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Hangman Game


This Python code implements a Hangman game where the player needs to guess a word by entering letters. The game provides a limited number of attempts to guess the word correctly. If the player exceeds the allowed number of attempts, they lose the game.

Topics Covered.

  1. Imports

    • Description: The script imports necessary modules and functions.
    • import random   
      import os
      from Animal_Names import word_list
      from Ascii_Art import logo, stages
  2. Clearing the Screen

    • Description: The script defines a function to clear the console screen.
    • def clear():
          os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
  3. Initializing Game Variables

    • Description: The script initializes variables such as the chosen word, word length, and remaining lives.
    • end_of_game = False
      chosen_word = random.choice(word_list)
      word_length = len(chosen_word)
      lives = 6
  4. Main Game Loop

    • Description: The script runs the main game loop where the player guesses letters until they either win or lose the game.
    • while not end_of_game:
          # Display current game state
          # Prompt player to guess a letter
          # Check if guessed letter is in the word
          # Update game state accordingly
          # Check if player has won or lost
  5. Checking Guesses and Updating Display

    • Description: The script checks the player's guessed letter against the chosen word and updates the display accordingly.
    • for position in range(word_length):
          letter = chosen_word[position]
          if letter == guess:
              display[position] = letter
  6. End of Game Conditions

    • Description: The script checks if the player has won or lost the game and prints the appropriate message.
    • if "_" not in display:
          end_of_game = True
          print("You Won.")
      if lives == 0:
          end_of_game = True
          print("You Lose")
          print(f"The Animal name is: {chosen_word}")
  7. Printing Game State

    • Description: The script prints the current state of the Hangman game, including the Hangman figure and the word display.
    • print(f"{' '.join(display)}")