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ButtonGroup Accessibility Specification


A ButtonGroup represents list of action buttons a user can take. Buttons inside the group can be clicked or tapped to perform an action. ButtonGroup in Spectrum have several props for different uses and multiple levels of loudness for various attention-getting needs. ButtonGroup allows two kinds of Button variants, tool and action. If a button is not one of these, its variant will be overridden to be action.

WAI-ARIA Design Patterns

The ButtonGroup accessibility implementation depends on the selection mode.

selectionMode: "single"

When Button selection is mutually exclusive, and ButtonGroup implements the RadioGroup design pattern per WAI-ARIA 1.1.

Note that in v2, this is the default behavior.

  aria-label="Text Alignment"
    icon={<TextAlignLeft />} />
    icon={<TextAlignCenter />} />
    icon={<TextAlignRight />} />
    icon={<TextAlignJustify />} />


By default, ButtonGroup uses a roving tab index so that only one button in the group is included in the tab navigation order at a time.

Because arrow keys are used to navigate among elements of a toolbar and the Tab key moves focus in and out of a toolbar, when a radio group is nested inside a toolbar, the keyboard interaction of the radio group is slightly different from that of a radio group that is not inside of a toolbar. For instance, users need to be able to navigate among all toolbar elements, including the radio buttons, without changing which radio button is checked. So, when navigating through a radio group in a toolbar with arrow keys, the button that is checked does not change. The keyboard interaction of a radio group nested in a toolbar is as follows.

  • Space: If the focused Button is not selected, unchecks the currently selected Button and selects the focused Button. Otherwise, does nothing.
  • Enter (optional): If the focused Button is not selected, unchecks the currently selected Button and selects the focused Button. Otherwise, does nothing.
  • ArrowRight:
    • When focus is on a Button and that Button is not the last Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the next Button.
    • When focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup and the ButtonGroup is not the last element in the toolbar, moves focus to the next element in the toolbar.
    • When focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup and the ButtonGroup is also the last element in the toolbar, moves focus to the first element in the toolbar.
  • ArrowLeft:
    • When focus is on a Button and that Button is not the first Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the previous Button.
    • When focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup and the ButtonGroup is not the first element in the toolbar, moves focus to the previous element in the toolbar.
    • When focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup and the ButtonGroup is also the first element in the toolbar, moves focus to the last element in the toolbar.
  • ArrowDown (optional): Moves focus to the next Button in the ButtonGroup. If focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the first Button in the toolbar.
  • ArrowUp (optional): Moves focus to the previous Button in the ButtonGroup. If focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the last Button in the toolbar.
  • When focus moves away from the ButtonGroup, even if the Button that last had focus was not selected, tabbing back into the ButtonGroup should restore focus the selected Button,

Buttons with the disabled boolean prop should be skipped by ButtonGroup focus management

Roles, States, and Properties

  • The Buttons are contained in or owned by an element with the role of radiogroup.
  • Each Button element has the role of radio.
  • If a Button is selected, the radio element has aria-checked set to true. If it is not selected, it has aria-checked set to false.
  • Each Button is labelled by its content, has a visible label referenced by aria-labelledby, or has a label specified with aria-label.
  • The radiogroup element has a visible label referenced by aria-labelledby or has a label specified with aria-label.
  • If elements providing additional information about either the radio group or each radio button are present, those elements are referenced by the radiogroup element or radio elements with the aria-describedby property.

selectionMode: "multiple"

When multiple selection is set using the selectionMode of multiple, the ButtonGroup behaves as a group of checkboxes.

Note that v2, multiple selection is indicated using the boolean prop multiple.

  aria-label="Text Styling"
    icon={<TextItalic />} />
    icon={<TextUnderline />} />
    icon={<TextStrikethrough />} />


For consistency and by default, a ButtonGroup that allows multiple selection still uses a roving tab index so that only one button in the group is included in the tab navigation order at a time.

  • Space: Toggles selected state of focused Button
  • Enter (optional): Toggles selected state of focused Button
  • ArrowRight:
    • When focus is on a Button and that Button is not the last Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the next Button.
    • When focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is not the last element in the toolbar, moves focus to the next element in the toolbar.
    • When focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is also the last element in the toolbar, moves focus to the first element in the toolbar.
  • ArrowLeft:
    • When focus is on a Button and that Button is not the first Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the previous Button.
    • When focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is not the first element in the toolbar, moves focus to the previous element in the toolbar.
    • When focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is also the first element in the toolbar, moves focus to the last element in the toolbar.
  • ArrowDown (optional): Moves focus to the next Button in the ButtonGroup. If focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the first Button in the toolbar.
  • ArrowUp (optional): Moves focus to the previous Button in the ButtonGroup. If focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the last Button in the toolbar.
  • When focus moves away from the ButtonGroup, even if the Button that last had focus was not selected, tabbing back into the ButtonGroup should restore focus the first selected Button in the tab navigation direction. If the Button that last had focus was selected, focus should be restored to that Button.

Buttons with the disabled boolean prop should be skipped by ButtonGroup focus management

Roles, States, and Properties

  • The Buttons are contained in or owned by an element with the role of toolbar. This can be overridden, with the role of group for example, if the ButtonGroup is contained within a parent with role of toolbar.
  • Each Button element has role checkbox.
  • If a Button is selected, the checkbox element has aria-checked set to true. If it is not selected, it has aria-checked set to false.
  • Each Button is labelled by its content, has a visible label referenced by aria-labelledby, or has a label specified with aria-label.
  • The toolbar element has a visible label referenced by aria-labelledby or has a label specified with aria-label.
  • If elements providing additional information about either the toolbar or each checkbox button are present, those elements are referenced by the toolbar element or checkbox elements with the aria-describedby property.

selectionMode: "none"

When no selection of Buttons is set using the selectionMode of none, ButtonGroup implements the Toolbar design pattern per WAI-ARIA 1.1, and Buttons within the ButtonGroup should be actionable unless explicitly disabled using the disabled prop.

Note that in v2, the selection mode when no item can be selected is indicated using the boolean prop readOnly.

    icon={<Brush />} />
    icon={<Bell />} />
    icon={<AddCircle />} />


For consistency and by default, a ButtonGroup that does not allow selection still uses a roving tab index so that only one button in the group is included in the tab navigation order at a time.

  • Space: Activates the Button
  • Enter (optional): Activates the Button
  • ArrowRight:
    • When focus is on a Button and that Button is not the last Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the next Button.
    • When focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is not the last element in the toolbar, moves focus to the next element in the toolbar.
    • When focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is also the last element in the toolbar, moves focus to the first element in the toolbar.
  • ArrowLeft:
    • When focus is on a Button and that Button is not the first Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the previous Button.
    • When focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is not the first element in the toolbar, moves focus to the previous element in the toolbar.
    • When focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup and that Button is also the first element in the toolbar, moves focus to the last element in the toolbar.
  • ArrowDown (optional): Moves focus to the next Button in the ButtonGroup. If focus is on the last Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the first Button in the toolbar.
  • ArrowUp (optional): Moves focus to the previous Button in the ButtonGroup. If focus is on the first Button in the ButtonGroup, moves focus to the last Button in the toolbar.
  • When focus moves away from the ButtonGroup, tabbing back into the ButtonGroup should restore focus the first enabled Button in the tab navigation direction.

Buttons with the disabled boolean prop should be skipped by ButtonGroup focus management

Roles, States, and Properties

  • The Buttons are contained in or owned by an element with role of toolbar. This can be overridden, with the role of group for example, if the ButtonGroup is contained within a parent with the role of toolbar.
  • Each Button element retains the implicit role of button.
  • Each Button is labelled by its content, has a visible label referenced by aria-labelledby, or has a label specified with aria-label.
  • The toolbar element has a visible label referenced by aria-labelledby or has a label specified with aria-label.
  • If elements providing additional information about either the toolbar or each button are present, those elements are referenced by the toolbar element or button elements with the aria-describedby property.


By default, ButtonGroup uses a roving tab index so that only one button in the group is included in the tab navigation order at a time. This behavior can be overridden, so that all buttons will be included in the tab navigation order, by setting the manageTabIndex prop to false.

    icon={<Brush />} />
    icon={<Bell />} />
    icon={<AddCircle />} />

v2 Implementation details

Single selection is the default selection mode. Multiple selection is indicated using the boolean prop multiple. No selection is indicated using the boolean prop readOnly.

Keyboard navigation in ButtonGroup is provided by the FocusManager utility component with the following parameters:

  • itemSelector equal to .spectrum-ButtonGroup-item:not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled]).
  • selectedItemSelector equal to .spectrum-ButtonGroup-item:not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled])[aria-checked=true].is-selected.
  • typeToSelect defaults to false
  • autoFocus defaults to false
  • manageTabIndex defaults to true, but can be overridden to disable the roving tab index behavior.


  • Button
  • FocusManager