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695b628 · Feb 14, 2023






  • Due Feb 21
    • See weekly assignments for details
  • Create a zine using p5.js and Visual Studio Code
  • At least 8 pages
  • Includes text of some kind
  • Optional: use text generated by ChatGPT!


For our first big project, we'll be making zines! Zines are a fantastic art form, related to other kinds of publications such as artist books and broadsides, but also political publications, fan art, and poetry. Generally, we think of zines as being low-tech and cheap to produce, often printed on photocopiers or laser printers with a simple binding. But, like all art forms, zines also have a long and varied history and come in all shapes, sizes, and styles.

In our case, we'll be merging the tradition of zines with code. Your assignment is to create a zine using only p5.js code, then print and bind at least two copies in the Fab Lab. We'll take a look at adding fonts and typography to your code, how to export for print, as well as some simple binding and finishing techniques.

The goal here is for you to...

  • make something with code that becomes physical
  • experiment with sequence and flow across multiple pages
  • learn to use typography in p5.js
  • get comfortable using an external editor

For these multi-week assignments, you can find the basic info here. The details of what's due each week can be found in the weekly parts, found in this folder.


Coming shortly!