "price"
Elastic Search data format. Please read more on data formats used in Vue Storefront
"took": 0,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 4,
"max_score": 0,
"hits": [
"_index": "vue_storefront_catalog",
"_type": "attribute",
"_id": "157",
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"is_used_in_grid": false,
"is_visible_in_grid": false,
"is_filterable_in_grid": false,
"position": 0,
"is_comparable": "0",
"is_visible_on_front": "0",
"is_visible": true,
"scope": "global",
"attribute_id": 157,
"attribute_code": "size",
"frontend_input": "select",
"options": [
"label": " ",
"value": ""
"label": "55 cm",
"value": "91"
"label": "XS",
"value": "167"
"label": "65 cm",
"value": "92"
"label": "S",
"value": "168"
"label": "75 cm",
"value": "93"
"label": "M",
"value": "169"
"label": "6 foot",
"value": "94"
"label": "L",
"value": "170"
"label": "8 foot",
"value": "95"
"label": "XL",
"value": "171"
"label": "10 foot",
"value": "96"
"label": "28",
"value": "172"
"label": "29",
"value": "173"
"label": "30",
"value": "174"
"label": "31",
"value": "175"
"label": "32",
"value": "176"
"label": "33",
"value": "177"
"label": "34",
"value": "178"
"label": "36",
"value": "179"
"label": "38",
"value": "180"
"is_user_defined": true,
"default_frontend_label": "Size",
"frontend_labels": null,
"is_unique": "0",
"validation_rules": [],
"id": 157,
"tsk": 1507209128867,
"sgn": "lHoCOBS4B8qUtgG_ne8N1XnfdTwcWgRyvwAeVPRdVUE"
"_index": "vue_storefront_catalog",
"_type": "attribute",
"_id": "142",
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"is_filterable": true,
"is_used_in_grid": false,
"is_visible_in_grid": false,
"is_filterable_in_grid": false,
"position": 0,
"is_comparable": "0",
"is_visible_on_front": "0",
"is_visible": true,
"scope": "global",
"attribute_id": 142,
"attribute_code": "size",
"frontend_input": "select",
"options": [
"label": " ",
"value": ""
"label": "55 cm",
"value": "91"
"label": "XS",
"value": "167"
"label": "65 cm",
"value": "92"
"label": "S",
"value": "168"
"label": "75 cm",
"value": "93"
"label": "M",
"value": "169"
"label": "6 foot",
"value": "94"
"label": "L",
"value": "170"
"label": "8 foot",
"value": "95"
"label": "XL",
"value": "171"
"label": "10 foot",
"value": "96"
"label": "28",
"value": "172"
"label": "29",
"value": "173"
"label": "30",
"value": "174"
"label": "31",
"value": "175"
"label": "32",
"value": "176"
"label": "33",
"value": "177"
"label": "34",
"value": "178"
"label": "36",
"value": "179"
"label": "38",
"value": "180"
"is_user_defined": true,
"default_frontend_label": "Size",
"frontend_labels": null,
"is_unique": "0",
"validation_rules": [],
"id": 142,
"tsk": 1512134647691,
"sgn": "vHkjS2mGumtgjjzlDrGJnF6i8EeUU2twc2zkZe69ABc"
"_index": "vue_storefront_catalog",
"_type": "attribute",
"_id": "93",
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"is_filterable": true,
"is_used_in_grid": true,
"is_visible_in_grid": false,
"is_filterable_in_grid": true,
"position": 0,
"is_comparable": "0",
"is_visible_on_front": "0",
"is_visible": true,
"scope": "global",
"attribute_id": 93,
"attribute_code": "color",
"frontend_input": "select",
"options": [
"label": " ",
"value": ""
"label": "Black",
"value": "49"
"label": "Blue",
"value": "50"
"label": "Brown",
"value": "51"
"label": "Gray",
"value": "52"
"label": "Green",
"value": "53"
"label": "Lavender",
"value": "54"
"label": "Multi",
"value": "55"
"label": "Orange",
"value": "56"
"label": "Purple",
"value": "57"
"label": "Red",
"value": "58"
"label": "White",
"value": "59"
"label": "Yellow",
"value": "60"
"is_user_defined": true,
"default_frontend_label": "Color",
"frontend_labels": null,
"is_unique": "0",
"validation_rules": [],
"id": 93,
"tsk": 1512134647691,
"sgn": "-FiYBhiIoVUHYxoL5kIEy3WP00emAeT-RtwqsmB69Lo"
"_index": "vue_storefront_catalog",
"_type": "attribute",
"_id": "77",
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"is_filterable": true,
"is_used_in_grid": false,
"is_visible_in_grid": false,
"is_filterable_in_grid": false,
"position": 0,
"is_comparable": "0",
"is_visible_on_front": "0",
"is_visible": true,
"scope": "global",
"attribute_id": 77,
"attribute_code": "price",
"frontend_input": "price",
"options": [],
"is_user_defined": false,
"default_frontend_label": "Price",
"frontend_labels": null,
"is_unique": "0",
"validation_rules": [],
"id": 77,
"tsk": 1512134647691,
"sgn": "qU1O7BGcjcqZA_5KgJIaw4-HSUHcMyqgTy9jXy0THoE"
Magento specific methods to return the product details for specifed SKUs. Methods are mostly used for data synchronization with Magento two and for some specific cases when overriding the platform prices inside Vue Storefront.
Note: these two methods are optional and are being used ONLY when the config.products.alwaysSyncPlatformPricesOver
option is set on.
- comma separated list of skus to get
For list:
"code": 200,
"result": {
"items": [
"id": 1866,
"sku": "WP07",
"name": "Aeon Capri",
"price": 0,
"status": 1,
"visibility": 4,
"type_id": "configurable",
"created_at": "2017-11-06 12:17:26",
"updated_at": "2017-11-06 12:17:26",
"product_links": [],
"tier_prices": [],
"custom_attributes": [
"attribute_code": "description",
"value": "<p>Reach for the stars and beyond in these Aeon Capri pant. With a soft, comfortable feel and moisture wicking fabric, these duo-tone leggings are easy to wear -- and wear attractively.</p>\n<p>• Black capris with teal accents.<br />• Thick, 3\" flattering waistband.<br />• Media pocket on inner waistband.<br />• Dry wick finish for ultimate comfort and dryness.</p>"
"attribute_code": "image",
"value": "/w/p/wp07-black_main.jpg"
"attribute_code": "category_ids",
"value": [
"attribute_code": "url_key",
"value": "aeon-capri"
"attribute_code": "tax_class_id",
"value": "2"
"attribute_code": "eco_collection",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "performance_fabric",
"value": "1"
"attribute_code": "erin_recommends",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "new",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "sale",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "style_bottom",
"value": "107"
"attribute_code": "pattern",
"value": "195"
"attribute_code": "climate",
"value": "205,212,206"
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [
"filters": [
"field": "sku",
"value": "WP07",
"condition_type": "in"
"total_count": 1
For render-list:
"code": 200,
"result": {
"items": [
"price_info": {
"final_price": 59.04,
"max_price": 59.04,
"max_regular_price": 59.04,
"minimal_regular_price": 59.04,
"special_price": null,
"minimal_price": 59.04,
"regular_price": 48,
"formatted_prices": {
"final_price": "<span class=\"price\">$59.04</span>",
"max_price": "<span class=\"price\">$59.04</span>",
"minimal_price": "<span class=\"price\">$59.04</span>",
"max_regular_price": "<span class=\"price\">$59.04</span>",
"minimal_regular_price": null,
"special_price": null,
"regular_price": "<span class=\"price\">$48.00</span>"
"extension_attributes": {
"tax_adjustments": {
"final_price": 47.999999,
"max_price": 47.999999,
"max_regular_price": 47.999999,
"minimal_regular_price": 47.999999,
"special_price": 47.999999,
"minimal_price": 47.999999,
"regular_price": 48,
"formatted_prices": {
"final_price": "<span class=\"price\">$48.00</span>",
"max_price": "<span class=\"price\">$48.00</span>",
"minimal_price": "<span class=\"price\">$48.00</span>",
"max_regular_price": "<span class=\"price\">$48.00</span>",
"minimal_regular_price": null,
"special_price": "<span class=\"price\">$48.00</span>",
"regular_price": "<span class=\"price\">$48.00</span>"
"weee_attributes": [],
"weee_adjustment": "<span class=\"price\">$59.04</span>"
"url": "",
"id": 1866,
"name": "Aeon Capri",
"type": "configurable",
"store_id": 1,
"currency_code": "USD",
"sgn": "bCt7e44sl1iZV8hzYGioKvSq0EdsAcF21FhpTG5t8l8"
This simple API module is used to just resize the images using Sharp node library.
for example:
- numeric value of the picure width - to be "resized", "cropped" ... regarding the operation
- numeric value of the picure height - to be "resized", "cropped" ... regarding the operation
- one of the operations supported by Imageable: crop, fit, resize, identify (to get the picture EXIF data)
is the relative to
Other examples:
- - to get the JSON encoded EXIF information
- - to crop image (the crop parameter format = '{width}x{height}+{left}+{top}')