Start the VM and access it using your browser.
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Access the first walkthrough, and add a parameter at the end of the link named "?page=".
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Let's include the home page. At the "?page=" parameter enter home.html to include the home page.
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What's the message you get when you include the home.html?
You included home.html
Type /etc/passwd in the parameter to read it.
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What user that it's not by default there is present?
Well done! You've exploited your first local file inclusion!
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Now that we know what Directory Traversal is, let's access the second walkthrough.
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Add the "?page=" parameter, and try to include the home page again. Does it work (Yes/No)?
Use "../" to move one directory up.
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What are the credit card numbers?
The same way you can include the passwd file. You'll have to move more directories up. Try reading the passwd file.
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Well done! You've exploited your first LFI using Directory Traversal.
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We got our hands a bit dirty with basic LFI and LFI using path traversal. Let's dig a little deeper, and use log poisoning to get access to the underlying operating system.
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We will inject some malicious php code into the server's log.
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Access the third walkthrough, add the "?page=" parameter and let's try reading the apache log file. The log file is located at the following path: /var/log/apache2/access.log
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Can you read the log?
Forward the request and add your parameter to the link (in my case lfi). The link becomes: http:///lfi/lfi.php?page=/var/log/apache2/access.log&lfi= Now you can execute commands on the system!
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- Open Burpsuite and set up the proxy.
- Catch a request and edit it as shown, then forward it.
- Add the lfi command to the url.
Give it a try and run uname -r. What's the output of the command?
With this knowledge read the flag from the lfi user home directory
- Add the command
instead ofuname -r
- Add th command
- Add the command