This template provides a framework for creating a Sheets add-on that imports data from a third-party source (such as an API).
It shows the basic structure needed to define a UI and how to coordinate communication between the client, server, and third-party source. This template also demonstrates some useful aspects of Apps Script, including:
- Writing data to a Google Sheet
- Using time-based triggers to establish automated sheet updates
- Using Templated HTML
- Using IFRAME sandbox mode
Note: The purpose of this template is to show a general add-on structure. It will not run as an add-on in it's current state. To make use of this template, you will need to fill in the sections marked TODO to customize the template to a specific third-party data source.
The following project files are included in this template:
- This file contains all the API-specific code for handling authorization, callbacks, and API calls. It will need to be modified to handle a specific API.****
- This file contains code that assists with constructing a OAuth2 service object using the Apps Script OAuth2 library.**AuthCallbackView.html**
- This file is the page that is presented to the user after an authorization attempt, and shows whether the authorization was successful.**AuthorizationEmail.html**
- This file contains the HTML template of an email that would be sent to the user in the event that a trigger attempts to fire without all the required authorizations.****
- This file contains code that controls the creation, updating and deletion of report configurations that describe what to import to Sheets from the third-party source. By default report configurations are saved to Apps Script's PropertyService, but it would be possible to adapt the code here to store that data elsewhere (for example, in an external database).**JavaScript.html**
- This file contains the bulk of the control code for the sidebar UI.****
- This file contains server-side code that responds to user interactions in the sidebar UI. It also sets up the add-on menu.**Sidebar.html**
- This file contains the HTML structure for that defines the sidebar UI.- *
- This file contains all the CSS properties defined for the template. ****
- This file contains some generic functionalities to support the rest of the code. The functions here are not specific to this template and could be taken for use in other projects without modification.**intercom.js.html**
- This file contains a copy of intercom.js, a cross-window message broadcast interface (intercom.js is released under an Apache V2.0 license).
This template makes use of the following libraries, which much the added to the Apps Script project before the template can be used:
These libraries are already published as an Apps Script, making it easy to include in your project. To add it to your script, do the following in the Apps Script code editor:
- Click on the menu item "Resources > Libraries..."
- In the "Find a Library" text box, enter the project key "MswhXl8fVhTFUH_Q3UOJbXvxhMjh3Sh48" and click the "Select" button.
- Choose the latest version in the dropdown box.
- Click the "Save" button.
This will add the OAuth2 library to your project. Repeat the above steps with the project key "MGwgKN2Th03tJ5OdmlzB8KPxhMjh3Sh48" to add Underscore to the project as well.
This template requires app-specific configuration before it can used. Specifically, the template will need to be informed of the authorization details, and certain adjustments made to ensure the correct data can be extracted from the responses.
In the, and project files, there are several comments marked as TODO. To configure the template, visit each of these TODO sections and follow the directions found there.
Note that the template design assumes that the template will connect to an API service using OAuth 2.0; however, it would be possible adapt it to connect to a different kind of service, such as a SQL database.
For more information, see:
Note that this template must be added to a container-bound script attached to a Google Sheet in order to function. Developed add-ons must go through a publishing process before they can be made available publicly.