These assets are provided to perform the tasks described in the Vault Secrets in a Browser Plugin tutorial.
This is a fork of the work started by Dimitry1987 and continued by Chris Blum.
The plugin assumes that you have access to a Vault sever with the userpass
authentication method created. The user that logins needs to have access to the
a KV-V2 secrets engine mounted at the path vaultpass
vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id root -dev-listen-address
vault auth enable userpass
vault secrets enable -path=vaultpass kv-v2
vault policy write vault_pass-policy - <<EOF
path "vaultpass/*" {
capabilities = [ "read" ]
vault write auth/userpass/users/browser \
password=browser \
vault kv put vaultpass/extensions username=extension_user password=extension_password