orphan: |
If you are not yet ready for Docker, you can run an GLAMkit project directly. You will need to install and configure all of its dependencies manually.
Install development tools. On OS X, install the XCode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
This section describes how to install the required system packages:
- PostgreSQL
- Elasticsearch 2.x
- git-secret
- md5sum
- Nginx
- Pipe Viewer
- Python 2.7
- Redis
- zlib
GLAMkit requires a PostgreSQL database. On OS X, we recommend Postgres.app. It is easy to install, start, stop, and upgrade.
We recommend that you configure Postgres to start automatically, using Postgres.app's preferences pane.
Alternatively, you can install Postgres using
Homebrew with brew install postgres
. Follow
the instructions to configure Postgres to start automatically.
- The rest can be installed with Homebrew. Elastic search
2.4 is keg-only so must be force-linked:
$ brew install elasticsearch@2.4 git-secret md5sha1sum nginx npm pv python redis $ brew link elasticsearch@2.4 --force
You may want to use launchd
to start these services and restart them at login:
$ brew services start elasticsearch $ brew services start redis
zlib needs to be installed from the dupes
repository and force
$ brew tap homebrew/dupes $ brew install zlib $ brew link zlib --force
You need to configure Elasticsearch and Redis to start automatically, or start them manually before you start the project.
npm install -g bower
Repairing installation after an OS X upgrade
If you experience errors running ./go.sh
after an upgrade to OS X
try installing Xcode command-line tools:
xcode-select --install
You may also need to re-install system packages.
Change to the GLAMkit project template (or a GLAMkit project) directory:
$ cd project_template
Open a shell with the environment appropriately configured (dependencies updated, database set up):
$ ./go.sh
(After installing, you can skip installing dependencies and migrations
and head directly to a shell with ./go.sh bash
Create a superuser account:
$ manage.py createsuperuser
Run the Django dev server:
$ runserver.sh
Open the site in a browser:
http://{ my_project }.lvh.me:8000
When you're done, exit runserver.sh