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Demonstrate GCP gce authentication method

This guide will demonstrate Vault's GCP gce authentication method:

  1. The client obtains an instance identity metadata token on a GCE instance.
  2. The client sends this JWT to Vault along with a role name.
  3. Vault extracts the kid header value, which contains the ID of the key-pair used to generate the JWT, to find the OAuth2 public cert to verify this JWT.
  4. Vault authorizes the confirmed instance against the given role, ensuring the instance matches the bound zones, regions, or instance groups. If that is successful, a Vault token with the proper policies is returned.

GCP gce authentication


The project will create the following resources in GCP:

  • vault-gcp-demo-[abc] - A project with a random generated name to assosiate all the resources to
  • Vault-server - A GCE instance running Vault
  • Vault-happy - A GCE instance in the bound region - This should be able to get a token from Vault
  • Vault-sad - A GCE instance not in the bound region - This should not be able to get a token from Vault
  • vault-auth-checker - A Service Account with the Compute Viewer and Security Viewer permissions - Vault will use these credentials for the GCE backend

Note: These resources will be firewall access bound to the IP of the machine running Terraform.

We will then create the following Vault install and configuration using the vault-server:

  • An initalized vault instance
  • One secret in the K/V store under secret/demo
  • A policy for access to that one secret called reader with permissions to read that secret
  • An auth policy tied to that reader policy that uses GCP IAM tied to a bound_region

The initial token on the instance is created with a script on the machine stored under /root/.vault_credentials:

function set_vault_credentials {

  JWT=\$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"\
  -G \
  --data-urlencode "audience=$VAULT_ADDR/vault/web"\
  --data-urlencode "format=full" \

  check_errors=\$(curl \
    --request POST \
    --data "{\"role\": \"web\", \"jwt\": \"\$JWT\"}" \
    "${vault_addr}/v1/auth/gcp/login" | jq -r ".errors")

  if [ "\$check_errors" == "null" ]
    VAULT_TOKEN=\$(curl \
    --request POST \
    --data "{\"role\": \"web\", \"jwt\": \"\$JWT\"}" \
    "${vault_addr}/v1/auth/gcp/login" | jq -r ".auth.client_token")
    echo "Error from vault: \$check_errors"
    exit 1

  export VAULT_ADDR
  export VAULT_TOKEN

Reference Material


The code in this repository is for reference only. It is meant to illustrate a few of the requirements for using the GCP gce authentication method.


Install gcloud

With Brew:

brew install gcloud

Or with the installer:

curl |
exec -l $SHELL
gcloud init

Configure authentication:

gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login

Export your billing and organisation settings:

gcloud organizations list
gcloud beta billing accounts list

export TF_VAR_org_id=<Organisation ID>
export TF_VAR_billing_account=<Billing Account ID>

Run terraform:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Configure Vault after installation

Use the Terraform output vault_addr_export for the shell code to export Vault configuration:

vault_addr_export = Run the following for the Vault configuration: export VAULT_ADDR=

Initialize Vault:

vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1

Unseal Vault (by supplying at least a key from the above output)

vault operator unseal
Unseal Key (will be hidden): <Enter key here>

Export the Vault token from the info from the initialize


Configure GCP Backend and secrets

Configure Vault with Terraform code:

cd vault/
terraform plan
terraform apply
cd ..

Show Backend and Policies

SSH into the Vault Happy path instance


Run the functions to get Vault credentials

$ sudo -i
$ source ~/.vault_credentials
$ env | grep VAULT

Get the example data (with JQ for nice output)

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \
    $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/demo | jq
  "request_id": "a4e5343c-e10f-dc80-19a3-cd107332014f",
  "lease_id": "",
  "renewable": false,
  "lease_duration": 2764800,
  "data": {
    "location": "London"
  "wrap_info": null,
  "warnings": null,
  "auth": null

Do the same on the Vault Unhappy path to see that there is a region bind to europe-west2:

$ ./scripts/
$ source ~/.vault_credentials
Error from vault: [
  "instance not in bound regions [\"europe-west2\"]"