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Spatial data in R: Using R as a GIS

A tutorial to perform basic operations with spatial data in R, such as importing and exporting data (both vectorial and raster), plotting, analysing and making maps.

Francisco Rodriguez-Sanchez

v 2.2


Licence: CC BY 4.0

Check out code and latest version at GitHub




3. SPATIAL VECTOR DATA (points, lines, polygons)






  1. INTRODUCTION ===============

R is great not only for doing statistics, but also for many other tasks, including GIS analysis and working with spatial data. For instance, R is capable of doing wonderful maps such as this or this. In this tutorial I will show some basic GIS functionality in R.

Basic packages

library(sp)  # classes for spatial data
library(raster)  # grids, rasters
library(rasterVis)  # raster visualisation
# and their dependencies

There are many other useful packages, e.g. check CRAN Spatial Task View. Some of them will be used below.

[Back to Contents](#contents)

  1. GENERIC MAPPING ==================

Retrieving base maps from Google with gmap function in package dismo

Some examples:

Getting maps for countries:


mymap <- gmap("France")  # choose whatever country

plot of chunk gmap1 plot of chunk gmap1

Choose map type:

mymap <- gmap("France", type = "satellite")

plot of chunk gmap2 plot of chunk gmap2

Choose zoom level:

mymap <- gmap("France", type = "satellite", exp = 3)

plot of chunk gmap3 plot of chunk gmap3

Save the map as a file in your working directory for future use

mymap <- gmap("France", type = "satellite", filename = "France.gmap")

Now get a map for a region drawn at hand

mymap <- gmap("Europe")

select.area <- drawExtent()
# now click 2 times on the map to select your region
mymap <- gmap(select.area)
# See ?gmap for many other possibilities

RgoogleMaps: Map your data onto Google Map tiles


Get base maps from Google (a file will be saved in your working directory)

newmap <- GetMap(center = c(36.7, -5.9), zoom = 10, destfile = "newmap.png", 
    maptype = "satellite")

# Now using bounding box instead of center coordinates:
newmap2 <- GetMap.bbox(lonR = c(-5, -6), latR = c(36, 37), destfile = "newmap2.png", 
    maptype = "terrain")

# Try different maptypes
newmap3 <- GetMap.bbox(lonR = c(-5, -6), latR = c(36, 37), destfile = "newmap3.png", 
    maptype = "satellite")

Now plot data onto these maps, e.g. these 3 points

PlotOnStaticMap(lat = c(36.3, 35.8, 36.4), lon = c(-5.5, -5.6, -5.8), zoom = 10, 
    cex = 4, pch = 19, col = "red", FUN = points, add = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

googleVis: visualise data in a web browser using Google Visualisation API


Run demo(googleVis) to see all the possibilities

Example: plot country-level data

data(Exports)    # a simple data frame
Geo <- gvisGeoMap(Exports, locationvar="Country", numvar="Profit", 
                  options=list(height=400, dataMode='regions'))
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataGeoMapIDb083e32714a () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "Germany", 3 ], [ "Brazil", 4 ], [ "United States", 5 ], [ "France", 4 ], [ "Hungary", 3 ], [ "India", 2 ], [ "Iceland", 1 ], [ "Norway", 4 ], [ "Spain", 5 ], [ "Turkey", 1 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country'); data.addColumn('number','Profit'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartGeoMapIDb083e32714a() { var data = gvisDataGeoMapIDb083e32714a(); var options = {}; options["dataMode"] = "regions"; options["width"] = 556; options["height"] = 400; var chart = new google.visualization.GeoMap( document.getElementById('GeoMapIDb083e32714a') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "geomap"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartGeoMapIDb083e32714a); })(); function displayChartGeoMapIDb083e32714a() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Using print(Geo) we can get the HTML code to embed the map in a web page!

Example: Plotting point data onto a google map (internet)

M1 <- gvisMap(Andrew, "LatLong", "Tip", 
              options=list(showTip=TRUE, showLine=F, enableScrollWheel=TRUE, 
                           mapType='satellite', useMapTypeControl=TRUE, width=800,height=400))
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataMapIDb08491aa1 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ 10.8, -35.5, "Tropical Depression
Speed=25" ], [ 11.2, -37.4, "Tropical Depression
Speed=30" ], [ 11.7, -39.6, "Tropical Depression
Speed=30" ], [ 12.3, -42, "Tropical Storm
Speed=35" ], [ 13.1, -44.2, "Tropical Storm
Speed=35" ], [ 13.6, -46.2, "Tropical Storm
Speed=40" ], [ 14.1, -48, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 14.6, -49.9, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 15.4, -51.8, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 16.3, -53.5, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 17.2, -55.3, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 18, -56.9, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 18.8, -58.3, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 19.8, -59.3, "Tropical Storm
Speed=40" ], [ 20.7, -60, "Tropical Storm
Speed=40" ], [ 21.7, -60.7, "Tropical Storm
Speed=40" ], [ 22.5, -61.5, "Tropical Storm
Speed=40" ], [ 23.2, -62.4, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 23.9, -63.3, "Tropical Storm
Speed=45" ], [ 24.4, -64.2, "Tropical Storm
Speed=50" ], [ 24.8, -64.9, "Tropical Storm
Speed=50" ], [ 25.3, -65.9, "Tropical Storm
Speed=55" ], [ 25.6, -67, "Tropical Storm
Speed=60" ], [ 25.8, -68.3, "Hurricane
Speed=70" ], [ 25.7, -69.7, "Hurricane
Speed=80" ], [ 25.6, -71.1, "Hurricane
Speed=90" ], [ 25.5, -72.5, "Hurricane
Speed=105" ], [ 25.4, -74.2, "Hurricane
Speed=120" ], [ 25.4, -75.8, "Hurricane
Speed=135" ], [ 25.4, -77.5, "Hurricane
Speed=125" ], [ 25.4, -79.3, "Hurricane
Speed=120" ], [ 25.6, -81.2, "Hurricane
Speed=110" ], [ 25.8, -83.1, "Hurricane
Speed=115" ], [ 26.2, -85, "Hurricane
Speed=115" ], [ 26.6, -86.7, "Hurricane
Speed=115" ], [ 27.2, -88.2, "Hurricane
Speed=115" ], [ 27.8, -89.6, "Hurricane
Speed=120" ], [ 28.5, -90.5, "Hurricane
Speed=120" ], [ 29.2, -91.3, "Hurricane
Speed=115" ], [ 30.1, -91.7, "Tropical Storm
Speed=80" ], [ 30.9, -91.6, "Tropical Storm
Speed=50" ], [ 31.5, -91.1, "Tropical Depression
Speed=35" ], [ 32.1, -90.5, "Tropical Depression
Speed=30" ], [ 32.8, -89.6, "Tropical Depression
Speed=30" ], [ 33.6, -88.4, "Tropical Depression
Speed=25" ], [ 34.4, -86.7, "Tropical Depression
Speed=20" ], [ 35.4, -84, "Tropical Depression
Speed=20" ] ]; data.addColumn('number','Latitude'); data.addColumn('number','Longitude'); data.addColumn('string','Tip'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartMapIDb08491aa1() { var data = gvisDataMapIDb08491aa1(); var options = {}; options["showTip"] = true; options["showLine"] = false; options["enableScrollWheel"] = true; options["mapType"] = "satellite"; options["useMapTypeControl"] = true; options["width"] = 800; options["height"] = 400; var chart = new google.visualization.Map( document.getElementById('MapIDb08491aa1') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "map"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartMapIDb08491aa1); })(); function displayChartMapIDb08491aa1() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

RWorldMap: mapping global data

Some examples


newmap <- getMap(resolution = "coarse")  # different resolutions available

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

mapCountryData(mapRegion = "europe")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

mapGriddedData(mapRegion = "europe")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

[Back to Contents](#contents)

  1. SPATIAL VECTOR DATA (points, lines, polygons) ================================================

Example dataset: retrieve point occurrence data from GBIF

Let's create an example dataset: retrieve occurrence data for the laurel tree (Laurus nobilis) from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

library(dismo)  # check also the nice 'rgbif' package! 
laurus <- gbif("Laurus", "nobilis")
## Laurus nobilis : 2120 occurrences found
## 1-1000-2000-2120
# get data frame with spatial coordinates (points)
locs <- subset(laurus, select = c("country", "lat", "lon"))
head(locs)  # a simple data frame with coordinates
##   country   lat    lon
## 1   Spain 36.12 -5.579
## 2   Spain 38.26 -5.207
## 3   Spain 36.11 -5.534
## 4   Spain 36.87 -5.312
## 5   Spain 37.30 -1.918
## 6   Spain 36.10 -5.545
# Discard data with errors in coordinates:
locs <- subset(locs, locs$lat < 90)

Making data 'spatial'

So we have got a simple dataframe containing spatial coordinates. Let's make these data explicitly spatial

coordinates(locs) <- c("lon", "lat")  # set spatial coordinates

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

Define spatial projection

Important: define geographical projection. Consult the appropriate PROJ.4 description here:

crs.geo <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")  # geographical, datum WGS84
proj4string(locs) <- crs.geo  # define projection system of our data
## Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
## Coordinates:
##         min    max
## lon -123.25 145.04
## lat  -37.78  59.84
## Is projected: FALSE 
## proj4string :
## [+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0]
## Number of points: 2109
## Data attributes:
##    Length     Class      Mode 
##      2109 character character

Quickly plotting point data on a map

plot(locs, pch = 20, col = "steelblue")
# library rworldmap provides different types of global maps, e.g:
plot(coastsCoarse, add = T)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18

Subsetting and mapping again

table(locs$country)  # see localities of Laurus nobilis by country
##      Australia         Canada        Croatia         France        Germany 
##              2              1              1              1              1 
##         Greece        Ireland         Israel          Italy          Spain 
##              5             69           1231              2            206 
##         Sweden United Kingdom  United States 
##              2            578             10 <- subset(locs, locs$country == "United Kingdom")  # select only locs in UK
plot(, pch = 20, cex = 2, col = "steelblue")
title("Laurus nobilis occurrences in UK")
plot(countriesLow, add = T)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-19

## Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
## Coordinates:
##        min    max
## lon -6.392  1.772
## lat 49.951 56.221
## Is projected: FALSE 
## proj4string :
## [+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0]
## Number of points: 578
## Data attributes:
##    Length     Class      Mode 
##       578 character character

Mapping vectorial data (points, polygons, polylines)

Mapping vectorial data using gmap from dismo

gbmap <- gmap(, type = "satellite") <- Mercator(  # Google Maps are in Mercator projection. 
# This function projects the points to that projection to enable mapping

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

points(, pch = 20, col = "red")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

Mapping vectorial data with RgoogleMaps

require(RgoogleMaps) <-  # retrieves coordinates 
# (1st column for longitude, 2nd column for latitude)
PlotOnStaticMap(lat =$lat, lon =$lon, zoom = 5, 
    cex = 1.4, pch = 19, col = "red", FUN = points, add = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

Download base map from Google Maps and plot onto it

map.lim <- qbbox($lat,$lon, TYPE = "all")  # define region 
# of interest (bounding box)
mymap <- GetMap.bbox(map.lim$lonR, map.lim$latR, destfile = "gmap.png", maptype = "satellite")
## [1] ",-2.30987445&zoom=6&size=640x640&maptype=satellite&format=png32&sensor=true"
# see the file in the wd
PlotOnStaticMap(mymap, lat =$lat, lon =$lon, zoom = NULL, 
    cex = 1.3, pch = 19, col = "red", FUN = points, add = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22

Using different background (base map)

mymap <- GetMap.bbox(map.lim$lonR, map.lim$latR, destfile = "gmap.png", maptype = "hybrid")
## [1] ",-2.30987445&zoom=6&size=640x640&maptype=hybrid&format=png32&sensor=true"
PlotOnStaticMap(mymap, lat =$lat, lon =$lon, zoom = NULL, 
    cex = 1.3, pch = 19, col = "red", FUN = points, add = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

Map vectorial data with googleVis (internet) <-$latlon <- paste($lat,$lon, sep=":") <- gvisMap(, locationvar="latlon", tipvar="country", 
                  options = list(showTip=T, showLine=F, enableScrollWheel=TRUE,
                           useMapTypeControl=T, width=1400,height=800))
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataMapIDb085424efa () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ 53.798363, -0.25377846, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.800476, -0.40555596, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.41154, -2.9779854, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.412884, -2.7974555, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.430862, -2.797792, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.412884, -2.7974555, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -1.5047381, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66046, -1.0802728, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.287277, -0.7809699, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -1.0785117, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.257538, -5.297342, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66046, -1.0802728, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.967426, 1.2758358, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.175335, -5.011484, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.962803, 1.0527366, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46179, -0.34441733, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.672245, 1.7722985, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.752285, -1.3620236, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.28868, -3.0756438, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.651524, -2.6505208, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.752285, -1.3620236, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66149, -1.2217541, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.06857, 0.8453797, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -2.9214883, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66149, -1.2217541, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.175335, -5.011484, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.293114, -3.6146727, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.4974, 1.6098989, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.18774, -0.06802027, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.440582, 0.2806388, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -1.5047381, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.571564, -1.2232367, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 54.25755, -2.8443713, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -2.781234, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.571564, -1.2232367, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -1.218766, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -1.218766, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.40767, 1.6025597, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -0.7927215, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.96329, 1.4211539, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.752285, -1.3620236, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.069702, -5.5640182, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -1.0785117, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.65634, -3.344112, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.108856, -3.0714636, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -1.0785117, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.376064, -2.9170372, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.376293, -2.8869743, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.55246, -1.926249, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.74144, -1.3481886, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.069702, -5.5640182, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.933704, -1.7865157, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -2.9214883, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.561604, -2.6492372, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.108856, -3.0714636, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.652733, -3.6269717, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 54.618816, -2.5420728, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.012802, -2.2185814, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.471687, -2.64796, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -0.7927215, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -2.7797363, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.463715, -4.1841645, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.383022, -3.6177242, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.24907, -4.323423, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.20192, -2.6441677, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.892365, -4.6888576, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.742153, -1.4930286, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.257538, -5.297342, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.547245, -3.947173, "United Kingdom" ], [ 54.326843, -4.383782, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.2721, -4.7368417, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -0.7927215, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.289913, -2.9322464, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -2.781234, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.650673, -3.7683785, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.753834, -1.7873349, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.933704, -2.2134843, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.2721, -4.7368417, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.65634, -3.344112, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.097862, -0.07176985, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.641262, -2.5173035, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.663555, -2.353762, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.753834, -2.212665, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.3719, -0.3476622, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.365032, 0.08310807, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.996586, -3.9666135, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.18774, -0.06802027, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46179, -3.6555827, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84377, -1.7869264, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.932144, -1.3595661, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.201176, -3.7517123, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.07794, -5.2849946, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46179, -3.6555827, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.37639, -4.039484, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.816986, -3.112988, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -1.0785117, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66407, -2.070753, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.721813, -4.2442775, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46179, -3.6555827, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.57413, -1.9293817, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -1.218766, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.38489, -3.4771044, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.56283, -3.6238735, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.47088, -3.7616613, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.112694, -2.500053, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.931274, -1.2172604, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.371117, -4.320562, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.10109, -1.3429587, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.631958, 0.23983838, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66407, -2.070753, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.175335, -5.011484, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.192116, -0.35410187, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.369785, -0.20405345, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.662354, -2.6367571, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75349, -2.3544395, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.463734, -0.4883246, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.752285, -1.3620236, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.753834, -1.7873349, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.287277, -0.7809699, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.463715, -4.1841645, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.471687, -2.64796, "United Kingdom" ], [ 56.221188, -4.016121, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.823296, -0.4763173, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.452248, 0.23102868, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.672245, 1.7722985, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -3.2072785, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46179, -0.34441733, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.474804, -3.4799051, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.64844, -3.9097683, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.468662, -3.9025145, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.92434, -3.494124, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.081814, -5.145436, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -2.495262, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.192116, -0.35410187, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -2.781234, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.564713, -3.48272, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -2.7797363, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.547245, -3.947173, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.24285, -4.622895, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.37877, -3.8989153, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.257538, -5.297342, "United Kingdom" ], [ 54.137306, -4.8322535, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.4031, 1.7492679, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.359573, 0.3701853, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.933876, -1.9288384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.361942, -4.742008, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.38098, -3.7583282, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.01118, -1.3442764, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.74453, -3.4883928, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.901516, -4.253226, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.380886, -2.7903848, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.365032, 0.08310807, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.832535, -0.366784, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.892365, -4.6888576, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.069702, -5.5640182, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.834435, -0.50874895, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.349102, -3.7278032, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.383, -2.3592803, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.36823, -4.461068, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.10272, -2.2190206, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.865036, 1.3431085, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.005547, 0.066959515, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.933704, -2.2134843, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.459667, -0.20052691, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.3756, -3.3650715, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.754005, -2.0708885, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.29108, -3.7550118, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.192116, -3.645898, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.951286, -6.3920474, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.3719, -0.3476622, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -0.7927215, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.265156, -5.0171494, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.65462, -3.485549, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66149, -2.778246, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.466274, -4.0433493, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.473278, -2.2159932, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.558414, -3.0819952, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.556995, -3.2262278, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.907227, -0.3644342, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.742897, -0.19653699, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.440624, -2.5683782, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.476223, -2.6408238, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.493427, -2.7707202, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.440556, -2.5827668, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.42271, -2.5537722, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.485054, -2.6697545, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.440624, -2.5683782, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.494434, -2.5978599, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.367634, -2.7542398, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.369534, -2.3519914, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.369534, -2.3519914, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46753, -2.5831103, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.440483, -2.5971553, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.458317, -2.626178, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.485443, -2.5977423, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.47645, -2.5976248, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.49352, -2.7563155, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.467457, -2.5975072, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.47686, -2.5112252, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.449818, -2.5253155, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.438877, -2.856136, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.422424, -2.6113036, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.440693, -2.5539896, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.494358, -2.6122653, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.467384, -2.6119041, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.413506, -2.5968037, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.458317, -2.626178, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.449398, -2.6116638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.3302, -2.954596, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.458317, -2.626178, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.449474, -2.5972726, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.06857, 0.8453797, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.317932, 1.5952591, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.96329, 1.4211539, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.96329, 1.4211539, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.967426, 1.2758358, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.317932, 1.5952591, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.45034, -1.4729179, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.36045, -1.4740279, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.626057, -0.2011748, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.626057, -0.2011748, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.376293, -2.8869743, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46974, -1.0640929, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.25453, -4.023846, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.74918, -3.0632315, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -0.7927215, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.265156, -5.0171494, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.742687, -1.6378739, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.471687, -2.64796, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.65926, -3.0611997, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.36823, -4.461068, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.91121, -0.32793793, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.62076, -0.41233814, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.257538, -5.297342, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.816853, -3.9587765, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.746254, -3.346685, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66407, -2.070753, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.951286, -6.3920474, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.53927, 0.3795131, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.724487, -4.099594, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.471687, -2.64796, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.00294, -4.2093987, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -0.7927215, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.265156, -5.0171494, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.199993, -2.9304304, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.261433, -5.157261, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.167744, -5.291153, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75297, -2.4962103, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.37384, -4.1800337, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.36823, -4.461068, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.907356, 0.48940247, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.293114, -3.6146727, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.556995, -0.7737722, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.35124, -5.163218, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.573105, -2.4943182, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66407, -2.070753, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.650635, -1.2049326, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.74918, -0.93676853, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.832535, -0.366784, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.829384, -1.0566568, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.261433, -5.157261, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.16206, -4.1691036, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -2.495262, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.290966, -2.7888398, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.836163, -3.3492713, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.36823, -4.461068, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.951286, -6.3920474, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.261433, -5.157261, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.721813, -4.2442775, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.747803, -3.2049642, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.01233, -0.3604755, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.4655, -0.63224727, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66407, -1.9292469, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.650635, -1.2049326, "United Kingdom" ], [ 54.323708, -4.537412, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66407, -2.070753, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.832535, -3.633216, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.020157, -2.926826, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.35124, -5.163218, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.560776, -3.7650113, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -2.7797363, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.286503, -4.035639, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.379826, -2.934072, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.4655, -0.63224727, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54955, -0.19698207, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -2.781234, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.377186, -0.7785831, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.163692, -5.430941, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.99083, -2.0762687, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.163692, -5.430941, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.163692, -5.430941, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.918034, -3.0906193, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.293114, -3.6146727, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.729305, -0.18983695, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.07794, -5.2849946, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.651524, -2.6505208, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84394, -1.9289752, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.657887, -3.2026615, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.110077, -2.9286234, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.36823, -4.461068, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.18774, -0.06802027, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.834435, -3.491251, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.361942, -4.742008, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.551674, -0.34115562, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.88537, 0.97914094, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.017548, -3.211943, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.4974, 1.6098989, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.35124, -5.163218, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.265156, -5.0171494, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84394, -2.0710247, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.361942, -4.742008, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46179, -0.34441733, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.901516, -4.253226, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.754005, -1.9291114, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.10589, -0.6428895, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.840313, -1.0767416, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.470802, -2.7919376, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66407, -1.9292469, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.010242, -0.217979, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.842907, -1.5028363, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.171623, -5.1513333, "United Kingdom" ], [ 54.25755, -2.8443713, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -1.5047381, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.288876, -3.8953342, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.163692, -5.430941, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -0.49716815, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75297, -1.5037897, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84377, -2.2130737, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.28868, -3.0756438, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.371117, -4.320562, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.251896, -4.173647, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.108856, -3.0714636, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.639427, -0.19341879, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.933704, -2.2134843, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.645298, -3.373157, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.24907, -4.323423, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.369785, -0.20405345, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.754005, -2.0708885, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.471687, -2.64796, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.175335, -5.011484, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.175335, -5.011484, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.10589, -0.6428895, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.171623, -5.1513333, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.100132, -0.21452446, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.010242, -0.217979, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.40767, 1.6025597, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.06857, 0.8453797, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.317932, 1.5952591, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.4031, 1.7492679, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.64326, -2.5712774, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.81242, -3.1202908, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.81559, -3.1181462, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.81559, -3.1181462, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.54476, -4.091308, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.4655, -3.3677528, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.4655, -3.3677528, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.4676, -2.5687134, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.476524, -2.583225, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.431416, -2.6114235, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.476593, -2.5688252, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.494205, -2.6410758, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.49352, -2.7563155, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.494358, -2.6122653, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.46767, -2.5543163, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.503277, -2.626794, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.494286, -2.6266706, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.458317, -2.626178, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.412773, -2.7262208, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.485367, -2.612145, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.503426, -2.5979776, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.404655, -2.5679321, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.512417, -2.5980954, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.288254, -2.4517615, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.324112, -2.4808195, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.45881, -2.5254188, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.43156, -2.5826523, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.413784, -2.5392833, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.449398, -2.6116638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.494125, -2.655481, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.485516, -2.5833397, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.43975, -2.7266486, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.48529, -2.6265473, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.458466, -2.59739, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.476376, -2.6120245, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.404587, -2.5823095, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.357056, -2.9695177, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.348064, -2.969328, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.440826, -2.5252123, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.458393, -2.611784, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.43102, -2.6833506, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.413647, -2.5680437, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.503197, -2.6412022, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.44932, -2.626055, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.413433, -2.6111836, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.358643, -2.7540922, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.43984, -2.7122607, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.49396, -2.6842914, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.440624, -2.5683782, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.4763, -2.6264243, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.552277, -2.2212522, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.55246, -1.926249, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.55246, -1.926249, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.317932, 1.5952591, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.167744, -5.291153, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.3719, -0.3476622, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -1.5047381, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66149, -1.2217541, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.99083, -2.0762687, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.65634, -3.344112, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66046, -1.0802728, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.072, 0.6996428, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -1.0785117, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.261433, -5.157261, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.199993, -2.9304304, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.571564, -1.2232367, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.163692, -5.430941, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.108856, -3.0714636, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.171623, -5.1513333, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.746254, -3.346685, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.92434, -3.494124, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.662354, -1.363243, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.823296, -0.4763173, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -1.0785117, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.017548, -3.211943, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.65462, -3.485549, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.192116, -3.645898, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.752285, -1.3620236, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.110077, -2.9286234, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.84135, -1.218766, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.83772, -0.7927215, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.317932, 1.5952591, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.571564, -1.2232367, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.571564, -1.2232367, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -1.5047381, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66304, -1.5047381, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.112694, -2.500053, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -0.49716815, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66149, -1.2217541, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.66046, -1.0802728, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.369785, -0.20405345, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.71545, -3.9987974, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.471687, -2.64796, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.020157, -2.926826, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.4031, 1.7492679, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.571564, -1.2232367, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.383022, -3.6177242, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.317932, 1.5952591, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.727654, -4.4798613, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.88537, 0.97914094, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.20192, -2.6441677, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.463715, -4.1841645, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.71545, -3.9987974, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.96329, 1.4211539, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.10589, -0.6428895, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.163692, -5.430941, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.283962, -4.1759233, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.159473, -5.570697, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.75039, -1.0785117, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.3719, -0.3476622, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.88537, 0.97914094, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.01894, -3.0693898, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.06857, 0.8453797, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.751423, -1.2202638, "United Kingdom" ], [ 49.956474, -6.2530303, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.194042, -3.502832, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.41154, -2.9779854, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.64498, -3.013637, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.467308, -2.626301, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.36823, -4.461068, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.57413, -1.9293817, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.472927, -3.620791, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.01894, -3.0693898, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.538197, -4.893384, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.108856, -3.0714636, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.839104, -3.0652738, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.471687, -2.64796, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.361942, -4.742008, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.834435, -0.50874895, "United Kingdom" ], [ 53.358746, -1.1735004, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.057198, 1.282405, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.865036, 1.3431085, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.108856, -3.0714636, "United Kingdom" ], [ 50.171623, -5.1513333, "United Kingdom" ], [ 51.192116, -0.35410187, "United Kingdom" ], [ 52.072, 0.6996428, "United Kingdom" ] ]; data.addColumn('number','Latitude'); data.addColumn('number','Longitude'); data.addColumn('string','country'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartMapIDb085424efa() { var data = gvisDataMapIDb085424efa(); var options = {}; options["showTip"] = true; options["showLine"] = false; options["enableScrollWheel"] = true; options["useMapTypeControl"] = true; options["width"] = 1400; options["height"] = 800; var chart = new google.visualization.Map( document.getElementById('MapIDb085424efa') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "map"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartMapIDb085424efa); })(); function displayChartMapIDb085424efa() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
#print(    # get HTML suitable for a webpage

Drawing polygons and polylines (e.g. for digitising)

mypolygon <- drawPoly()  # click on the map to draw a polygon and press ESC when finished
summary(mypolygon)  # now you have a spatial polygon! Easy, isn't it?

Converting between formats, reading in, and saving spatial vector data

Exporting KML (Google Earth)

writeOGR(, dsn = "locsgb.kml", layer = "", driver = "KML")

Reading KML

newmap <- readOGR("locsgb.kml", layer = "")
## OGR data source with driver: KML 
## Source: "locsgb.kml", layer: ""
## with 578 features and 2 fields
## Feature type: wkbPoint with 2 dimensions

Save as shapefile

writePointsShape(, "locsgb")

Reading shapefiles

gb.shape <- readShapePoints("locsgb.shp")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-29

Use readShapePoly to read polygon shapefiles, and readShapeLines to read polylines. See also shapefile in raster package.

Changing projection of spatial vector data

spTransform (package sp) will do the projection as long as the original and new projection are correctly specified.

Projecting point dataset

To illustrate, let's project the dataframe with Laurus nobilis coordinates that we obtained above:

## Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
## Coordinates:
##         min    max
## lon -123.25 145.04
## lat  -37.78  59.84
## Is projected: FALSE 
## proj4string :
## [+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0]
## Number of points: 2109
## Data attributes:
##    Length     Class      Mode 
##      2109 character character

The original coordinates are in lat lon format. Let's define the new desired projection: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area in this case (look up parameters at

crs.laea <- CRS("+proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs")  # Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
locs.laea <- spTransform(locs, crs.laea)  # spTransform makes the projection

Projecting shapefile of countries

plot(countriesLow)  # countries map in geographical projection

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

country.laea <- spTransform(countriesLow, crs.laea)  # project

Let's plot this:

plot(locs.laea, pch = 20, col = "steelblue")
plot(country.laea, add = T)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-33

# define spatial limits for plotting
plot(locs.laea, pch = 20, col = "steelblue", xlim = c(1800000, 3900000), ylim = c(1e+06, 
plot(country.laea, add = T)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-33

[Back to Contents](#contents)

  1. USING RASTER (GRID) DATA ===========================

Downloading raster climate data from internet

The getData function from the dismo package will easily retrieve climate data, elevation, administrative boundaries, etc. Check also the excellent rWBclimate package by rOpenSci with additional functionality.

tmin <- getData("worldclim", var = "tmin", res = 10)  # this will download 
# global data on minimum temperature at 10' resolution

Loading a raster layer

tmin1 <- raster(paste(getwd(), "/wc10/tmin1.bil", sep = ""))  # Tmin for January

Easy! The raster function reads many different formats, including Arc ASCII grids or netcdf files (see raster help). And values are stored on disk instead of memory! (useful for large rasters)

## [1] TRUE

Let's examine the raster layer:

tmin1 <- tmin1/10  # Worldclim temperature data come in decimal degrees 
tmin1  # look at the info
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 900, 2160, 1944000  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -60, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs 
## data source : in memory
## names       : tmin1 
## values      : -54.7, 26.6  (min, max)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-37

Creating a raster stack

A raster stack is collection of many raster layers with the same projection, spatial extent and resolution. Let's collect several raster files from disk and read them as a single raster stack:

file.remove(paste(getwd(), "/wc10/", "", sep = ""))
## [1] TRUE
list.ras <- mixedsort(list.files(paste(getwd(), "/wc10/", sep = ""), full.names = T, 
    pattern = ".bil"))
list.ras  # I have just collected a list of the files containing monthly temperature values
##  [1] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin1.bil" 
##  [2] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin2.bil" 
##  [3] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin3.bil" 
##  [4] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin4.bil" 
##  [5] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin5.bil" 
##  [6] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin6.bil" 
##  [7] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin7.bil" 
##  [8] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin8.bil" 
##  [9] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin9.bil" 
## [10] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin10.bil"
## [11] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin11.bil"
## [12] "C:/Users/FRS/Dropbox/R.scripts/my.Rcode/R-GIS tutorial/wc10/tmin12.bil"
tmin.all <- stack(list.ras)
## class       : RasterStack 
## dimensions  : 900, 2160, 1944000, 12  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -60, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs 
## names       : tmin1, tmin2, tmin3, tmin4, tmin5, tmin6, tmin7, tmin8, tmin9, tmin10, tmin11, tmin12 
## min values  :  -547,  -525,  -468,  -379,  -225,  -170,  -171,  -178,  -192,   -302,   -449,   -522 
## max values  :   266,   273,   277,   283,   295,   312,   311,   312,   300,    268,    267,    268
tmin.all <- tmin.all/10

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-38

Raster bricks

A rasterbrick is similar to a raster stack (i.e. multiple layers with the same extent and resolution), but all the data must be stored in a single file on disk.

tmin.brick <- brick(tmin.all)  # creates rasterbrick

Crop rasters

Crop raster manually (drawing region of interest):

newext <- drawExtent()  # click twice on the map to select the region of interest
tmin1.c <- crop(tmin1, newext)

Alternatively, provide coordinates for the limits of the region of interest:

newext <- c(-10, 10, 30, 50)
tmin1.c <- crop(tmin1, newext)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-41

tmin.all.c <- crop(tmin.all, newext)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-41

Define spatial projection of the rasters

crs.geo  # defined above
## CRS arguments:
##  +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
projection(tmin1.c) <- crs.geo
projection(tmin.all.c) <- crs.geo
tmin1.c  # notice info at coord.ref.
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 120, 120, 14400  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -10, 10, 30, 50  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : in memory
## names       : tmin1 
## values      : -12.3, 10.3  (min, max)

Changing projection

Use projectRaster function:

tmin1.proj <- projectRaster(tmin1.c, crs = "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +units=m +no_defs")  # can also use a template raster, see ?projectRaster
tmin1.proj  # notice info at coord.ref.
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 132, 134, 17688  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 18600, 24200  (x, y)
## extent      : -1243395, 1249005, 3372876, 6567276  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +units=m +no_defs 
## data source : in memory
## names       : tmin1 
## values      : -11.59, 10.3  (min, max)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-43

Plotting raster data

Different plotting functions:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44

# plot3D(tmin1.c)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44

Spatial autocorrelation

Moran(tmin1.c)  # global Moran's I
## [1] 0.9099
tmin1.Moran <- MoranLocal(tmin1.c)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-45

Extract values from raster

Use extract function:

head(locs)  # we'll obtain tmin values for our points
##   country
## 1   Spain
## 2   Spain
## 3   Spain
## 4   Spain
## 5   Spain
## 6   Spain
projection(tmin1) <- crs.geo
locs$tmin1 <- extract(tmin1, locs)  # raster values 
# are incorporated to the dataframe
##   country tmin1
## 1   Spain   6.7
## 2   Spain   2.1
## 3   Spain   6.7
## 4   Spain   4.2
## 5   Spain   6.2
## 6   Spain   6.7

You can also extract values for a given region instead of the whole raster:

reg.clim <- extract(tmin1.c, drawExtent())  # click twice to 
# draw extent of the region of interest

Using rasterToPoints:

# rasterToPoints
tminvals <- rasterToPoints(tmin1.c)
##            x     y tmin1
## [1,] -6.4167 49.92   4.2
## [2,] -6.2500 49.92   4.2
## [3,] -5.2500 49.92   2.4
## [4,]  0.5833 49.92   1.0
## [5,]  0.7500 49.92   1.0
## [6,]  0.9167 49.92   1.0

And also, the click function will get values from particular locations in the map

click(tmin1.c, n = 3)  # click n times in the map to get values

Rasterize points, lines or polygons

locs2ras <- rasterize(, tmin1, field = rep(1, nrow(
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 900, 2160, 1944000  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -60, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : in memory
## names       : layer 
## values      : 1, 1  (min, max)
plot(locs2ras, xlim = c(-10, 10), ylim = c(45, 60), legend = F)
plot(wrld_simpl, add = T)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-50

Changing raster resolution

Use aggregate function:

tmin1.lowres <- aggregate(tmin1.c, fact = 2, fun = mean)
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 60, 60, 3600  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.3333, 0.3333  (x, y)
## extent      : -10, 10, 30, 50  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : in memory
## names       : tmin1 
## values      : -10.57, 10.1  (min, max)
tmin1.c  # compare
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 120, 120, 14400  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -10, 10, 30, 50  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : in memory
## names       : tmin1 
## values      : -12.3, 10.3  (min, max)
par(mfcol = c(1, 2))
plot(tmin1.c, main = "original")
plot(tmin1.lowres, main = "low resolution")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-51

Spline interpolation

xy <- data.frame(xyFromCell(tmin1.lowres, 1:ncell(tmin1.lowres)))  # get raster cell coordinates
##        x     y
## 1 -9.833 49.83
## 2 -9.500 49.83
## 3 -9.167 49.83
## 4 -8.833 49.83
## 5 -8.500 49.83
## 6 -8.167 49.83
vals <- getValues(tmin1.lowres)
spline <- Tps(xy, vals)  # thin plate spline
intras <- interpolate(tmin1.c, spline)
intras  # note new resolution
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 120, 120, 14400  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -10, 10, 30, 50  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : in memory
## names       : layer 
## values      : -10.43, 13.16  (min, max)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-52

intras <- mask(intras, tmin1.c)  # mask to land areas only
title("Interpolated raster")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-52

Setting all rasters to the same extent, projection and resolution all in one

See spatial_sync_raster function from package.

Elevations, slope, aspect, etc

Download elevation data from internet:
elevation <- getData("alt", country = "ESP")

Some quick maps:

x <- terrain(elevation, opt = c("slope", "aspect"), unit = "degrees")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-54

slope <- terrain(elevation, opt = "slope")
aspect <- terrain(elevation, opt = "aspect")
hill <- hillShade(slope, aspect, 40, 270)
plot(hill, col = grey(0:100/100), legend = FALSE, main = "Spain")
plot(elevation, col = rainbow(25, alpha = 0.35), add = TRUE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-54

Saving and exporting raster data

Saving raster to file:

writeRaster(tmin1.c, filename = "tmin1.c.grd")
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 120, 120, 14400  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -10, 10, 30, 50  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : C:\Users\FRS\Dropbox\R.scripts\my.Rcode\R-GIS tutorial\tmin1.c.grd 
## names       : tmin1 
## values      : -12.3, 10.3  (min, max)
writeRaster(tmin.all.c, filename = "tmin.all.grd")
## class       : RasterBrick 
## dimensions  : 120, 120, 14400, 12  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution  : 0.1667, 0.1667  (x, y)
## extent      : -10, 10, 30, 50  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : C:\Users\FRS\Dropbox\R.scripts\my.Rcode\R-GIS tutorial\tmin.all.grd 
## names       : tmin1, tmin2, tmin3, tmin4, tmin5, tmin6, tmin7, tmin8, tmin9, tmin10, tmin11, tmin12 
## min values  : -12.3, -12.5, -10.8,  -8.6,  -4.2,  -0.8,   1.8,   1.6,  -0.1,   -3.3,   -8.1,  -10.8 
## max values  :  10.3,  10.8,  12.5,  14.5,  19.7,  24.7,  27.6,  26.7,  22.9,   16.9,   13.7,   11.3

writeRaster can export to many different file types, see help.

Exporting to KML (Google Earth)

tmin1.c <- raster(tmin.all.c, 1)
KML(tmin1.c, file = "tmin1.kml")
KML(tmin.all.c)  # can export multiple layers

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  1. SPATIAL STATISTICS (just a glance) =====================================

Point pattern analysis

Some useful packages:

library(ecespa)  # ecological focus

See CRAN Spatial Task View.

Let's do a quick example with Ripley's K function:

plot(fig1)  # point pattern

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-58

cosa12 <- K1K2(Helianthemum, j = "deadpl", i = "survpl", r = seq(0, 200, le = 201), 
    nsim = 99, nrank = 1, correction = "isotropic")
## 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
## 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
## 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
## 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
## 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
## 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
## 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,  99.
plot(cosa12$k1k2, lty = c(2, 1, 2), col = c(2, 1, 2), xlim = c(0, 200), main = "survival- death", 
    ylab = expression(K[1] - K[2]), legend = FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-58

##       lty col   key         label
## lo      2   2    lo         lo(r)
## K1-K2   1   1 K1-K2 K1(r) - K2(r)
## hi      2   2    hi         hi(r)
##                                                                               meaning
## lo                                            lower pointwise envelope of simulations
## K1-K2 differences of  Ripley isotropic correction estimate of expression(K[1] - K[2])
## hi                                            upper pointwise envelope of simulations


Some useful packages:

library(akima)  # for spline interpolation
library(spdep)  # dealing with spatial dependence

See CRAN Spatial Task View.

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  1. INTERACTING WITH OTHER GIS ===============================================
library(spgrass6)  # GRASS
library(RPyGeo)  # ArcGis (Python)
library(RSAGA)  # SAGA
library(spsextante)  # Sextante 

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  1. OTHER USEFUL PACKAGES =========================
library(Metadata)  # automatically collates data from online GIS datasets (land cover, pop density, etc) for a given set of coordinates

# library(GeoXp) # Interactive exploratory spatial data analysis
histomap(columbus, "CRIME")

# readGPS

library(rangeMapper)  # plotting species distributions, richness and traits

# Species Distribution Modelling

library(BioCalc)  # computes 19 bioclimatic variables from monthly climatic values (tmin, tmax, prec)

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  1. TO LEARN MORE ================

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