Authors: Jiazhen Liu*, Peihan Li*, Yuwei Wu, Gaurav S. Sukhatmem, and Vijay Kumar, and Lifeng Zhou
Video Links: Youtube
Related Paper: Jiazhen, Liu* Peihan Li*, Yuwei Wu, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Vijay Kumar, and Lifeng Zhou. "Multi-Robot Target Tracking with Sensing and Communication Danger Zones." 2024 International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems Preprint
title={Multi-Robot Target Tracking with Sensing and Communication Danger Zones},
author={Jiazhen Liu and Peihan Li and Yuwei Wu and Gaurav S. Sukhatme and Vijay Kumar and Lifeng Zhou},
ROS: Our framework has been tested in ROS Noetic.
Forces Pro and Matlab: You can request an academic license from here.
- In the simulation, run 'main.m'.
- Parameters are in config.json. You can change robots' and targets' numbers, start positions, etc.
- Type I represents sensing danger zones and Type II represents communication danger zones. You can set the position and covariance.
For any technical issues, please contact Jiazhen Liu (