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Docker Deploy

Installing Docker is a prerequisite. The instructions differ depending on the environment. Docker is comprised of two parts: the daemon server which runs on Linux and accepts commands, and the client which is a Go program capable of running on MacOS, all Unix variants and Windows.

Docker Installation

Follow the Docker install instructions.

Available images

There are development and deploy images available.

bazel/bazelbuilder is a Docker image containing basic requirements for building the Cockroach binary using Bazel. It can be run using ./dev builder.

Note that if you use this image, you should ensure that your Docker installation grants 4GB or more of RAM to containers. On some systems, the default configuration limits containers to 2GB memory usage and this can be insufficient to build/link a CockroachDB executable.

There is a FIPS analogue to this image as well.


The deploy image is a downsized image containing a minimal environment for running CockroachDB. It is based on RedHat's ubi9/ubi-minimal image and contains only the main CockroachDB binary, libgeos libraries, and licenses. To fetch this image, run docker pull cockroachdb/cockroach in the usual fashion.

To build the image yourself:

  1. Fetch a cross-built version of cockroach from CI, or build one yourself using ./dev build cockroach geos --cross[=linuxarm].

  2. Copy the necessary files into the build/deploy directory.

    cp ./artifacts/{cockroach,,} ./build/deploy
    cp ./LICENSE ./licenses/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.txt ./build/deploy
  3. Build the CockroachDB Docker image.

    cd ./build/deploy
    docker build -t localhost/cockroach:latest .

Updating toolchains

Cross toolchains may need to be rebuilt infrequently. Follow this process to do so:

  • Edit files in build/toolchains/toolchainbuild as desired.
  • Run build/toolchains/toolchainbuild/ to test -- this will build the tarballs locally and place them in your artifacts directory.
  • When you're happy with the result, commit your changes, submit a pull request, and have it reviewed.
  • Ask someone with permissions to run the Build and Publish Cross Toolchains and Build and Publish Darwin Toolchains build configurations in TeamCity. These will publish the new toolchains to a new subdirectory in Google cloud storage, and the build log will additionally contain the sha256 of every tarball created.
  • Update build/toolchains/REPOSITORIES.bzl with new sha256's for every toolchain, and build/toolchains/crosstool-ng/toolchain.bzl with new URL's.

Updating the golang version

Please copy this checklist into the relevant commit message and perform these steps:

  • Adjust the Pebble tests to run in new version.
  • Update our go fork with a new branch containing our patches. Create a new branch cockroach-go$GO_VERSION and take note of the commit ID.
  • Update build/teamcity/internal/release/build-and-publish-patched-go/commit.txt with the commit ID in the go fork.
  • Update build/teamcity/internal/release/build-and-publish-patched-go/ with the new GOVERS and adjust SHA256 sums as necessary.
  • Adjust GO_FIPS_COMMIT for the FIPS Go toolchain (source).
  • Run the Internal / Cockroach / Build / Toolchains / Publish Patched Go for Mac build configuration in TeamCity with your latest version of the script above. Note the job depends on another job Build and Publish Patched Go. That job prints out the SHA256 of all tarballs, which you will need to copy-paste into WORKSPACE (see below). Publish Patched Go for Mac is an extra step that publishes the signed go binaries for macOS. That job also prints out the SHA256 of the Mac tarballs in particular.
  • Adjust --@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:sdk_version in .bazelrc.
  • Bump the version in WORKSPACE under go_download_sdk. You may need to bump rules_go. Also edit the filenames listed in sdks and update all the hashes to match what you built in the step above.
  • Bump the version in WORKSPACE under go_download_sdk for the FIPS version of Go (go_sdk_fips).
  • Run ./dev generate bazel to refresh distdir_files.bzl, then bazel fetch @distdir//:archives to ensure you've updated all hashes to the correct value.
  • Bump the go version in go.mod.
  • Bump the default installed version of Go in (source).
  • Replace other mentions of the older version of go (grep for golang:<old_version> and go<old_version>).

Updating the bazelbuilder image

The bazelbuilder image is used exclusively for performing builds using Bazel. Only add dependencies to the image that are necessary for performing Bazel builds. (Since the Bazel build downloads most dependencies as needed, updates to the Bazel builder image should be very infrequent.) The bazelbuilder image is published both for amd64 and arm64 platforms. To update the image, perform the following steps:

  • Edit build/bazelbuilder/Dockerfile as desired.
  • Build the image by triggering the Build and Push Bazel Builder Image build in TeamCity. The generated image will be published to
  • Update build/.bazelbuilderversion with the new tag and commit all your changes.
  • Build the FIPS image by triggering the Build and Push FIPS Bazel Builder Image build in TeamCity. The generated image will be published to
  • Update build/.bazelbuilderversion-fips with the new tag and commit all your changes.
  • Ensure the "Bazel CI" job passes on your PR before merging.


Dependencies are managed using go mod.

Working Locally with Dependencies

Installing a new Dependency

  1. Familiarize yourself with our wiki page on adding or updating dependencies. In particular, you will need to go first through a non-technical step related to checking the license of the dependency. This is important and non-optional.

  2. In cockroachdb/cockroach, switch to the local branch you plan to import the external package into

  3. Run go get <dependency>@latest. To get a specific version, run go get <dependency>@<version|branch|sha>. You should see changes in go.mod when running git diff.

    Beware of not using -u (e.g. go get -u) as the -u flag also attempts to upgrade any indirect dependency from yours. We do not want (generally) to bundle indirect dep upgrades, which might include critical infrastructure packages like grpc, in the same PR as specific dep updates/installations. See the wiki page linked above for details.

    If the go get command still results in updates to important infrastructure dependencies besides the one you want to install, proceed as per the section "Upgrading important infrastructure dependencies" below.

  4. Import the dependency to a go file in cockroachdb/cockroach. You may use an anonymous import, e.g. import _ "", if you haven't written any code that references the dependency. This ensures go mod tidy will not delete your dependency. Note that IDEs may bicker that these import's paths don't exist. That's ok!

  5. Run go mod tidy to ensure stale dependencies are removed.

  6. Run ./dev generate bazel --mirror to regenerate DEPS.bzl with the updated Go dependency information. Note that you need engineer permissions to mirror dependencies; if you want to get the Bazel build working locally without mirroring, ./dev generate bazel will work, but you won't be able to check your changes in. (Assuming that you do have engineer permissions, you can run gcloud auth application-default login to authenticate if you get a credentials error.)

  7. Run ./dev build short to ensure your code compiles.

Updating a Dependency

Follow the instructions for Installing a Dependency.

Beware of not using -u (e.g. go get -u) as the -u flag also attempts to upgrade any indirect dependency from yours. We do not want (generally) to bundle indirect dep upgrades, which might include critical infrastructure packages like grpc, in the same PR as specific dep upgrades. See the wiki page linked above for details.


  • You will still need to pay extra attention to the licensing step as described in the wiki page.
  • If you're only importing a new package from an existing module in go.mod, you don't need to re-download the module, step 2 above.
  • If you're only updating the package version, you probably don't need to update the import statements, step 3 above.
  • If the go get command results in updates to important infrastructure dependencies besides the one you want to install, proceed as per "Upgrading important infrastructure dependencies" below.

Updating important infrastructure dependencies

Sometimes a key, infrastructure-like dependency is upgraded as a side-effect of (attempting to) installing or upgrading a more lightweight dependency. See the wiki page for a list of what we consider key dependencies.

When this happens, we want to solicit more review scrutiny on this change.

To achieve this, proceed as follows:

  1. If coming from the sections "Installing a new dep" or "updating a dep" above, check out a branch/commit prior to the original dep install/update you wanted to perform.
  2. Perform the go get ...@<version> command only for those key dependencies you want/need to upgrade.
  3. Proceed as per the rest of "Installing a new dependency" from step 5 onwards.
  4. Commit the result with a descriptive title, e.g. "deps: upgrade XXX to version YYY".
  5. Push this change in a PR (also with a descriptive title), then solicit a review.

Removing a dependency

When a dependency has been removed, run go mod tidy and dev generate bazel.