A Gimbal plugin to add Source Map Explorer auditing.
First, you need to install the plugin to your project:
# with npm
npm install --save-dev @modus/gimbal-plugin-source-map-explorer
# or with yarn
yarn add --dev @modus/gimbal-plugin-source-map-explorer
Next, you need to add the plugin to your Gimbal configuration file:
- '@modus/gimbal-plugin-source-map-explorer'
"plugins": ["@modus/gimbal-plugin-source-map-explorer"]
modules.exports = {
plugins: ['@modus/gimbal-plugin-source-map-explorer'],
By default, it will not check the sizes of the bundled files. You can check for file sizes within bundles using the bundles
config using glob syntax for the bundle file name and the files within the bundle:
- plugin: '@modus/gimbal-plugin-source-map-explorer'
- path: '**/main.*.js'
App.js: 450 B
index.js: 100 B
logo.svg: 250 B
serviceWorker.js: 300 B
<unmapped>: 150 B
- path: '**/2.*.js'
react/index.js: 50 B
object-assign/index.js: 1 KB
react-dom/index.js: 300 B
react/cjs/react.production.min.js: 7 KB
react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js: 110 KB
scheduler/index.js: 50 B
scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js: 5 KB
webpack/**/*.js: 150 B
<unmapped>: 150 B
- '!precache-manifest*'
- '!service-worker.js'
- '!**/runtime*.js'