104 LeetCode algorithm problem solutions.
- Algorithm II
- Binary Search I
- Binary Search II
- Dynamic Programming I
- Programming Skills I
- Programming Skills II
- Graph Theory I
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Udemy
- Top Interview 150
- Data Structure I
- Data Structure II
- Algorithm I
0034 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0033 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0074 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(endRow+endCol)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_N)_Space_O(log_N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0015 | 3Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(n^2) | 29 | 72.02 |
0011 | Container With Most Water | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Greedy, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 3 | 96.01 |
0438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(n+m)_Space_O(1) | 3 | 99.83 |
0200 | Number of Islands | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Matrix, Union_Find, Big_O_Time_O(M*N)_Space_O(M*N) | 3 | 87.24 |
0078 | Subsets | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n*2^n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0039 | Combination Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n+2^n) | 1 | 99.99 |
0017 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(4^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0079 | Word Search | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Matrix, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(4^(m*n))_Space_O(m*n) | 64 | 98.51 |
0055 | Jump Game | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 100.00 |
0045 | Jump Game II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0062 | Unique Paths | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Combinatorics, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 97.82 |
0139 | Word Break | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Dynamic_Programming, Trie, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(M+max*N)_Space_O(M+N+max) | 1 | 99.42 |
0300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 3 | 95.75 |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n*m)_Space_O(n*m) | 19 | 89.05 |
0072 | Edit Distance | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n2) | 3 | 97.19 |
0322 | Coin Change | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Breadth_First_Search, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(amount) | 12 | 92.59 |
0035 | Search Insert Position | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0034 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0074 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(endRow+endCol)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0033 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_N)_Space_O(log_N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 3 | 95.75 |
0287 | Find the Duplicate Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Two_Pointers, Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 97.52 |
0240 | Search a 2D Matrix II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n+m)_Space_O(1) | 5 | 99.92 |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0198 | House Robber | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0055 | Jump Game | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 100.00 |
0045 | Jump Game II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0053 | Maximum Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.32 |
0152 | Maximum Product Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 92.74 |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.78 |
0139 | Word Break | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Dynamic_Programming, Trie, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(M+max*N)_Space_O(M+N+max) | 1 | 99.42 |
0042 | Trapping Rain Water | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Two_Pointers, Stack, Monotonic_Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0096 | Unique Binary Search Trees | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Dynamic_Programming, Math, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0062 | Unique Paths | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Combinatorics, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0064 | Minimum Path Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 1 | 99.73 |
0221 | Maximal Square | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Array, Dynamic_Programming, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 6 | 97.07 |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 97.82 |
0300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 3 | 95.75 |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n*m)_Space_O(n*m) | 19 | 89.05 |
0072 | Edit Distance | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n2) | 3 | 97.19 |
0322 | Coin Change | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Breadth_First_Search, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(amount) | 12 | 92.59 |
0283 | Move Zeroes | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 2 | 83.99 |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(H) | 0 | 100.00 |
0739 | Daily Temperatures | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Stack, Monotonic_Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 8 | 96.83 |
0048 | Rotate Image | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0049 | Group Anagrams | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, String, Hash_Table, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n*k_log_k)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 97.61 |
0438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(n+m)_Space_O(1) | 3 | 99.83 |
0138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0002 | Add Two Numbers | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Math, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(max(N,M))_Space_O(max(N,M)), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 1 | 100.00 |
0155 | Min Stack | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Stack, Design, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(N) | 4 | 96.54 |
0200 | Number of Islands | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Matrix, Union_Find, Big_O_Time_O(M*N)_Space_O(M*N) | 3 | 87.24 |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(m+n)_Space_O(m+n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0142 | Linked List Cycle II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.78 |
0102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 91.19 |
0098 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0200 | Number of Islands | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Matrix, Union_Find, Big_O_Time_O(M*N)_Space_O(M*N) | 3 | 87.24 |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0062 | Unique Paths | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Combinatorics, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(n+m)_Space_O(1) | 3 | 99.83 |
0001 | Two Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.90 |
0394 | Decode String | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Stack, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0019 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(L)_Space_O(L) | 0 | 100.00 |
0234 | Palindrome Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Two_Pointers, Stack, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 4 | 84.46 |
0148 | Sort List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Divide_and_Conquer, Merge_Sort, Big_O_Time_O(log(N))_Space_O(log(N)) | 9 | 93.90 |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0437 | Path Sum III | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 100.00 |
0074 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(endRow+endCol)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0033 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0198 | House Robber | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0322 | Coin Change | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Breadth_First_Search, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(amount) | 12 | 92.59 |
0416 | Partition Equal Subset Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n*sums)_Space_O(n*sums) | 5 | 99.88 |
0152 | Maximum Product Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 92.74 |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.59 |
0076 | Minimum Window Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(s.length())_Space_O(1) | 2 | 99.83 |
0101 | Symmetric Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0155 | Min Stack | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Stack, Design, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(N) | 4 | 96.54 |
0208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Design, Trie, Big_O_Time_O(word.length())_or_O(prefix.length())_Space_O(N) | 32 | 95.05 |
0056 | Merge Intervals | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n_log_n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 98.37 |
0039 | Combination Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n+2^n) | 1 | 99.99 |
0046 | Permutations | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(n*n!)_Space_O(n+n!) | 1 | 94.08 |
0136 | Single Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.86 |
0007 | Reverse Integer | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_Interview_Questions, Math | 0 | 100.00 |
0009 | Palindrome Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Math | 4 | 100.00 |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.59 |
0020 | Valid Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 97.19 |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 97.82 |
0394 | Decode String | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Stack, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0049 | Group Anagrams | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, String, Hash_Table, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n*k_log_k)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 97.61 |
0033 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_N)_Space_O(log_N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.78 |
0283 | Move Zeroes | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 2 | 83.99 |
0001 | Two Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.90 |
0189 | Rotate Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0055 | Jump Game | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 100.00 |
0075 | Sort Colors | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0238 | Product of Array Except Self | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Prefix_Sum, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n) | 1 | 99.66 |
0041 | First Missing Positive | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 1 | 100.00 |
0239 | Sliding Window Maximum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Heap_Priority_Queue, Sliding_Window, Queue, Monotonic_Queue, Big_O_Time_O(n*k)_Space_O(n+k) | 26 | 95.89 |
0042 | Trapping Rain Water | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Two_Pointers, Stack, Monotonic_Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0015 | 3Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(n^2) | 29 | 72.02 |
0053 | Maximum Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.32 |
0169 | Majority Element | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Sorting, Counting, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.89 |
0074 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(endRow+endCol)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0048 | Rotate Image | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0073 | Set Matrix Zeroes | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0056 | Merge Intervals | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n_log_n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 98.37 |
0114 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Stack, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0024 | Swap Nodes in Pairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0142 | Linked List Cycle II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(m+n)_Space_O(m+n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(M+N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.92 |
0234 | Palindrome Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Two_Pointers, Stack, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 4 | 84.46 |
0138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0025 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(k) | 0 | 100.00 |
0146 | LRU Cache | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Design, Linked_List, Doubly_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(capacity) | 40 | 98.20 |
0094 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 91.19 |
0543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(H) | 0 | 100.00 |
0124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0098 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 100.00 |
0208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Design, Trie, Big_O_Time_O(word.length())_or_O(prefix.length())_Space_O(N) | 32 | 95.05 |
0200 | Number of Islands | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Matrix, Union_Find, Big_O_Time_O(M*N)_Space_O(M*N) | 3 | 87.24 |
0139 | Word Break | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Dynamic_Programming, Trie, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(M+max*N)_Space_O(M+N+max) | 1 | 99.42 |
0152 | Maximum Product Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 92.74 |
0198 | House Robber | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0064 | Minimum Path Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 1 | 99.73 |
0300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 3 | 95.75 |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n*m)_Space_O(n*m) | 19 | 89.05 |
0072 | Edit Distance | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n2) | 3 | 97.19 |
0010 | Regular Expression Matching | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 1 | 100.00 |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0039 | Combination Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n+2^n) | 1 | 99.99 |
0078 | Subsets | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n*2^n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0017 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(4^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0046 | Permutations | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(n*n!)_Space_O(n+n!) | 1 | 94.08 |
0338 | Counting Bits | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Dynamic_Programming, Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(num)_Space_O(num) | 2 | 96.37 |
0155 | Min Stack | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Stack, Design, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(N) | 4 | 96.54 |
0169 | Majority Element | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Sorting, Counting, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.89 |
0189 | Rotate Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.78 |
0055 | Jump Game | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 100.00 |
0045 | Jump Game II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0238 | Product of Array Except Self | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Prefix_Sum, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n) | 1 | 99.66 |
0042 | Trapping Rain Water | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Two_Pointers, Stack, Monotonic_Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0006 | Zigzag Conversion | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | String | 2 | 99.71 |
0011 | Container With Most Water | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Greedy, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 3 | 96.01 |
0015 | 3Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(n^2) | 29 | 72.02 |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.59 |
0076 | Minimum Window Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(s.length())_Space_O(1) | 2 | 99.83 |
0048 | Rotate Image | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0073 | Set Matrix Zeroes | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0049 | Group Anagrams | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, String, Hash_Table, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n*k_log_k)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 97.61 |
0001 | Two Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.90 |
0128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Union_Find, Big_O_Time_O(N_log_N)_Space_O(1) | 14 | 98.89 |
0056 | Merge Intervals | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n_log_n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 98.37 |
0020 | Valid Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 97.19 |
0155 | Min Stack | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Stack, Design, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(N) | 4 | 96.54 |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0002 | Add Two Numbers | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Math, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(max(N,M))_Space_O(max(N,M)), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 1 | 100.00 |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(m+n)_Space_O(m+n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0025 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(k) | 0 | 100.00 |
0019 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(L)_Space_O(L) | 0 | 100.00 |
0146 | LRU Cache | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Design, Linked_List, Doubly_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(capacity) | 40 | 98.20 |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(H) | 0 | 100.00 |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0101 | Symmetric Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Tree, Binary_Tree, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 96.33 |
0114 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Stack, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 100.00 |
0102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 91.19 |
0230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0098 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0200 | Number of Islands | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Matrix, Union_Find, Big_O_Time_O(M*N)_Space_O(M*N) | 3 | 87.24 |
0207 | Course Schedule | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Graph, Topological_Sort, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 3 | 99.99 |
0208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Design, Trie, Big_O_Time_O(word.length())_or_O(prefix.length())_Space_O(N) | 32 | 95.05 |
0017 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(4^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0046 | Permutations | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(n*n!)_Space_O(n+n!) | 1 | 94.08 |
0039 | Combination Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n+2^n) | 1 | 99.99 |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0079 | Word Search | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Matrix, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(4^(m*n))_Space_O(m*n) | 64 | 98.51 |
0148 | Sort List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Divide_and_Conquer, Merge_Sort, Big_O_Time_O(log(N))_Space_O(log(N)) | 9 | 93.90 |
0023 | Merge k Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Heap_Priority_Queue, Linked_List, Divide_and_Conquer, Merge_Sort, Big_O_Time_O(k*n*log(k))_Space_O(log(k)) | 1 | 99.86 |
0053 | Maximum Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.32 |
0035 | Search Insert Position | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0074 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(endRow+endCol)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0033 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0034 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_N)_Space_O(log_N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0004 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(log(min(N,M)))_Space_O(1), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 1 | 100.00 |
0215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Heap_Priority_Queue, Divide_and_Conquer, Quickselect, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(log(n)) | 5 | 70.82 |
0295 | Find Median from Data Stream | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Design, Heap_Priority_Queue, Data_Stream, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 83 | 99.56 |
0136 | Single Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.86 |
0009 | Palindrome Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Math | 4 | 100.00 |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0198 | House Robber | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0139 | Word Break | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Dynamic_Programming, Trie, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(M+max*N)_Space_O(M+N+max) | 1 | 99.42 |
0322 | Coin Change | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Breadth_First_Search, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(amount) | 12 | 92.59 |
0300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 3 | 95.75 |
0064 | Minimum Path Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 1 | 99.73 |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 97.82 |
0072 | Edit Distance | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n2) | 3 | 97.19 |
0221 | Maximal Square | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Array, Dynamic_Programming, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 6 | 97.07 |
0053 | Maximum Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.32 |
0001 | Two Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.90 |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.78 |
0074 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(endRow+endCol)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(m+n)_Space_O(m+n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0020 | Valid Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 97.19 |
0094 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 91.19 |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(H) | 0 | 100.00 |
0101 | Symmetric Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0098 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0136 | Single Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.86 |
0169 | Majority Element | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Sorting, Counting, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.89 |
0015 | 3Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(n^2) | 29 | 72.02 |
0075 | Sort Colors | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0056 | Merge Intervals | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n_log_n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 98.37 |
0048 | Rotate Image | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0240 | Search a 2D Matrix II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(n+m)_Space_O(1) | 5 | 99.92 |
0238 | Product of Array Except Self | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Prefix_Sum, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n) | 1 | 99.66 |
0560 | Subarray Sum Equals K | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Prefix_Sum, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 22 | 95.17 |
0763 | Partition Labels | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | String, Hash_Table, Greedy, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 2 | 100.00 |
0049 | Group Anagrams | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, String, Hash_Table, Sorting, Big_O_Time_O(n*k_log_k)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 97.61 |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 97.82 |
0002 | Add Two Numbers | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Math, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(max(N,M))_Space_O(max(N,M)), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 1 | 100.00 |
0142 | Linked List Cycle II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(M+N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.92 |
0024 | Swap Nodes in Pairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0025 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(k) | 0 | 100.00 |
0155 | Min Stack | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Stack, Design, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(N) | 4 | 96.54 |
0105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Tree, Binary_Tree, Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 96.33 |
0230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 100.00 |
0215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Heap_Priority_Queue, Divide_and_Conquer, Quickselect, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(log(n)) | 5 | 70.82 |
0347 | Top K Frequent Elements | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Sorting, Heap_Priority_Queue, Counting, Divide_and_Conquer, Quickselect, Bucket_Sort, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(k) | 9 | 97.30 |
0035 | Search Insert Position | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0189 | Rotate Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0283 | Move Zeroes | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 2 | 83.99 |
0019 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(L)_Space_O(L) | 0 | 100.00 |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 2 | 98.59 |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(m+n)_Space_O(m+n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0046 | Permutations | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(n*n!)_Space_O(n+n!) | 1 | 94.08 |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Memoization, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0198 | House Robber | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0136 | Single Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.86 |
# | Title | Language | Difficulty | Tag | Time, ms | Time, % |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Algorithm_II_Day_17_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_19, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n*m)_Space_O(n*m) | 19 | 89.05 |
0763 | Partition Labels | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | String, Hash_Table, Greedy, Two_Pointers, Data_Structure_II_Day_7_String, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 2 | 100.00 |
0739 | Daily Temperatures | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Stack, Monotonic_Stack, Programming_Skills_II_Day_6, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 8 | 96.83 |
0647 | Palindromic Substrings | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | String, Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 99.31 |
0560 | Subarray Sum Equals K | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Prefix_Sum, Data_Structure_II_Day_5_Array, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 22 | 95.17 |
0543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Level_2_Day_7_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0494 | Target Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Array, Dynamic_Programming, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(n*(sum+s))_Space_O(n*(sum+s)) | 4 | 92.28 |
0438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Algorithm_II_Day_5_Sliding_Window, Programming_Skills_II_Day_12, Level_1_Day_12_Sliding_Window/Two_Pointer, Big_O_Time_O(n+m)_Space_O(1) | 3 | 99.83 |
0437 | Path Sum III | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Level_2_Day_7_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 100.00 |
0416 | Partition Equal Subset Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Level_2_Day_13_Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(n*sums)_Space_O(n*sums) | 5 | 99.88 |
0394 | Decode String | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Stack, Recursion, Level_1_Day_14_Stack, Udemy_Strings, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0347 | Top K Frequent Elements | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Sorting, Heap_Priority_Queue, Counting, Divide_and_Conquer, Quickselect, Bucket_Sort, Data_Structure_II_Day_20_Heap_Priority_Queue, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(k) | 9 | 97.30 |
0338 | Counting Bits | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Dynamic_Programming, Bit_Manipulation, Udemy_Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(num)_Space_O(num) | 2 | 96.37 |
0322 | Coin Change | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Breadth_First_Search, Algorithm_II_Day_18_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_20, Level_2_Day_12_Dynamic_Programming, Top_Interview_150_1D_DP, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(amount) | 12 | 92.59 |
0300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Binary_Search, Algorithm_II_Day_16_Dynamic_Programming, Binary_Search_II_Day_3, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_18, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Top_Interview_150_1D_DP, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 3 | 95.75 |
0295 | Find Median from Data Stream | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Design, Heap_Priority_Queue, Data_Stream, Top_Interview_150_Heap, Big_O_Time_O(n*log_n)_Space_O(n) | 83 | 99.56 |
0287 | Find the Duplicate Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Two_Pointers, Bit_Manipulation, Binary_Search_II_Day_5, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 97.52 |
0283 | Move Zeroes | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Two_Pointers, Algorithm_I_Day_3_Two_Pointers, Programming_Skills_I_Day_6_Array, Udemy_Arrays, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 2 | 83.99 |
0240 | Search a 2D Matrix II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Divide_and_Conquer, Data_Structure_II_Day_4_Array, Binary_Search_II_Day_8, Big_O_Time_O(n+m)_Space_O(1) | 5 | 99.92 |
0239 | Sliding Window Maximum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Heap_Priority_Queue, Sliding_Window, Queue, Monotonic_Queue, Udemy_Arrays, Big_O_Time_O(n*k)_Space_O(n+k) | 26 | 95.89 |
0238 | Product of Array Except Self | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Prefix_Sum, Data_Structure_II_Day_5_Array, Udemy_Arrays, Top_Interview_150_Array/String, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n) | 1 | 99.66 |
0236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Data_Structure_II_Day_18_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_General, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 100.00 |
0234 | Palindrome Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Two_Pointers, Stack, Linked_List, Recursion, Level_2_Day_3_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 4 | 84.46 |
0230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Data_Structure_II_Day_17_Tree, Level_2_Day_9_Binary_Search_Tree, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Data_Structure_I_Day_12_Tree, Level_2_Day_6_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_General, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0221 | Maximal Square | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Array, Dynamic_Programming, Matrix, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_16, Top_Interview_150_Multidimensional_DP, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 6 | 97.07 |
0215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Heap_Priority_Queue, Divide_and_Conquer, Quickselect, Data_Structure_II_Day_20_Heap_Priority_Queue, Top_Interview_150_Heap, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(log(n)) | 5 | 70.82 |
0208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Design, Trie, Level_2_Day_16_Design, Udemy_Trie_and_Heap, Top_Interview_150_Trie, Big_O_Time_O(word.length())_or_O(prefix.length())_Space_O(N) | 32 | 95.05 |
0207 | Course Schedule | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Graph, Topological_Sort, Top_Interview_150_Graph_General, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 3 | 99.99 |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Data_Structure_I_Day_8_Linked_List, Algorithm_I_Day_10_Recursion_Backtracking, Level_1_Day_3_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0200 | Number of Islands | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Matrix, Union_Find, Algorithm_II_Day_6_Breadth_First_Search_Depth_First_Search, Graph_Theory_I_Day_1_Matrix_Related_Problems, Level_1_Day_9_Graph/BFS/DFS, Udemy_Graph, Top_Interview_150_Graph_General, Big_O_Time_O(M*N)_Space_O(M*N) | 3 | 87.24 |
0198 | House Robber | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Algorithm_I_Day_12_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_3, Level_2_Day_12_Dynamic_Programming, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Top_Interview_150_1D_DP, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0189 | Rotate Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Two_Pointers, Algorithm_I_Day_2_Two_Pointers, Udemy_Arrays, Top_Interview_150_Array/String, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0169 | Majority Element | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Sorting, Counting, Divide_and_Conquer, Data_Structure_II_Day_1_Array, Udemy_Famous_Algorithm, Top_Interview_150_Array/String, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.89 |
0160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Data_Structure_II_Day_11_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(M+N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.92 |
0155 | Min Stack | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Stack, Design, Data_Structure_II_Day_14_Stack_Queue, Programming_Skills_II_Day_18, Level_2_Day_16_Design, Udemy_Design, Top_Interview_150_Stack, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(N) | 4 | 96.54 |
0153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Algorithm_II_Day_2_Binary_Search, Binary_Search_I_Day_12, Udemy_Binary_Search, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_N)_Space_O(log_N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0152 | Maximum Product Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_6, Level_2_Day_13_Dynamic_Programming, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 92.74 |
0148 | Sort List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Divide_and_Conquer, Merge_Sort, Level_2_Day_4_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(log(N))_Space_O(log(N)) | 9 | 93.90 |
0146 | LRU Cache | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Design, Linked_List, Doubly_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(1)_Space_O(capacity) | 40 | 98.20 |
0142 | Linked List Cycle II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Data_Structure_II_Day_10_Linked_List, Level_1_Day_4_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Data_Structure_I_Day_7_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0139 | Word Break | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Dynamic_Programming, Trie, Memoization, Algorithm_II_Day_15_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_9, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Top_Interview_150_1D_DP, Big_O_Time_O(M+max*N)_Space_O(M+N+max) | 1 | 99.42 |
0138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Hash_Table, Linked_List, Programming_Skills_II_Day_14, Udemy_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0136 | Single Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Data_Structure_II_Day_1_Array, Algorithm_I_Day_14_Bit_Manipulation, Udemy_Integers, Top_Interview_150_Bit_Manipulation, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.86 |
0131 | Palindrome Partitioning | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(N*2^N)_Space_O(2^N*N) | 7 | 98.55 |
0128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Union_Find, Top_Interview_150_Hashmap, Big_O_Time_O(N_log_N)_Space_O(1) | 14 | 98.89 |
0124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_General, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Data_Structure_I_Day_3_Array, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_7, Level_1_Day_5_Greedy, Udemy_Arrays, Top_Interview_150_Array/String, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.78 |
0114 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Stack, Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_General, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 0 | 100.00 |
0105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Tree, Binary_Tree, Divide_and_Conquer, Data_Structure_II_Day_15_Tree, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_General, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 96.33 |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Data_Structure_I_Day_11_Tree, Programming_Skills_I_Day_10_Linked_List_and_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_General, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(H) | 0 | 100.00 |
0102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Data_Structure_I_Day_11_Tree, Level_1_Day_6_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_BFS, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 91.19 |
0101 | Symmetric Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Breadth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Data_Structure_I_Day_11_Tree, Level_2_Day_15_Tree, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Tree_General, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0098 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Data_Structure_I_Day_14_Tree, Level_1_Day_8_Binary_Search_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search_Tree, Big_O_Time_O(N)_Space_O(log(N)) | 0 | 100.00 |
0096 | Unique Binary Search Trees | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Dynamic_Programming, Math, Tree, Binary_Tree, Binary_Search_Tree, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_11, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0094 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Depth_First_Search, Tree, Binary_Tree, Stack, Data_Structure_I_Day_10_Tree, Udemy_Tree_Stack_Queue, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0084 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Stack, Monotonic_Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n_log_n)_Space_O(log_n) | 9 | 93.28 |
0079 | Word Search | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Matrix, Backtracking, Algorithm_II_Day_11_Recursion_Backtracking, Top_Interview_150_Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(4^(m*n))_Space_O(m*n) | 64 | 98.51 |
0078 | Subsets | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Bit_Manipulation, Backtracking, Algorithm_II_Day_9_Recursion_Backtracking, Udemy_Backtracking/Recursion, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n*2^n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0076 | Minimum Window Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Sliding_Window, Level_2_Day_14_Sliding_Window/Two_Pointer, Top_Interview_150_Sliding_Window, Big_O_Time_O(s.length())_Space_O(1) | 2 | 99.83 |
0075 | Sort Colors | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Data_Structure_II_Day_2_Array, Udemy_Arrays, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0074 | Search a 2D Matrix | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Matrix, Data_Structure_I_Day_5_Array, Algorithm_II_Day_1_Binary_Search, Binary_Search_I_Day_8, Level_2_Day_8_Binary_Search, Udemy_2D_Arrays/Matrix, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(endRow+endCol)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0073 | Set Matrix Zeroes | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Matrix, Udemy_2D_Arrays/Matrix, Top_Interview_150_Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0072 | Edit Distance | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Algorithm_II_Day_18_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_19, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Top_Interview_150_Multidimensional_DP, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(n2) | 3 | 97.19 |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Memoization, Algorithm_I_Day_12_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_2, Level_1_Day_10_Dynamic_Programming, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Top_Interview_150_1D_DP, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0064 | Minimum Path Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Matrix, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_16, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Top_Interview_150_Multidimensional_DP, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 1 | 99.73 |
0062 | Unique Paths | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Dynamic_Programming, Math, Combinatorics, Algorithm_II_Day_13_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_15, Level_1_Day_11_Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0056 | Merge Intervals | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Data_Structure_II_Day_2_Array, Level_2_Day_17_Interval, Udemy_2D_Arrays/Matrix, Top_Interview_150_Intervals, Big_O_Time_O(n_log_n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 98.37 |
0055 | Jump Game | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Algorithm_II_Day_12_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_4, Udemy_Arrays, Top_Interview_150_Array/String, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 100.00 |
0053 | Maximum Subarray | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Divide_and_Conquer, Data_Structure_I_Day_1_Array, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_5, Udemy_Famous_Algorithm, Top_Interview_150_Kadane's_Algorithm, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.32 |
0051 | N-Queens | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(N!)_Space_O(N) | 1 | 99.77 |
0049 | Group Anagrams | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, String, Hash_Table, Sorting, Data_Structure_II_Day_8_String, Programming_Skills_II_Day_11, Udemy_Strings, Top_Interview_150_Hashmap, Big_O_Time_O(n*k_log_k)_Space_O(n) | 6 | 97.61 |
0048 | Rotate Image | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Math, Matrix, Data_Structure_II_Day_3_Array, Programming_Skills_II_Day_7, Udemy_2D_Arrays/Matrix, Top_Interview_150_Matrix, Big_O_Time_O(n^2)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0046 | Permutations | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Algorithm_I_Day_11_Recursion_Backtracking, Level_2_Day_20_Brute_Force/Backtracking, Udemy_Backtracking/Recursion, Top_Interview_150_Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(n*n!)_Space_O(n+n!) | 1 | 94.08 |
0045 | Jump Game II | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Greedy, Algorithm_II_Day_13_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_4, Top_Interview_150_Array/String, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0042 | Trapping Rain Water | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Dynamic_Programming, Two_Pointers, Stack, Monotonic_Stack, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_9, Udemy_Two_Pointers, Top_Interview_150_Array/String, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0041 | First Missing Positive | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Hash_Table, Udemy_Arrays, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 1 | 100.00 |
0039 | Combination Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Backtracking, Algorithm_II_Day_10_Recursion_Backtracking, Level_2_Day_20_Brute_Force/Backtracking, Udemy_Backtracking/Recursion, Top_Interview_150_Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n+2^n) | 1 | 99.99 |
0035 | Search Insert Position | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Algorithm_I_Day_1_Binary_Search, Binary_Search_I_Day_2, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0034 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Algorithm_II_Day_1_Binary_Search, Binary_Search_I_Day_5, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0033 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Algorithm_II_Day_1_Binary_Search, Binary_Search_I_Day_11, Level_2_Day_8_Binary_Search, Udemy_Binary_Search, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log_n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0032 | Longest Valid Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 1 | 99.74 |
0031 | Next Permutation | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Array, Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0025 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Data_Structure_II_Day_13_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(k) | 0 | 100.00 |
0024 | Swap Nodes in Pairs | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Data_Structure_II_Day_12_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 0 | 100.00 |
0023 | Merge k Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Heap_Priority_Queue, Linked_List, Divide_and_Conquer, Merge_Sort, Top_Interview_150_Divide_and_Conquer, Big_O_Time_O(k*n*log(k))_Space_O(log(k)) | 1 | 99.86 |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Backtracking, Algorithm_II_Day_11_Recursion_Backtracking, Udemy_Backtracking/Recursion, Top_Interview_150_Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(2^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Linked_List, Recursion, Data_Structure_I_Day_7_Linked_List, Algorithm_I_Day_10_Recursion_Backtracking, Level_1_Day_3_Linked_List, Udemy_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(m+n)_Space_O(m+n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0020 | Valid Parentheses | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Stack, Data_Structure_I_Day_9_Stack_Queue, Udemy_Strings, Top_Interview_150_Stack, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 2 | 97.19 |
0019 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Two_Pointers, Linked_List, Algorithm_I_Day_5_Two_Pointers, Level_2_Day_3_Linked_List, Top_Interview_150_Linked_List, Big_O_Time_O(L)_Space_O(L) | 0 | 100.00 |
0017 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Hash_Table, Backtracking, Algorithm_II_Day_11_Recursion_Backtracking, Udemy_Backtracking/Recursion, Top_Interview_150_Backtracking, Big_O_Time_O(4^n)_Space_O(n) | 0 | 100.00 |
0015 | 3Sum | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Sorting, Two_Pointers, Data_Structure_II_Day_1_Array, Algorithm_II_Day_3_Two_Pointers, Udemy_Two_Pointers, Top_Interview_150_Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n*log(n))_Space_O(n^2) | 29 | 72.02 |
0011 | Container With Most Water | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Greedy, Two_Pointers, Algorithm_II_Day_4_Two_Pointers, Top_Interview_150_Two_Pointers, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(1) | 3 | 96.01 |
0010 | Regular Expression Matching | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Recursion, Udemy_Dynamic_Programming, Big_O_Time_O(m*n)_Space_O(m*n) | 1 | 100.00 |
0009 | Palindrome Number | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Easy | Math, Udemy_Integers, Top_Interview_150_Math | 4 | 100.00 |
0008 | String to Integer (atoi) | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_Interview_Questions, String | 1 | 100.00 |
0007 | Reverse Integer | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_Interview_Questions, Math, Udemy_Integers | 0 | 100.00 |
0006 | Zigzag Conversion | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | String, Top_Interview_150_Array/String | 2 | 99.71 |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Medium | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, String, Dynamic_Programming, Data_Structure_II_Day_9_String, Algorithm_II_Day_14_Dynamic_Programming, Dynamic_Programming_I_Day_17, Udemy_Strings, Top_Interview_150_Multidimensional_DP, Big_O_Time_O(n)_Space_O(n) | 7 | 97.82 |
0004 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Java Kotlin TypeScript Scala Ruby PHP C# Go Cpp Python Swift Elixir Rust Dart C JavaScript Erlang Racket | Hard | Top_100_Liked_Questions, Top_Interview_Questions, Array, Binary_Search, Divide_and_Conquer, Top_Interview_150_Binary_Search, Big_O_Time_O(log(min(N,M)))_Space_O(1), AI_can_be_used_to_solve_the_task | 1 | 100.00 |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Java [Kotlin](src/main/ko |