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PSOL with bazel #2069

acachy opened this issue Jun 8, 2021 · 21 comments

PSOL with bazel #2069

acachy opened this issue Jun 8, 2021 · 21 comments


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acachy commented Jun 8, 2021

Trying to build nginx-module with current master for very long time...

Since no manuals or PSOL-related internal scripts know about bazel:

  • I've built everything except envoy
  • Manually fixed include errors
  • Changed a bit to skip envoy and test libs

Finally I get pagespeed_automatic.a with:


Module build fails with errors about google::LogMessage like

/usr/bin/ld: /incubator-pagespeed-mod/bazel-incubator-pagespeed-mod/pagespeed/automatic/pagespeed_automatic.a(13.html_parse.pic.o.o): in function `net_instaweb::HtmlParse::CheckParentFromAddEvent(net_instaweb::HtmlEvent*)': undefined reference to `google::LogMessageFatal::LogMessageFatal(char const*, int, google::CheckOpString const&)'

Any suggestions? Probably it was completely wrong way to try

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oschaaf commented Jun 8, 2021

As far as I know nobody has tried to build ngx_pagespeed yet. So we're in uncharted territory.
It should be possible though.

To obtain pagespeed_automatic.a this should suffice:

bazel build -c opt //pagespeed/automatic:automatic

If that yields the undefined reference you mention, then I think we're missing a dependency in a BUILD file on glog. Maybe adding it in helps.

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acachy commented Jun 9, 2021

bazel build -c opt //pagespeed/automatic:automatic

As far as I understand - it just generates libautomatic.a (that I already listed as a part of my merged pagespeed_automatic.a). And implies to use broken after

To be sure, I've tried to use just libautomatic.a as pagespeed_automatic.a and ngx show errors like

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccBVH139.o: warning: relocation against `_ZTVN12net_instaweb18NullMessageHandlerE' in read-only section `.text.startup'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccBVH139.o: in function `main': undefined reference to `vtable for net_instaweb::StringWriter'
/usr/bin/ld: undefined reference to `net_instaweb::MessageHandler::MessageHandler()'

I've checked a bit how pagespeed_automatic is made. In "before-bazel" way it uses to combine these libraries:


But now there are almost totally different names, so I've just get all "*.a" libs except few copies and ones that related to envoy and tests.
At least, errors are different after

If that yields the undefined reference you mention, then I think we're missing a dependency in a BUILD file on glog. Maybe adding it in helps.

At the moment I didn't succeed with search for correct dependency name


  • File "base/logging.h" contains "include glog/logging.h"
  • I had error about "glog" until I've added path to "glog/logging.h" to list of "include"-paths for CC-command in ngx/config:$pagespeed_include
  • When pagespeed_automatic.a is not complete - it also triggers "undefined reference"

So, maybe it needs to include some extra ".a" library?

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eilandert commented Sep 15, 2021

@acachy how did you manage to build?

I get a lot of errors like this:
pagespeed/kernel/base/ In function 'GoogleString net_instaweb::internal::StrCatNineOrMore(const StringPiece*, ...)':
pagespeed/kernel/base/ error: 'va_start' was not declared in this scope

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acachy commented Nov 7, 2021

@acachy how did you manage to build?

I get a lot of errors like this: pagespeed/kernel/base/ In function 'GoogleString net_instaweb::internal::StrCatNineOrMore(const StringPiece*, ...)': pagespeed/kernel/base/ error: 'va_start' was not declared in this scope

@eilandert, looks like you've already moved far enough in #2084

My previous attempts were forgotten because of fail at the end...
So I tried again on latest commit and here is a part of my deploy script for Debian, if you wanna try to repeate. Sorry for a lot of trash ways inside

  1. Prepare dir with sources
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable jdk1.8" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
wget --no-check-certificate -qO - | apt-key add - 2>&1
apt-get install -y bazel-4.1.0
apt-get install -y ninja-build 
mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1
apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jre-headless

mkdir /ngx
cd /ngx
tar xzf *gz
rm *gz

git clone
cd incubator-pagespeed-ngx
git reset --hard 9e70f6d
git config --global url. git://
git submodule update --init --recursive --jobs=16 --force
cd ..

git clone --recursive
cd incubator-pagespeed-mod
git reset --hard 6199d78
  1. Bazel-build with few hacks
sed -i '1s/^/#include <cstdarg>\n/' pagespeed/kernel/base/
bazel build -c fastbuild //pagespeed/kernel/... //pagespeed/automatic/... //pagespeed/system/... //pagespeed/controller/... //pagespeed/opt/... //base/... //net/instaweb/... //third_party/... mod_pagespeed
sed -i -r 's/sys_siglist\[signum\]/strsignal(signum)/g' ./bazel-bin/../../../../../external/apr/threadproc/unix/signals.c
bazel build -c fastbuild //pagespeed/kernel/... //pagespeed/automatic/... //pagespeed/system/... //pagespeed/controller/... //pagespeed/opt/... //base/... //net/instaweb/... //third_party/... mod_pagespeed
  1. Update pagespeed/automatic/
  • Skip Envoy
  • Change final destination path for lib

ADIR=$(bazel info bazel-bin)
ALIST=$(find $ADIR | grep \\.a$ | grep -v main | grep -v copy | grep -v envoy | xargs echo)

for item in ${ALIST[*]}
echo $item

find $ADIR | grep \\.a$ | grep -v main | grep -v copy

set -e
echo "merging libs"
./ ~/pagespeed_automatic.a.dirty $ALIST > merge.log

echo "renaming symbols"

# XXX(oschaaf): objcopy 2.31 doesn't like clang-7's output unless we pass in -fno-addrsig
# not passing this in will make the scripts that rename symbols fail
./ ~/pagespeed_automatic.a.dirty ~/pagespeed_automatic.a > symbol-rename.log
rm ~/pagespeed_automatic.a.dirty
cp ~/pagespeed_automatic.a ./../../bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/pagespeed/automatic/
mv ~/pagespeed_automatic.a ./
echo "done"
  1. Create pagespeed_automatic.a
cd pagespeed/automatic
  1. Try to build nginx
cd /ngx/nginx-release-1.19.10
MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR="/ngx/incubator-pagespeed-mod" ./auto/configure --prefix=/usr/share/nginx --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock --pid-path=/run/ --modules-path=/usr/lib/nginx/modules --http-client-body-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/body --http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/fastcgi --http-proxy-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/proxy --http-scgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/scgi --http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/uwsgi --with-pcre-jit --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_auth_request_module --with-http_v2_module --with-http_dav_module --with-http_slice_module --with-threads --with-http_addition_module --with-http_flv_module --with-http_gunzip_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_mp4_module --with-http_random_index_module --with-http_secure_link_module --with-http_sub_module --with-mail=dynamic --with-mail_ssl_module --with-stream=dynamic --with-stream_ssl_module --with-stream_ssl_preread_module --with-http_perl_module=dynamic --add-module=/ngx/incubator-pagespeed-ngx
  1. There are include-errors that can be seen in details at the end of ./objs/autoconf.err
    I fix it step-by-step by searching paths with missing files and adding extra include-dirs to /ngx/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/config
    After few steps I have include rule like this:
  $mod_pagespeed_dir \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/chromium/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/google-sparsehash/src/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/google-sparsehash/gen/arch/$os_name/$arch_name/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/grpc/src/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/protobuf/src/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/re2/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/out/$buildtype/obj/gen \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/out/$buildtype/obj/gen/protoc_out/instaweb \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/apr/src/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/aprutil/src/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/apr/gen/arch/$os_name/$arch_name/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/aprutil/gen/arch/$os_name/$arch_name/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-out/../../../external/com_google_absl \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_github_gflags_gflags/_virtual_includes/gflags \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/glog/_virtual_includes/default_glog_headers \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/google_sparsehash/_virtual_includes/google_sparsehash \

And my last error on attempt to use auto/configure:

/usr/bin/ld: undefined reference to `google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Probably we should use other include-paths (for most files there are different copies in different dirs) or better ways to fix include-errors
I have no significant knowledge here, just tried to fix everything that I've seen

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Thanks! There are a few things I can use / didn't know

When I have some time I'll give it another try. Same as you, trying to fix what I encounter. Never used bazel before ;-)

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eilandert commented Nov 7, 2021


Thanks for your pointers, I used them in a slightly different approach but I am a lot further ahead than I was, but I am stuck on the same error now.

/usr/bin/ld: undefined reference to `google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Probably we should use other include-paths (for most files there are different copies in different dirs) or better ways to fix include-errors I have no significant knowledge here, just tried to fix everything that I've seen

After some digging I discovered that glog is build in objects but there is no .a library, so glog is not merged into the pagespeed library.

@oschaaf , perhaps we need a bazel/glog.bzl ?

Please note, I don't know what i am doing either ;-) Bazel is not my thing yet

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Or we need a @glog//:glog dependency

bazel build -c fastbuild @glog//:glog seems to do something ;-)

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acachy commented Nov 11, 2021

Or we need a @glog//:glog dependency

bazel build -c fastbuild @glog//:glog seems to do something ;-)

Looks like your way is the good one

I've build a bunch of extra .a-libs with

bazel build -c fastbuild @//...

Now I have different error (but that build was not completed)

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eilandert commented Nov 11, 2021

Or we need a @glog//:glog dependency
bazel build -c fastbuild @glog//:glog seems to do something ;-)

Looks like your way is the good one

I've build a bunch of extra .a-libs with

bazel build -c fastbuild @//...

Now I have different error (but that build was not completed)

This is what I do now, I have some troubles with Google URL and ABSL. Can't seem to find the correct dependencies for now, but it's a step further ;-)

bazel build -c fastbuild \
  @glog//:glog \
  @com_google_absl//absl/algorithm:algorithm @com_google_absl//absl/base:raw_logging_internal \
  @com_google_absl//absl/base @com_google_absl//absl/strings @com_google_absl//absl/hash \
 @com_google_absl//absl/memory @com_google_absl//absl/status @com_google_absl//absl/synchronization \ 
 @com_google_absl//absl/utility \
  @com_github_gflags_gflags//:gflags @com_googlesource_googleurl//base @com_googlesource_googleurl//url \
  //pagespeed/kernel/... //pagespeed/automatic/... //pagespeed/system/... //pagespeed/controller/... \
  //pagespeed/opt/... //base/... //net/instaweb/... //third_party/... \

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ok, I do this:

bazel build -c fastbuild \
  @glog//:glog \
  @com_googlesource_googleurl//base/third_party/icu \
  @com_google_absl//... \
  @com_github_gflags_gflags//... \
  @com_googlesource_googleurl//... \
  @google_sparsehash//... \
  //pagespeed/kernel/... //pagespeed/automatic/... //pagespeed/system/... //pagespeed/controller/... \
  //pagespeed/opt/... //base/... //net/instaweb/... //third_party/... \

But whatever I do, I get the following error:

checking for psol

/usr/bin/ld: src/incubator-pagespeed-ngx//psol/lib/Release/linux/x64/pagespeed_automatic.a(94.url_idna_icu.pic.o.o): in function `url::(anonymous
(.text+0x41): undefined reference to `uidna_openUTS46_66'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0x8c): undefined reference to `u_errorName_66'
/usr/bin/ld: src/incubator-pagespeed-ngx//psol/lib/Release/linux/x64/pagespeed_automatic.a(94.url_idna_icu.pic.o.o): in function `url::IDNToASCII(
unsigned short const*, int, url::CanonOutputT<unsigned short>*)':
(.text+0x232): undefined reference to `uidna_nameToASCII_66'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Getting close though, I suppose this is the last fence to jump.

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Lofesa commented Nov 13, 2021

Hi @eilandert
I´m not a developer, so can´t help here.
But I have a clue.... Greping in and old copy of the repo I have found that icu_whatever_things are in /third_party/icu.
This is not in the master, but you can find this folder in version 36 the last before bazel.
the folder is a pointer to Maybe this must be included.....

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Hi @Lofesa

I am not a dev either ;-) But I like to puzzle.

I have it working now with latest master, well at least it passes ./configure from nginx. So PSOL itself should be good to go.

I need headers from chromium (I think) to compile the ngx_pagespeed module, but there is no chromium anymore in /third_party. It will take some time but we'll get there sooner or later when I find the time ;-)

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Lofesa commented Nov 14, 2021

If I´m not wrong, chromium was changed by envoy in the bazel brach.
And I think nginx module is a wrapper around the psol lib to work with nginx, so if you have the pagespeed_automatic.a you can compile the nginx_pagespeed module.
Maybe @oschaaf can clarify if chromium headers are needed.

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Having the pagespeed_automatic.a is not enough, we need the headerfiles to be copied, otherwise the NGINX module is not aware of the functions and how to use them. I think I took care of that in (see the rsync section)

Now we have to mess around in the nginx module itself.

For example: "base/debug/debugger.h"

That is a hard include to (I believe) chromium. So I am not sure to include chromium or to delete or change that line.
And this is only the first item I come across, I think there are a lot more.

I am not a dev, but I am willing to take a dive into it, but I am limited in time at the moment. So please bear with me ;-)

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Lofesa commented Nov 15, 2021

I only intend to help as much as I can reading the code.
The files in the include, in fact all files under "base/debug", don´t exist anymore. I think is better to delete it.

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acachy commented Nov 17, 2021


  1. I use your bazel-build command, but extra includes in pagespeed-ngx/config looks like still necessary

  2. Bazel-build with "-c opt" creates more libraries
    I didn't go deep. Got error on symbols renaming about duplicates. But probably it might be because of next point.

  3. My had to be fixed against eating pagespeed_automatic.a or it became constantly growing with each build by including itself

  4. I had your error about uidna_openUTS46_66 but other suspicions ate time
    "find+grep" shows that it's related to libicu-lib

There should be bazel-way to include... And maybe this alternative way would bring problems.
But don't care at the moment

Just add system's package libs to call in


ADIR=$(bazel info bazel-bin)
ALIST=$(find $ADIR | grep \\.a$ | grep -v main | grep -v copy | grep -v envoy | grep -v /pagespeed_automatic\\.a | xargs echo)

for item in ${ALIST[*]}
echo $item

#find $ADIR | grep \\.a$ | grep -v main | grep -v copy

set -e
echo "merging libs"
bash  ./ ~/pagespeed_automatic.a.dirty $ALIST /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicudata.a > merge.log

echo "renaming symbols"

# XXX(oschaaf): objcopy 2.31 doesn't like clang-7's output unless we pass in -fno-addrsig
# not passing this in will make the scripts that rename symbols fail
./ ~/pagespeed_automatic.a.dirty ~/pagespeed_automatic.a > symbol-rename.log
rm ~/pagespeed_automatic.a.dirty
cp ~/pagespeed_automatic.a ./../../bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/pagespeed/automatic/
mv ~/pagespeed_automatic.a ./
echo "done"
  1. Then we get "opendl" error - it is fixed in "pagespeed-ngx/config"
pagespeed_libs="-lstdc++ -ldl"
  1. Now configure is successful

  2. Haha. Make-stage shows a lot of lost files
    They may be fixed with more extra includes (maybe good way is in some other place for includes)

  $mod_pagespeed_dir \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/pagespeed/kernel \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-out/../../../external/com_google_absl \
  $ngx_addon_dir/testing-dependencies/mod_pagespeed/third_party/chromium/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/chromium/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/google-sparsehash/src/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/google-sparsehash/gen/arch/$os_name/$arch_name/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/grpc/src/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/protobuf/src/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/re2/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/out/$buildtype/obj/gen \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/out/$buildtype/obj/gen/protoc_out/instaweb \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/apr/src/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/aprutil/src/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/apr/gen/arch/$os_name/$arch_name/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/third_party/aprutil/gen/arch/$os_name/$arch_name/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/url \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-bin/external/glog/_virtual_includes/default_glog_headers \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/com_github_gflags_gflags/_virtual_includes/gflags \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/external/google_sparsehash/_virtual_includes/google_sparsehash \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-incubator-pagespeed-mod \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-incubator-pagespeed-mod/external/com_google_protobuf/src \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-incubator-pagespeed-mod/external/re2 \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-bin \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-incubator-pagespeed-mod/external/com_github_grpc_grpc/include \
  $mod_pagespeed_dir/bazel-incubator-pagespeed-mod/external/apr/include \
  1. Then new funny things appear like
/ngx/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/src/ In function ‘char* net_instaweb::{anonymous}::ps_init_dir(const StringPiece&, const StringPiece&, ngx_conf_t*)’:
/ngx/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/src/ error: ‘StrCat’ is not a member of ‘net_instaweb’
  780 |         cf->pool, net_instaweb::StrCat(directive, " ", path,
/ngx/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/src/ error: ‘LOG_ERROR_REPORT’ is not a member of ‘logging’
   54 |     case logging::LOG_ERROR_REPORT:

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acachy commented Nov 17, 2021

Same as last errors, but more clear example

/ngx/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/src/ In function ‘void net_instaweb::log_message_handler::Install(ngx_log_t*)’:
/ngx/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/src/ error: ‘SetLogMessageHandler’ is not a member of ‘logging’
  106 |   logging::SetLogMessageHandler(&LogMessageHandler);

Function "SetLogMessageHandler" not exists in mod_pagespeed at all, it can be seen only in /incubator-pagespeed-ngx/testing-dependencies/mod_pagespeed/third_party/chromium/src/base/logging.h

As far as I understand - it's not just build problem further...

  1. Or we restore chronium parts around
    I think it's "not meant to be"
    Even if we build it (can use before-bazel commit for test) it should be difficult enough since "logging" and other things are exists in new places\ways

  2. Or we update included-modules to make them fit current pagespeed-ngx

  3. Or we fix pagespeed-ngx
    As @Lofesa suggested I've deleted "base/debug" includes (together with deleting my funny chromium include). However, there are still this logging and other problems...

  4. Or worse

I think some hybrid of №2+№3 is the best way
Not good feeling for non-dev approach thought...

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Lofesa commented Nov 17, 2021

But now there is base/loggin.h

I found SetLogMessageHandler in pagespeed/envoy/, but in a comment in an epmty function

I think envoy is the sustitute for chromium and must be included

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@Lofesa I think we need to include the logging.h from the glog package.


My approach is not to include /root/.bazel/* but to create a psol.tar.gz package with the libautomatic.a and the needed headers so people can untar it in nginx-1.21.4/modules/ngx_pagespeed/psol without the need to build it with bazel. See the rsync commands in

My approach is:

  1. create a functional psol (done, I suppose)
  2. create a psol.tar.gz with lib+headers (done, I suppose)
  3. clone the ngx pagespeed module and make some changes.

When 3 works we have a proof of concept. Then we continue to:

  1. adjust master/pagespeed/automatic/BUILD and stuff so everything will be build by "bazel build -c fastbuild //pagespeed/automatic:automatic" or something.
  2. find out the bazel way to build libicu. When I build ICU with bazel, the build fails because gURL wants to build a target that doesn;t exist.
  3. optimize the build. not everything has to be in the lib I think. the lib is around 111MB now, while in the old way it was only half of that.
  4. do a pull request

I think it is not that difficult, but since I am no dev I have to find everything out for myself with common sense, and currently I haven't got the time. I'm not home for a couple of weeks, i've been sent to a hospital far away due to covid to help out (i am actually an healthcare provider)

So, it will take time ;-)

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oschaaf commented Nov 18, 2021

Hey @eilandert & @acachy & @Lofesa awesome job; I think that with some persistence this will be resolved, as it should be viable. Earlier I had hoped that there would be a variant of nginx out there which would support the bazel build system.
That would have made life much easier; but alas there are no (up-to-date) efforts in that direction that I know of.
It looks like supporting a "bazelified" build of nginx ourselves would require an ongoing and significant effort; so this project will very probably be better off with what is being attempted here: package psol like we used to do earlier.
I'm hoping I can find some time around the end of this year to contribute to this effort.

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@oschaaf That would be cool, I hope to have time in a couple of weeks too.

In the meantime I've created , you can clone this, run ./ and docker does all the magic until the first unfixed error in ;-)

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