address is runtime entity, served as subscription and delivery point. Any message
be sent to an address; any actor
can subscribe on any kind of messages on any address.
An address
is generated by supervisor
, address holds reference to supervisor
message is runtime entity, which consists of destination address
and user supplied
mutable payload
. Message are delivered to actors
. The order of delivery messages
is source-actor sequenced: if a source-actor
generates messages m1
and then m2
, that
is is guaranteed that m1
will arrive to destination earlier then m2
. Meanwhile there
can be other messages for the destination from other senders. Sometimes, the approach
is named per-sender-FIFO. The delivery itself to an actor is not guaranteed, not in the
sense the rotor
will loose it, but because the actor might be not yet ready for it
(not subscribed), or the actor might be no longer ready for it (i.e. already unsubscribed).
is mutable. It is user responsibility to allowed for an actor
to change
a payload in a thread-safe way, but it is recommended to do modifications only
when it is known that an actor
is single consumer of the message; if there are multiple
consumers of the the messages it is recommended not to change the message, or provide
synchronization mechanisms on the payload (discouraged, as locks/mutexes might lead to
application deadlock).
The messaging in rotor
resembles IP protocol: it is quite simple (compared to TCP),
without delivery/strict delivery order guarantees, no streams, no timers etc., however
solid foundation of distributed actors can be build on top of rotor
, adding only
required guarantees.
supports reliable messaging via adopting request-response pattern: whenver
message is sent timeout timer is spawn, if the reply
isn't delivered in
time, the sender is notified about the occurred error. If the reply is sent twice
by mistake, the second reply message will be silently discarded.
actor is runtime entity with user-defined reaction on incoming messages. An actor
can send messages to other actors, as well as do interaction with with outer world (i.e.
via loop, timers, I/O etc.). The main business-logic should be written in actors.
An actor
always is executed in the context of some supervisor
Every actor
has it's "main" address, used for rotor-internal messaging. In addition
it can create as many as needed address ("identities"), which can be used for
distinguishing replies
supervisor is special kind of actor
, which encapsulates infrastructure-logic,
i.e. responsible for spawning/terminating actors, interaction with loop (timeouts),
and for message dispatching/delivering. All messages sent by spawned actors, are
put into outbound queue of supervisor. supervisor
was designed to represent
sequential execution context, similar to strand
from boost_asio
(in fact rotor-asio
supervisor holds strand
object); in other words all messages
are delivered sequentially within the context of an supervisor
, and it is safe to
call one some actor's method from some other actor, located on the same supervisor,
f needed.
supervising defines the supervisor reaction upon child actor shutdown. It varies from doing nothing to escalating failure (i.e. shutdown supervisor itself with all its actors, and may be its supervisor too etc) and to spawning a new actor instance again (may be, after some timeout) to give it the chance to successfully accomplish its job. spawner codifies different policies without a need of manually code the relevant section in supervisor.
locality is rotor-specific marker of sequential execution context
. An supervisor
might have an independent locality, i.e. execute only on its own (strand
); or a
list of supervisors might share the same locality
. For some event loops (i.e. other
then boost_asio), it it the only option. In other words it is "thread affinity"
somewhat similar to cpu-affinity.
Supervisors might form a tree-like structure making some kind of hierarchy of responsibilities. This allows to build a robust application via controlled degradation of its services when leaf-actors are restarted in case of error, then their supervisors (with all actors) are restarted and so on the error propagates until the root supervisor. The child restart policy is user-defined for each supervisor individually. For more details see the article blog-cpp-supervisors.
For example, if actor A3
is going down, the supervisor_child
will receive a
message about it, and it might decide either to spawn A3
again, or if restart
limit is reached, shutdown self and all other child actors A1
and A2
. The
will receive down message of supervisor_child
, and the
decision to restart supervisor_child
(with all it's children) or to shutdown self
should be made again.
Unlike supervisors in Erlang, the let-it-crash principle is not acceptable in C++,
hence it is expected that actors will perform shutdown
procedure. It is expected
that an user will inherit supervisor
class and write application specific reaction
on an actor shutdown. For proper supervisor
destruction, all externally held
should be destroyed.
It should be noted, that a "crash" is actually "controlled crash", i.e. ability
of an actor to detect some non-fatal error state and notify about that to upstream
supervisor. After that the supervisor asks for shutdown and the actor must
confirm it (maybe after some delay, i.e. after asynchronous resources release).
There is no magical remedy against abnormal failures, which lead to std::abort
or std::terminate
The system_context is runtime environment for supervisors, which holds loop
some other context, which should be accessible in thread-safe way. When an fatal
error is encounted, it is delegated to system_context
, which by default just prints
it to std::cerr
and invokes std::abort()
All rotor
entities above use intrusive pointer approach from boost-smartptr, with
the thread-safe atomic counters by default. If it is known, that rotor
will be used strictly on single thread, then it is possible to use faster non-atomic
The simplified actor lifetime is shown on the picture above. When actor is ready, it
enters into operational
state, providing its services (i.e. starting to react on
the incoming messages).
The init
and shut down
actor states are similar to constructor and destructor
for an object, with one notable exception: they are asynchronous. If init
fails, an actor does not enters into operational
state and starts to shut down.
The real world actor lifecycle is a little bit more complicated. The freshly
instantiated actor is in NEW
state; it does not receives any messages. In
state it starts plugins initialization, they subscribe
to system (rotor) messages and do other init activities, including the user
When init is finished (i.e. all plugins confirmed they are done with
initialization), an actor enters into INITIALIZED
state. It is already
subscribed to all required user messages and ready to serve; however,
it still can wait an signal to start from it supervisor to perform
some action on demand, and only then the actor enters into OPERATIONAL
state. The signal does not have to come: supervisor might postpone it
(see synchronization patterns) or do not send at all, asking to shutdown
(because it was asked by its parent supervisor or some sibling actor
failed to init).
The shutdown is procedure is reverse: in SHUTTING_DOWN
state actor
unsubscribes from all user and system messages, releases resources etc., and
when it is done, it enters into SHUT_DOWN
state. In that state it
does not receives any messages and sooner it will be destroyed.
It is possible to hook corresponding methods from actor_base_t
note, that the actor_base_t
methods must be called when overriding):
void actor_base_t::init_start() // NEW -> INITIALIZING
void actor_base_t::init_finish() // INITIALIZING -> INITIALIZED
void actor_base_t::on_start() // INITIALIZED -> OPERATIONAL
void actor_base_t::shutdown_start() // OPERATIONAL -> SHUTTING_DOWN
void actor_base_t::shutdown_finish() // SHUTTING_DOWN -> SHUT_DOWN
The state transitioning is usually performed via sending and receiving appropriate
messages, e.g. a supervisor sends to an actor message::initialize_actor_t
and the actor enters into INITIALIZING
state; when it switches to INITIALIZED
state the actor sends back the initialization confirmation. That details are hidden
from user since v0.09
Supervisor is an actor, so it has exactly the same lifecycle. It has the peculiarity,
that it waits it's children, i.e. supervisor enters into INITIALIZING
state before
any of it's children actors, then it waits until all of its children confirm that
, and only after that the supervisor confirms that its own
initialization is accomplished (the similar procedure is done for shutdown procedure).
That reveals very important property of an actor lifecycle - it is composeable.
In a simple words it can be explained as the following: it makes it possible that
whole tree (hierarchy) of actors and supervisors either became ready (OPERATIONAL
or not (SHUT DOWN
) without any special intervention from a user.
What makes it distinguishing supervisors from actors? It is the mechanism of plugins.
Plugins were introduced in v0.09
to replace actors behavior, because behavior
nor actor itself can authoritatively answer the question whether the initialization
(shutdown) is done, because there are a lot of factors with different natures, which
affect the answer: are system subscriptions done? are user subscriptions done? are
all child actors confirmed initialization? are all acquired external resources already
released? The answer should be committed cooperatively and the single vote in the
role of a plugin. If a plugin says "I'm still not yet done with initialization",
then the whole actor still holds the INITIALIZING
state; if a plugin says
"I'm failed to initialize", the whole actor state jumps into shutdown phase.
Each actor has a static (compile-time) list of plugins. They are polled for init-ready question in the direct order, and for shutdown-ready question in the reverse order. Once a plugin says "I'm done", the next one is polled etc.
The most important for user actor plugins are:
The link_client
plugin is response for linking the current actor ("client" role)
with an other actor(s) ("server(s)"). This can be seen as "virtual TCP-connection",
i.e. making sure that "server" will outlive "client", i.e. all messages from
"client" to "server" will be eventually delivered, i.e. "server" will not spontaneously
shut self down having alive client connected to it. The "server" have to confirm
successful linking of a "client", while "client" waiting the response confirmation
suspends its own initialization (i.e its state is INITIALIZING
). It
should be noted, that actors linking is performed by actor addresses only,
i.e. "client" and "server" actors might belong to different threads, supervisors,
localities or event loops.
The registry
plugin is the continued development of the link_client
plugin. It
allows for "server" to register self in the "registry" (special actor, shipped
with rotor
), and for "client" to discover "server" address via some symbolic
name (string) and then link to it (using, link_client
, of course). This makes
it possible to encapsulate actors dependencies (i.e. to work I need "serviceA"
and "serviceB") as well as export actors services (i.e. once I'm working
I provide "serviceC").
The resources
plugin is very specific one, as it allows to actor know that to
continue initialization (or shutdown) it needs to acquire/release external
) resources. For example, it covers the cases like: "before my actor
starts, it needs to open TCP connector to remote side and perform successful
authorization", i.e. it suspends initialization (shutdown) until some external
events occur.
It is absolutely correct to fail initialization because an actor will be
asked to shutdown, probably with up-scaling the problem; however fail shutdown
for rotor
is violation of the contract, similar to an exception in destructor
in C++. What can the micro framework do in that situation? Out of the box
it delegates the issue to the system_context_t
which default implementation
is to print the error and invoke std::terminate
You can override the on_error
method and hope, that it will continue to work.
The most likely it will, however, there will be a memory leak. The rotor part
of the leak in the failed to shutdown actor still can be handled via cleaning
internal rotor resources (see tests/actor_test.cpp
the force_cleanup()
method how to do that). Still the most likely there are non-rotor leaked resources,
which have to be released too. So, if you are routing this way, you are on
very very very shaky ground near UB, and the advice not to go here at all.
If a client-actor refuses to unlink
in time, when server-actor asked it
(because it was asked to shut down), it is also violation of the contract.
If you meeting the issue, you should tune (shutdown) timeouts for your actors
to give them enough breath to finish activities they are doing. For example,
as the (parent) supervisor shutdowns after all its children are shut down,
then the parent supervisor shutdown timeout should be greater then
the corresponding timeout of any of its children. Probably, the easiest way
to start is to use everywhere some fixed, but large enough, timeout (e.g. 100ms
everywhere, and only later, if the problem occurs, tune individual timeouts
on demand. Another technique for dealing with non-rotor asynchronous resources,
is to spawn additional timer at shutdown_start
and cancel all non-rotor I/O
or move and send them to some other actor, which can deal with that.
It is recommended to launch code under memory sanitizer tool like valgrind
to make sure everything is correctly cleaned. This relates to program shutdown too.
To see the messages traffic in non-release build, the special environment
should be used. The delivery
will dump messages routing via a supervisor. Here is an excerpt:
>> rotor::message_t<rotor::payload::subscription_confirmation_t> [P] m: rotor::message_t<rotor::payload::unsubscription_confirmation_t>, addr: 0x5567c50db770 for 0x5567c50db770
>> rotor::message_t<rotor::payload::subscription_confirmation_t> [P] m: rotor::message_t<rotor::payload::external_unsubscription_t>, addr: 0x5567c50db770 for 0x5567c50db770
>> rotor::message_t<rotor::payload::subscription_confirmation_t> [P] m: rotor::message_t<rotor::payload::subscription_confirmation_t>, addr: 0x5567c50db770 for 0x5567c50db770
>> rotor::message_t<rotor::payload::subscription_confirmation_t> [P] m: rotor::message_t<rotor::wrapped_request_t<rotor::payload::initialize_actor_t, void> >, addr: 0x5567c50db770 for 0x5567c50db770
If you need something more custom, then a new delivery plugin should be developed, and then it should be linked into new supervisor type.
To have everything public is bad, as some fields and methods are not part of public interface. Still sometimes there is a need to access them outside, e.g. in tests. Provide getters and setters for all of them seems also incorrect, again, because they are not part of public interface.
Since v0.09
the experimental templated access()
method was added to handle that
rare cases. It is assumed, that you'll add your own partial specialization of
the method, which will grant access to the required fields or methods.
For further details, please consult an article in my blog.
Since v0.09
every actor (including supervisors) should have a config. It is just a plain struct
with the minimal set of properties like: init and shutdown timeouts,
parent supervisor pointer etc.
However, it is not handy to deal with plain struct
, especially if there are aliases
and optional fields. That's why dedicated config_builder_t
was introduced to mark that some required fields have been filled and other convenient things like actor instantiation.
To cover the cases, when any derived actor/config can have custom properties, the Curiously recurring template pattern aka CRTP pattern was used.