New here? Install our docker development setup!
Start developing by editing files locally with your preferred editor in the app/hitobito/*
Those directories are mounted inside the containers. So every saved file is instantly available inside the containers.
π‘ If you don't know where to begin changing something, have a look at our hitobito cheatsheet in English and German.
To initialize the hit
command, run the following in your console:
To start the development environment, run:
hit up
Access hitobito via http://localhost:3000
Get a list of available commands with:
hit help
When using this for the first time, once daily or after assets changed run the prep command:
hit test prep
Get a shell to run core or wagon specs:
hit test
Either, to run all tests:
or, to run specific tests:
rspec spec/models/person_spec.rb
For debugging with pry during a HTTP request, you can attach to the running docker container (detach with Ctrl+c):
hit rails attach
hit db console
Useful when adding new seeds
hit rails seed
Since the wagon gem is always causing changes in Gemfile.lock we do not want to check in to core repo, changes to this file are ignored. If you updated gems you need to manually copy the Gemfile.lock from docker/rails/Gemfile.lock
to the core repo.
πΊ finished work ? execute hit down
to shut down all running containers