Complex forms in the blink of an eye
Please see the official JSON Forms website,, for documentation, examples and API references.
- Clone the seed app with
git clone
- Install dependencies with
npm ci
- Run the app with
npm run start
For more info about the seed app, please see the corresponding README file of the seed repo. For a more detailed tutorial about the usage of JSON Forms, please see this tutorial.
With version 3.0 of JSON Forms we removed json-schema-ref-parser
from the core package.
This change only affects users of the React variant (Vue and Angular are not affected) and even for React only a few users will need to adjust their code.
To avoid issues and for more information, please have a look at our migration guide.
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue on the repo. For questions and discussions please use the JSON Forms board. You can also reach us via email. In addition, EclipseSource also offers professional support for JSON Forms.
- Install node.js (only Node v16.13+ < 17 is currently supported)
- Install pnpm: (use pnpm 8.6.2+)
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies:
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
As an alternative to the first time setup, you can use the provided VS Code dev container configured in devcontainer.json.
- Execute command:
Remote Containers: Reopen in container
- Wait until the container is built and loaded
- First time setup and an initial build of all packages has been executed in the container
- Build (all packages):
pnpm run build
- Test (all packages):
pnpm run test
- Clean (delete
folder of all packages):pnpm run clean
- Run React Vanilla examples:
cd packages/vanilla && pnpm run dev
- Run React Material examples:
cd packages/material && pnpm run dev
- Run Angular Material examples:
cd packages/angular-material && pnpm run dev
- Run Vue Vanilla dev setup:
cd packages/vue/vue-vanilla && pnpm run serve
For more info about how we handle dependencies and releases in the JSON Forms project, please see our Developer Documentation wiki page.
The JSON Forms project is built and tested via Github actions on Linux, Mac and Windows. Coverage is documented by Coveralls.
The JSON Forms project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
See our migration guide when updating JSON Forms.