I'm a fullstack developer who is passionate about developing applications, tools and libraries.
I'm interested in computer science, data science and DeFi.
- Email: n.simakoff@gmail.com
- Telegram: @NikolaySimakov
- NikolaySimakov/nikolaysimakov - about me
- NikolaySimakov/keyboard-translator - ⌨️ Replaces words written with characters from another language
- NikolaySimakov/link-shortener - Web application for creating shortened links and collecting click-through statistics
- NikolaySimakov/keyboard-translator - ⌨️ Replaces words written with characters from another language
- NikolaySimakov/link-shortener - Web application for creating shortened links and collecting click-through statistics
- hpcaitech/ColossalAI - Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
- faif/python-patterns - A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
- whoiskatrin/sql-translator - SQL Translator is a tool for converting natural language queries into SQL code using artificial intelligence. This project is 100% free and open source.
Inspired by
- @maximousblk Github profile
- Awesome Developer Profile repo
- Awesome GitHub Profile README repo
- Creating a profile README file on GitHub article