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Starter kit for apollo graphql server using webpack and typescript

What does it include:

1. exported schema as example for GraphQL Schema
2. Working Apollo Server (webpack + tslint + tsloader)
3. Typescript 2.0.0 => ES6
4. Dockerfile to make the graphql-server a container.
5. unit testing (mocha-webpack+chai) + coverage report (mocha-istanbul-spec+istanbul).
6. working with graphql-tools
7. standard-version for auto SemVer.


Please note that you will need to rename the library name in some files:

1. package.json (ofcourse ;))

Useful commands:

npm run build       - build the library files (Required for start:watch)
npm run build:watch - build the library files in watchmode (Useful for development)
npm start           - Start the server
npm run start:watch - Start the server in watchmode (Useful for development)
npm test            - run tests once
npm run test:watch  - run tests in watchmode (Useful for development)
npm run test:growl  - run tests in watchmode with growl notification (even more useful for development)
npm run upver       - runs standard-version to update the server version.

How to run it:

    npm start

Files explained:

1. src                         - directory is used for typescript code that is part of the project
    1a. main.ts                - Main server file. (Starting Apollo server)
    1b. main.spec.ts           - Tests file for main
    1c. schema                 - Module used to build schema
        - index.ts             - simple logic to merge all modules into a schema using graphql-tools
        - modules/             - directory for modules to be used with graphql-tools
    1c. schema.spec.ts         - Basic test for schema.
    1c. main.test.ts           - Main for tests runner.
3. package.json                - file is used to describe the library
4. tsconfig.json               - configuration file for the library compilation
6. tslint.json                 - configuration file for the linter
7. typings.json                - typings needed for the server
8. webpack.config.js           - configuration file of the compilation automation process for the library
9. webpack.config.test.js      - configuration file of the compilation when testing
10. Dockerfile                 - Dockerfile used to describe how to make a container out of apollo server
11. mocha-webpack.opts         - Options file for mocha-webpack

Output files explained:

1. node_modules - directory npm creates with all the dependencies of the module (result of npm install)
2. dist         - directory contains the compiled server (javascript)
3. html-report  - output of npm test, code coverage html report.

The Person type - dynamic/parametrized query and drill down:

The person type was added to demonstrate a database like access, parametrized queries, resolvers and drill down. The data is currently hard coded but simulates a storage. Each person has an id, name and sex. It also has a dynamic field called matches. For demonstration purposes, this field will retrieve all members of the other sex by using a resolver.

Since this is a computed field the query can be infinitely nested, for example, try in the graphiql editor this query:

   getPerson(id: "1") {
     matches {
       matches {
         matches {

It will return a nested, alternating male/femal results.

To list all persons, use the persons query:

  persons {

There is also an example of a mutation - addPerson(name: String, sex: String), to use it:

mutation {
    addPerson(name: "kuku", sex: "male"){

Note that the query generates a random id and that the added persons are transient, i.e. not persisted and will be gone once you shut down the server.

Sample clients for this server:


Starter kit for apollo server using webpack and typescript







No packages published


  • TypeScript 92.4%
  • JavaScript 7.6%