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402 lines (241 loc) · 15 KB

File metadata and controls

402 lines (241 loc) · 15 KB



  • Fixed an issue where the throwOnError option was not working for queryCache.prefetchQuery
  • Fixed an issue where the force option was not working for queryCache.prefetchQuery


  • Add function for checking if retries should be performed


  • Add unminified esm build


  • Fixed an issue where a race condition could exist when using useMutation rapidly


  • Fixed an issue where multiple mutation attempts would still run side effects for the expired mutation attempts


  • Fixed an issue where fetchMore would fire, even if canFetchMore is falsy


  • Fix publishing issue


  • Added anonymous usage analytics to package via Scarf


  • Fixed an issue where useInfiniteQuery's canFetchMore variable could unexpectedly be undefined when using initialData


  • Added the onMutate callback function to useMutation. This callback can be used to perform optimistic updates and even supply a roll-back value to the onError and onSettled callbacks.
  • Added the snapshotValue parameter (the returned value from onMutate) to both the onError and onSettled callbacks in the useMutation hook.


  • Fixed an issue where useErrorBoundary was only possible when suspense mode is turned on.
  • Fixed an issue where throwOnError would not override at the mutate level of useMutation if it was set at a higher level.


  • Fixed an issue where mutate-level side effect handlers would override the hook-level handlers. Both will now fire and in the correct order as well.


  • Added the variables argument to useMutations onSuccess, onError and onSettled callbacks


  • Fixed an issue where queryCache.isFetching would be one tick behind subscription listener updates
  • Fixed an issue where a query dispatch was attempted on a removed query


  • Nothing to see here


  • Nothing to see here


  • Fixed an issue where a stale timeout could be called on a removed query


  • Fixed an issue where dispatch was called on an unmounted component


  • Fixed an issue where the documentation displayed deprecated behavior for using falsey query key parts for dependant queries
  • Removed deprecated updateQuery docs from README
  • Fixed an issue where inactive queries would also be refetched on window focus


  • Added the ability to use staleTime: Infinity for queries that should never go stale
  • Added the queryCache.getQueries function
  • useMutation can now allow multiple mutation requests at the same.


  • Fixed a regression issue where setting data would not work due to using the wrong updater variable


  • Added back an es module build of the library


  • Fixed an issue where a falsey query key could not be used in the object syntax
  • Fixed an issue where queryCache.removeQueries would crash
  • Fixed an issue where queryCache.setQueryData would crash if a functional predicate is used and a query is not found, and thus attempted to be created.
  • Fixed an issue where queryCache.setQueryData would mark a query as fresh but would not schedule a stale timeout.


  • Fixed an issue where a nullish query key would result in an error
  • Fixed an issue where undefined query keys could possibly result in infinite loops
  • Fixed an issue where queries with initial data would not trigger global listeners that that the store had changed


  • Fixed an issue where a query would be initialized with wrong state when using falsy initialData


  • Fixed an issue where a query would be marked as fetching when using initialData


  • Fixed an issue where useInfiniteQuery's fetchMore method would not work if the query is in the middle of a normal refetch


  • Fixed an issue where usePaginatedQuery and useInfiniteQuery could not be used in suspense mode


  • Fixed an issue where useInfiniteQuery could not override the queryFn internally
  • Fixed an issue where a function could not be used as the query key
  • Fixed an issue where the object syntax for queries could not be used


  • Fixed an issue where queryCache.prefetchQuery did not resolve the query data if the query was already cached.


  • Fixed an issue where some overloaded query arg signatures would not have proper defaults
  • Added the force option to the private query.fetch function
  • Added the force and throwOnError options to the refetch method to be in line with documentation and expectations of v0.x functionality
  • Updated documentation to show correct options for usePaginatedQuery and useInfiniteQuery
  • Improved documentation around getFetchMore and fetch more variables
  • Fixed an issue where query state was not updated correctly. It is now computed from the query instead of manually tracked.


  • Added the ability to configure a query with an object instead of overloaded params
  • Fixed an issue where prefetching a query would result in an error


  • Fixed an issue where stale queries would not be prefetched properly


  • Fixed an issue where a query that had been prefetched before usage in a useQuery instance would result in a double fetch


  • Fixed an issue where React Query could not be imported properly in dev mode


  • Fixed an issue where fresh (non-stale) queries would be refetched when using queryCache.refetchQueries or when focusing the window.
  • Added a force option to both queryCache.refetchQueries and queryCache.prefetchQueries to restore expected functionality with regards to the issue above, allowing the user to bypass the stale safety of a query and force it to be refetched.
  • Fixed an issue where failureCount would not get reset when a query succeeds


  • Memory optimizations when determining currently fetching queries


  • Fixed an issue where query retries would not continue firing if the page was unfocused and refocused again


  • Fixed an issue where useIsFetching would not read properly from the query cache
  • Fixed an issue where queryCache.setQueryCache would not match multiple queries and would not partially match queries
  • Removed some unused code from the codebase


  • Fixed an issue where failed queries with no data could be unintentionally garbage collected immediately
  • Fixed an issue where queries with falsey query keys would initialize to loading instead of success


  • Fixed an issue where paginated queries, when updated rapidly, would display an unnecessary loading state.


  • Fixed a regression where query errors were not thrown properly
  • Fixed an issue where the mutate function returned from useMutation was not memoized properly


  • Silently remove the query.state.isInactive boolean. If you somehow relied on this state, then you can still derive it using const isInactive = !query.instances.length


  • Fixed an issue where the first query rendered on the page would always remount due to a bug in the useUid hook
  • Fixed an issue where queries were still refetching on mount if manual was true
  • Optimized garbage collection for queries that have no data so they will be removed immediately
  • Fixed a potential issue where returned promises in try/catch blocks were not always awaited, yet still worked usually.
  • Fixed a potential issue where a query function that had already been settled would get it's cancel function called.


  • Fixed an issue where React Native would try and call window.addEventListener
  • Fixed an issue where setConsole was not exported


  • Removed outdated external types dependency


Features & Enhancements

  • usePaginatedQuery - A dedicated hook for window-like querying of paginated data or cursor-driven batches of data
  • useInfiniteQuery - A dedicated hook for accumulative querying of paginated data or cursor-driven batches of data
  • Synchronous Query Cache Reads/Writes/Upserts/Deletes
  • Improved query key matching for removing and refetching queries
  • External subscriptions to query cache updates
  • Unlimited query key length support
  • Optional Query Variables
  • onSettled callback for query and mutation hooks
  • onSuccess and onError callbacks for mutations
  • Better SSR support via config.initialData
  • config.initialData now supports passing an initializer function, similar to React.useState
  • Query status is now automatically inferred based on initialData (success for non-undefined intitial data, loading for undefined intitial data)
  • Query objects now supply an updatedAt property for making better informed decisions about synchronous cache usage
  • Overall, less over-fetching out of the box when using multiple instances of a query.
  • Added a new config.refetchOnMount that defaults to true and when set to false will disable additional instances of a query to trigger background refetches.
  • More reliable suspense support for prefetched queries and background refetching lifecycles
  • Support for errorBoundaries out of the box when using Suspense for both queries and mutations
  • Added a globalConfig.queryFnParamsFilter function that allows filtering the parameters that get sent to the query function.

Breaking Changes

  • Query Keys and Query functions
    • Query keys in array form are no longer limited to a [String, Object] tuple, but can have as many serializable items in them as necessary.
    • Query functions now receive all query key items as parameters (before they only recieved a single variables object if supplied)
    • Query functions can now also receive optional query variables (passed as an optional second variable to useQuery) as parameters. They are applied after the query key parameters
  • useQuery
    • paginated has been removed in favor of the new usePaginatedQuery and useInfiniteQuery hooks. This includes the following options and methods as well:
      • isFetchingMore
      • canFetchMore
      • fetchMore
  • useMutation
    • refetchQueries and updateQuery options have been removed in favor of onSuccess, onError and onSettled + queryCache.refetchQueries and queryCache.setQueryData
  • prefetchQuery has been removed in favor of queryCache.prefetchQuery
  • refetchQuery has been removed in favor of queryCache.refetchQueries
  • refetchAllQueries has been removed in favor of queryCache.refetchQueries
  • updateQuery has been removed in favor of queryCache.setQueryData
  • clearQueryCache has been removed in favor of queryCache.clear and queryCache.removeQueries
  • When initialData now resolves to any non-undefined value:
    • status will be initially set to success
    • The query will not automatically refetch on mount
    • isStale will initially be set to true, and the standard staleTimeout will be applied


  • Remove unrelated branch artifacts from dist folder, including types


  • Added a new setConsole exported function that allows you replace the console interface used to log errors. By default, the window.console object is used.


  • Fixed an issue where interval fetching errors would throw repeatedly


  • Added the useMutation.throwOnError and corresponding queryConfig.throwOnError option to configure whether the mutate function rethrows errors encountered in the mutation function
  • Added the useMutation.useErrorBoundary and corresponding queryConfig.useErrorBoundary option to configure whether mutation errors should be thrown during the render function and propagated to the nearest error boundary. This option will default to the same value as queryConfig.suspense if not defined otherwise
  • Added a new reset function for useMutation which will revert the hook's state back to the initial null state


  • Switched from the fast-async babel plugin to the babel-plugin-transform-async-to-promises. This should offer better compiler/browser support at the expense of 0.1kb


  • By default the initial state for data is now undefined instead of null, allowing for use of default parameters in destructuring. While this may technically be a "breaking" change, it's more of a bug in spirit as it was not intended to be shipped this way. Don't like this? Become a sponsor and demand otherwise ;)


  • Fixed an issue where cancelQueries was called while not being defined


  • Fixed an issue where isDocumentVisible wasn't properly guarded against in all non-web scenarios
  • Fixed an issue where query cancellation functions may not have been called
  • Added the new setFocusHandler utility which allows the overriding of the event that triggers window focusing
  • Updated the docs to show how to use setFocusHandler to avoid iframe events from triggerig window focus


  • Fixed an issue where queries would not refresh in the background when using suspense


  • Caching is now disabled when React Query is used on the server. It is still possible to seed queries using initialData during SSR.


  • Fixed an edge case where useIsLoading would not update or rerender correctly.


  • Added config.refetchIntervalInBackground option


  • Added config.initialData option for SSR


  • Fix and issue where setQueryData would crash when the query does not exist


  • Fix and issue where queries would double fetch when using suspense


  • Remove nodent runtime from react-async (shaved off 938 bytes!)


  • Better esm bundle configuration


  • Add promise.cancel support to query promises to support request cancellation APIs
  • Refetch all on window focus should no longer raise unhandled promise rejections


  • Fix issue where document was not guarded againts in React Native


  • Remove orphaned npm dependencies


  • Add @types/react-query as a dependency for typescript users


  • Fix issue where window focus event would try and register in react-native


  • Fix issue where variable hashes could contain arrays or similar number/string pairs
  • Fix issue where clearing query cache could lead to out of date query states


  • Internal cleanup and refactoring


  • Added the clearQueryCache API function to clear the query cache


  • Fixed an issue where passing config to ReactQueryConfigProvider would not update the non-hook defaultContext


  • Fixed an issue where isLoading would remain true if a query encountered an error after all retries
  • Fixed regression where useIsFetching stopped working


  • Fixed an issue where useMutation().mutate would not throw an error when failing


  • Fixed an issue where falsey query keys would sometimes still fetch


  • Added the useQuery.onSuccess callback option
  • Added the useQuery.onError callback option


  • Added the prefetchQuery method
  • Improved support for Suspense including fetch-as-you-render patterns
  • Undocumented _useQueries hook has been removed


  • The useReactQueryConfig hook is now a provider component called ReactQueryConfigProvider