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Gradle Interview Questions

  1. What is gradle ?
  2. What are gradle advantages and disadvantages ?
  3. How does gradle work under the hood ?
  4. How did gradle change the java project management ?
  5. How did gradle change Android project management ?
  6. What are the gradle configuration files ?
  7. What is gradle wrapper ?
  8. What is gradle daemon ?
  9. What is the difference between settings.gradle and ?
  10. What are project flavors?
  11. What are project build types ?
  12. What are build variants ?
  13. What are flavor dimensions ?
  14. How would you define automatic apk/aar signing in gradle ?
  15. How does gradle help with CI/CD integration ?
  16. How to create a custom task in gradle ?
  17. How to create custom plugins in gradle ?
  18. How to speed up gradle build time ?
  19. What is Kotlin DSL for gradle ?
  20. How to list a gradle task dependencies ?
  21. What does the assemble tasks and its variant do in gradle ?
  22. What is the --dry-run switch in gradle ?
  23. What does the Android gradle plugin do ?
  24. Describe how gradle resolves and stores dependecies ?
  25. Name famous java public repositories.
  26. What is the difference between mavenCentral() and mavenLocal() ?
  27. What is the difference between jcenter() and mavenCentral() ?
  28. Which public repository is a better choice for publishing an Android library ?
  29. What is google() repository ?
  30. How to add the build time and buildvariant title to a java library artifact in gradle ?
  31. What does the implementation mean in gradle ?
  32. How to make gradle run all the tests before building the project ?
  33. How to make gradle get the latest version of a dependency all the time ? Is this considered a good practice ?
  34. How to make gradle get a specific version of a dependency, if declared as a dependency in other libraries ?
  35. What does annotationProcessor mean in gradle ?
  36. What is the difference between implementation and testImplementation in gradle ?
  37. How would you profile a gradle build process ?
  38. How does having multiple modules affect the project build time ? Is this considered a good practice ?
  39. How would you parameterize build configurations across all modules in gradle ?
  40. What does zipAlignEnabled do in android build configurations ?
  41. What does configure on-demand mean in gradle ?
  42. How to troubleshoot a failing Android project build ?
  43. What is a classpath dependency in gradle ?
  44. What are transitive dependencies ?
  45. What does provided mean ?
  46. What does compileOnly mean ?
  47. Describle the difference between implementation and api, when declaring dependencies.