The purpose of this SDK is to allows developers to create custom functions and database implementations and deploy them as a standalone microservice.
Specifically, this SDK
- provides a sample environment for Java-based implementations
- provides an OpenAPI specification that can be implemented in other programming languages
In order to package your java function or database implementation, simply create a maven project that includes the libraries dashjoin-core and dashjoin-sdk. Your code must implement the org.dashjoin.function.Function<ARG, RET> or org.dashjoin.service.Database interfaces. The configuration of this code can be achieved via the Quarkus file. As you can see in the example below, the structure follows the JSON configuration structure:
# Pointer to implementation classes
This configuration defines
- a database service using org.example.MyDatabase with config settings key=value (note that one service can only expose a single database)
- a function service called myfunction1 using org.example.MyFunction1
- a function service called myfunction2 using org.example.MyFunction2 with config settings key=value
Once the quarkus plugin is configured in the pom.xml, the container can be started using:
mvn compile quarkus:dev
Functions deployed as microservices can be accessed using the RestJson function:
"djClassName" : "org.dashjoin.function.RestJson",
"ID" : "myfunction1",
"url" : "http://.../function/run/myfunction1",
"contentType" : "application/json",
"method" : "POST"
Databases deployed as microservices can be accessed using the RemoteDatabase client:
"djClassName" : "org.dashjoin.service.RemoteDatabase",
"ID" : "dj/remote",
"url" : "http://.../database",
"name" : "remote",