I solved 25/25 days.
This repository contains my solutions for Advent of code 2015 ๐. All tasks are solved with C# and have unit tests to validate them.
I tried solving all tasks using only .Net 6 without external libraries. You can run any solution from the corresponding test.
I made a point not to share any code between parts one and two.
In project adventofcode-2015 you can find solution algorithms and in adventofcode-2015.Tests you can find tests that run said solutions. I store the first and the second parts in different folders. The same structure applies to both projects.
You can find input data files and input parsers code in adventofcode-2015.Tests project. To use your input data instead of mine, you should update the data file you can find in the same folder as a test runner. For example - data file for the day one part one. For several tasks, if there is no point in parsing data, you can find hardcoded input in the test C# file.
Install .Net 6.
Clone my repository.
Inside code folder run in console
dotnet test --filter "DisplayName~Task1_"
Task1_ should be replaced with the task number you want to run.