Tags: fluentassertions/fluentassertions.analyzers
Toggle v0.34.1's commit message
bugfix: false positive on expressions containing Count (#384 )
* bugfix: false positive on expressions containing Count
Toggle v0.34.0's commit message
chore: update dependencies (#382 )
* chore: update dependencies
Toggle v0.33.0's commit message
Toggle v0.32.0's commit message
feat: ignore more nunit assert methods (#354 )
Toggle v0.31.0's commit message
bugfix: limit CollectionShouldHaveCount_LengthShouldBe to one dimensi…
…on arrays only (#310 )
Toggle v0.30.0's commit message
bugfix: fix analyzer for issue #300 and #299 (#303 )
* bugfix: fix analyzer for issue #300
* bugfix: fix issue 299
Toggle v0.29.1's commit message
bugfix: fix issue 290 (#292 )
* tests: sanity test for issue #290
* bugfix: fix issue #290
* bugfix: fix issue #290
Toggle v0.29.0's commit message
feat: Migrate NullConditionalAssertion to IOperation (#280 )
* feat: Migrate NullConditionalAssertion to IOperation
* feat: Migrate NullConditionalAssertion to IOperation
Toggle v0.28.0's commit message
feature: improve numeric assertions (#275 )
* feature: improve numeric assertions
* add test NumericShouldBeInRange_BeLessOrEqualToAndBeGreaterOrEqualTo_WithMessagesInBothAssertions_TestAnalyzer
Toggle v0.27.0's commit message
Fix missing parenthesis after applying XUnit code fixes (#248 )
* Fix missing parenthesis after applying XUnit code fixes
* Update Expressions.cs
* Fix generic tests
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