This directory is for scripts used by the CI for deployment, etc.
Deploys correctly versioned code and source maps to the CDN.
- --bucket: The S3 bucket name to deploy to, defaults to
. - --root: The base directory inside the bucket to deploy to, defaults to
. - --path: The local path to retrieve source files from. Defaults to
. - --includeDirs: A comma separated list of directories to include. Defaults to
. - --excludeDirs: A comma separated list of directories to exclude. Defaults to
. - --fileRegex: A regular expression to test file names against for upload. Defaults to
. - --skipCheckout: Optional. Skip checking out the branch before running.
Expects AWS access to be configured in the surrounding environment. To run
locally, first set some temporary AWS credentials as environment variables
using ably-env
source <(ably-env secrets print-aws)
See AWS Access for more information about gaining access to AWS.