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BERT (TensorFlow2)

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for NLP pre-training and fine-tuning tasks (SQuAD), using the huggingface transformers library, optimised for Graphcore's IPU.

Framework Domain Model Datasets Tasks Training Inference Reference
TensorFlow 2 NLP BERT WIKI-103 Next sentence prediction, Masked language modelling, Question/Answering

Min. 16 IPUs (POD16) required

Min. 16 IPUs (POD16) required

BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

This directory demonstrates how to run the natural language model BERT ( on Graphcore IPUs utilising the huggingface transformers library.

There are two examples:

  1. BERT for pre-training on masked Wikipedia data -
  2. BERT for SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset) fine-tuning -

The BERT model in these examples is taken from the Huggingface transformers library and is converted into an IPU optimised format. This includes dynamically replacing layers of the model with their IPU specific counterparts, outlining repeated blocks of the model, recomputation, and pipelining the model to efficiently over several Graphcore IPUs. The pretraining implementation of BERT uses the LAMB optimiser to capitalise on a large batch-size of 65k sequences in pre-training, and the SQuAD fine-tuning demonstrates converting a pre-existing Huggingface checkpoint.

Instructions summary

  1. Install and enable the Poplar SDK (see Poplar SDK setup)

  2. Install the system and Python requirements (see Environment setup)

  3. Download the WIKI-103 dataset (See Dataset setup)

Poplar SDK setup

To check if your Poplar SDK has already been enabled, run:


If no path is provided, then follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Poplar SDK root directory

  2. Enable the Poplar SDK with:

cd poplar-<OS version>-<SDK version>-<hash>

Environment setup

To prepare your environment, follow these steps:

  1. Create and activate a Python3 virtual environment:
python3 -m venv <venv name>
source <venv path>/bin/activate
  1. Navigate to the Poplar SDK root directory

  2. Install the TensorFlow 2 and IPU TensorFlow add-ons wheels:

cd <poplar sdk root dir>
pip3 install tensorflow-2.X.X...<OS_arch>...x86_64.whl
pip3 install ipu_tensorflow_addons-2.X.X...any.whl

For the CPU architecture you are running on

  1. Install the Keras wheel:
pip3 install --force-reinstall --no-deps keras-2.X.X...any.whl

For further information on Keras on the IPU, see the documentation and the tutorial.

  1. Navigate to this example's root directory

  2. Install the Python requirements with:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

More detailed instructions on setting up your TensorFlow 2 environment are available in the TensorFlow 2 quick start guide.

Dataset setup

The dataset used for pretraining is WIKI-103. It can be generated from a RAW dump of Wikipedia following a five step process.

Disk space required: 143GB - Sequence length 128 (Variable), 203GB - Sequence length 512 (Variable)

├── wiki_000.index
├── wiki_000.tfrecord
├── wiki_xxx.index
└── wiki_xxx.tfrecord

0 directories, XXXX files

1. Download

Use the script to download the latest Wikipedia dump, about 20GB in size.

./data/ <chosen-path-for-dump-file>

Dumps are available from (and mirrors) and are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 and GNU Free Documentation Licenses.

2. Extraction

In order to create the pre-training data we need to extract the Wikipedia dump and put it in this form:

<doc id = article1>
Title of article 1

Body of article 1


<doc id = article2>
Title of article 2

Body of article 2

and so on.

One of the tools that can be used to do so is WikiExtractor, Install the WikiExtractor package with:

pip3 install wikiextractor

In order not to encounter a UnicodeEncodeError at this step, you may want to run these two commands first:

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8

You can then use the the script to use WikiExtractor to extract the data dump.

./data/ <chosen-path-for-dump-file>/wikidump.xml <chosen-folder-for-extracted-files>

The result should be a folder containing directories named AA, AB, ... Note that the number of directories depends on the parameters of the script, and is not to be confused with alphabetical ordering of the wikipedia articles. In other words you should probably not expect all of AC, AD, ... ZX, ZY, ZZ to be created by the script.

3. Pre-processing

Install nltk package with:

pip3 install nltk

Use the script to preprocess the extracted files.

python3 ./data/ --input-file-path <chosen-folder-for-extracted-files> --output-file-path <chosen-folder-for-preprocessed-files>

4. Tokenization

The script can accept a glob of input files to tokenize. However, attempting to process them all at once may result in the process being killed by the OS for consuming too much memory. It is therefore preferable to convert the files in groups. This is handled by the ./data/ script. At the same time, it is worth bearing in mind that shuffles the training instances across the loaded group of files, so a larger group would result in better shuffling of the samples seen by BERT during pre-training.

The tokenization depends on tensorflow which can be installed by:

pip3 install tensorflow

sequence length 128

python3 ./data/ <chosen-folder-for-preprocessed-files> <chosen-folder-for-dataset-files> --sequence-length 128 --mask-tokens 20

sequence length 512

python3 ./data/ <chosen-folder-for-preprocessed-files> <chosen-folder-for-dataset-files> --sequence-length 512 --mask-tokens 76

5. Indexing

In order to use the multi-threaded dataloader, tfrecord index files need to be generated. First install the tfrecord Python package into your Python environment:

pip3 install tfrecord

Then go to the directory containing the pre-processed Wikipedia files and run:

for f in *.tfrecord; do python3 -m $f `basename $f .tfrecord`.index; done

3) (Optional) Download Huggingface checkpoint To quickly run finetuning you can download a pre-trained model from the Huggingface repository and run finetuning. The path to this checkpoint can be given in the command-line for --pretrained-ckpt-path <PATH TO THE HUGGINGFACE CHECKPOINT>.

Running and benchmarking

To run a tested and optimised configuration and to reproduce the performance shown on our performance results page, please follow the setup instructions in this README to setup the environment, and then use the examples_utils module (installed automatically as part of the environment setup) to run one or more benchmarks. For example:

python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file>

Or to run a specific benchmark in the benchmarks.yml file provided:

python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file> --benchmark <name of benchmark>

For more information on using the examples-utils benchmarking module, please refer to the README.

Custom training

Pre-training with BERT on IPU

To validate that the machine and repository are set up correctly the BERT tiny model and sample text can be used.

The tests/pretrain_tiny_test.json file is a small model that can be used for simple experiments. Note that if you don't specify the directory where the sample text file is stored, this will default to using the whole wikipedia dataset.

python --config tests/pretrain_tiny_test.json --dataset-dir data_utils/wikipedia/

Run Pre-Training Phase 2

Phase 2 of pre-training is done using a sequence length of 384 with the masked Wikipedia dataset, this second phase is run using the same script as for phase 1.

To run pre-training phase 2 starting from a phase 1 checkpoint for BERT Base use the following command:

python3 --config configs/pretrain_base_384_phase2.json --pretrained-ckpt-path <PATH TO PHASE 1 CHECKPOINT>

Fine-Tuning BERT for Question Answering with SQuAD 1.1

Provided are the scripts to fine-tune BERT on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD 1.1), a popular question answering benchmark dataset. In version 1.1 there are no unanswerable questions.

To run on SQuAD, you will first need to download the dataset. The necessary training data can be found at the following link: train-v1.1.json

Place the data in a directory squad/ parallel to the Wikipedia data, the expected path can be found in the configs/squad_base.json file.

To run BERT fine-tuning on SQuAD requires the same set-up as for pre-training, follow the steps in Prepare Environment to activate the SDK and install the required packages.

The fine-tuning for a Large model on SQuAD 1.1 can be run with the following command:

python3 configs/squad_base.json

After fine-tuning the predictions file will be generated and the results evaluated. You should expect to see results for BERT Base approximately as: {"f1": 87.97, "exact_match": 80.60}.

Other features

View the pre-training results in Weights & Biases

This project supports Weights & Biases, a platform to keep track of machine learning experiments. A client for Weights&Biases will be installed by default and can be used during training bypassing the --wandb flag. The user will need to manually login (see the quickstart guide here and configure the project name with --wandb-name.) For more information please see

Once logged into wandb logging can be activated by toggling the log_to_wandb option in the config file. You can also name your wandb run with the flag --name <YOUR RUN NAME HERE>.

Run Pre-Training Phase 1

Pre-Training BERT Phase 1 uses sequence length 128, and uses masked Wikipedia data to learn word and position embeddings - task specific performance is later tuned with finetuning. This can be thought of as training the body of the model while the finetuning provides performance for specific heads.

The pre-training is managed by the script and the model configuration by the config files in configs/. Provided configs are for BASE and LARGE, tuned to run on a Graphcore IPU POD system with 16 IPUs.

To run pre-training for BERT Base use the following command:

python3 --config configs/pretrain_base_128_phase1.json

Swapping the config for pretrain_large_128.phase1.json will train the BERT Large model. The path to the dataset is specified in the config, so ensure the path is correct for your machine, or give the path directly in the command-line with --dataset-dir /localdata/datasets/wikipedia/128/.

The results of this run can be logged to Weights and Biases.

The resulting MLM loss curve will look like the following figure. You should see the double descent, characteristic of BERT pre-training, over the first 2000 steps before the loss plateaus to a value of approximately 1.4. The exact result will vary depending on the Wikipedia dump and stochasticity.

Detailed overview of the config file format

The config files are how the bulk of the interaction with the model is conducted. These config files have two sections; firstly parameters that describe the model architecture (hidden layer size, number of attention heads, etc.) and differentiate between different BERT models; secondly, the parameters that describe the optimisation of the model for the IPU are given (such as batch size, loss scaling, outlining, and the pipeline configuration.)

To see the available configurations for both SQuAD and pre-training see the JSON files in the config/ directory, and To see the available options available to use in the command line interface use the --help argument:

python3 --help
# or
python3 --help

For advanced users wanting to customise the models, you may wish to update the config.

Key parameters to consider if customising the model are:

  • replicas - the number of times to replicate the model, e.g., for a 4 IPU pipeline, 4x replication will use all 16 IPUs on an IPU-POD 16. Replicating a model is known as data parallelism, since each replica process a part of the batch of samples. We call micro batch, the number of samples processed by each replica at a time, so they have to fit in memory during the forward and backward passes; and we call global batch the total number of samples used to estimate the gradient, which can include multiple micro batches per replica.
  • micro_batch_size - the size of the micro-batch that is seen by each replica
  • grad_acc_steps_per_replica - the number of micro-batches that are accumulated on each replica before performing the gradient update.
  • global batch size - this is not a direct parameter in the config file, but is derived from the product: global_batch_size = micro_batch_size * replicas * grad_acc_steps_per_replica. In other words, this is the total number of samples used to compute the single gradient update step. By accumulating over multiple micro batches and over multiple replicas, we can use very large batch sizes, even if they don't fit in memory, which has been proved to speed up training (see, e.g.,
  • loss_scaling - scaling factor used to scale the losses down to improve stability when training with large global batch sizes and partial precision (float16) computations.
  • matmul_available_memory_proportion_per_pipeline_stage - the available memory proportion per IPU that Poplar reserves for temporary values, or intermediate sums, in operations such as matrix multiplications or convolutions. Reducing the memory proportion, reduces the memory footprint which allows to fit a larger micro batch in memory; but it also constraints the Poplar planner, which can lead to lower throughput.
  • pipeline_stages - a nested list describing which model blocks are placed on which IPUs. The name abbreviations are found in model/ and can be customised with different layers.
  • device_mapping - a list mapping each of the pipeline stages onto each physical IPUs. An example of how this can be customised can be seen in the BERT configurations where the pooler layer and the heads are placed on IPU 0 with the embeddings layer to improve performance.

Notes for optimization approaches

In order to reach optimized performance for the BERT model, the following optimization methods have been adopted:

  • The Keras precision policy was set to float16 in, and
    policy = tf.keras.mixed_precision.Policy("float16")
    Both compute and variable dtypes are set to float16. But note that the optimizer states, optimizer update and the loss functions are still in float32 for convergence purpose.
  • To simulate larger batch sizes we use gradient accumulation, which accumulates gradients across multiple micro-batches together and then performs the weight update with the accumulated gradients. We use the running mean accumulation method which performs a more stable running mean of the gradients.
  • The model was pipelined over 4 IPUs. More information about pipelining can be found here.
  • When pipelining, place the heads on the same IPU with the embeddings (typically IPU0) so that the weights for embeddings can be shared. For example, for BERT large in the config file:
    "pipeline_stages": [
       ["emb", "hid", "hid", "hid"],
       ["hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid"],
       ["hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid"],
       ["hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid", "hid"],
       ["enc_out", "pool", "heads"]
    "pipeline_device_mapping": [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]
    The pipeline stage "emb" was placed on IPU0 along with the "heads".
  • Serialised embedding matmul: in utilities/
    embedding_serialization_factor: int = 2
    The embedding matmul is serialized with the same factor as the matmul used in the IpuTFBertLMPredictionHead class in model/ as it's a tied embedding. The ipu specific math operation serialized_matmul is used.
  • Compute the MLM loss for the masked tokens only instead of over all tokens, as the calculation of loss on full sequence length requires more memory. This is done in model/ The number of masked tokens should be fixed and specified in the config files:
    "max_predictions_per_seq": 20
    for phase 1 and
    "max_predictions_per_seq": 56
    for phase 2.
  • Enable recomputation with checkpoints after each hidden layer. This will limit significantly the amount of not-always-live memory required. The recompuation checkpoint is added with the class
    in keras_extentions/ More information about recomputation checkpoint.
  • Offload the optimiser state. Guide can be found here.
  • Replace the upstream GeLu activation with the IPU specific GeLu when calling the bert_config in, and
    bert_config = BertConfig(**config.bert_config.dict(), hidden_act=ipu.nn_ops.gelu)
  • Replace upstream Dropout and LayerNorm layers with the IPU specific versions. In model/
    {Dropout: {"new_class": IpuDropoutCustom}},
    {LayerNormalization: {
       "new_class": IpuLayerNormalization,
       "copy_weights": True