This example demonstrates the View Based TableView. The demo focuses on three areas:
- Basic TableView, 2. Complex TableView, 3. Complex OutlineView.
The same model is shared between the Complex TableView and OutlineView classes.
macOS 10.12 SDK or later
macOS 10.12 or later
ATDesktopEntity.h/.m: The basic sample model for the application.
ATApplicationController.h/.m: Main controller for the application.
ATBasicTableViewWindowController.h/m: Basic controller implementation for a basic View Based TableView.
ATColorTableController.h/.m: Controller for the color table popup used in the ATComplextTableViewController example
ATColorView.h/.m: Simple view that adds an animatable background color.
ATComplexOutlineController.h/.m: Complex Outline View example controller.
ATComplexTableViewController.h/.m: Complex Table View example controller.
ATObjectTableRowView.h/.m: Extends NSTableRowView by adding an objectValue for the row.
ATSampleWindowRowView.h/.m: Extends NSTableRowView by adding custom background drawing.
ATTableCellView.h: Extends NSTableCellView primarily for adding outlets to be hooked up in IB.
English.proj: Localized NIBs.
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