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Text Classification Keras Build Status PyPI PyPI - Python Version Gitter

A high-level text classification library implementing various well-established models. With a clean and extendable interface to implement custom architectures.

Quick start


pip install text-classification-keras[full]

The [full] will additionally install TensorFlow, Spacy, and Deep Plots. Choose this if you want to get started right away.


from texcla import experiment, data
from texcla.models import TokenModelFactory, YoonKimCNN
from texcla.preprocessing import FastTextWikiTokenizer

# input text
X = ['some random text', 'another random text lala', 'peter', ...]

# input labels
y = ['a', 'b', 'a', ...]

# use the special tokenizer used for constructing the embeddings
tokenizer = FastTextWikiTokenizer()

# preprocess data (once)
experiment.setup_data(X, y, tokenizer, 'data.bin', max_len=100)

# load data
ds = data.Dataset.load('data.bin')

# construct base
factory = TokenModelFactory(
    ds.num_classes, ds.tokenizer.token_index, max_tokens=100,
    embedding_type='', embedding_dims=300)

# choose a model
word_encoder_model = YoonKimCNN()

# build a model
model = factory.build_model(
    token_encoder_model=word_encoder_model, trainable_embeddings=False)

# use experiment.train as wrapper for
experiment.train(x=ds.X, y=ds.y, validation_split=0.1, model=model,

Check out more examples.

API Documenation



Choose a pre-trained word embedding by setting the embedding_type and the corresponding embedding dimensions. Set embedding_type=None to initialize the word embeddings randomly (but make sure to set trainable_embeddings=True so you actually train the embeddings).

factory = TokenModelFactory(embedding_type='', embedding_dims=300)


Several pre-trained FastText embeddings are included. For now, we only have the word embeddings and not the n-gram features. All embedding have 300 dimensions.


The GloVe embeddings are some kind of predecessor to FastText. In general choose FastText embeddings over GloVe. The dimension for the pre-trained embeddings varies.


  • To work on token (or word) level, use a TokenTokenizer such e.g. TwokenizeTokenizer or SpacyTokenizer.
  • To work on token and sentence level, use SpacySentenceTokenizer.
  • To create an custom Tokenizer, extend Tokenizer and implement the token_generator method.


You may use spaCy for the tokenization. See instructions on how to download model for your target language. E.g. for English:

python -m spacy download en


Token-based Models

When working on token level, use TokenModelFactory.

from texcla.models import TokenModelFactory, YoonKimCNN

factory = TokenModelFactory(tokenizer.num_classes, tokenizer.token_index,
    max_tokens=100, embedding_type='glove.6B.100d')
word_encoder_model = YoonKimCNN()
model = factory.build_model(token_encoder_model=word_encoder_model)

Currently supported models include:

TokenModelFactory.build_model uses the provided word encoder which is then classified via a Dense layer.

Sentence-based Models

When working on sentence level, use SentenceModelFactory.

# Pad max sentences per doc to 500 and max words per sentence to 200.
# Can also use `max_sents=None` to allow variable sized max_sents per mini-batch.

factory = SentenceModelFactory(10, tokenizer.token_index, max_sents=500,
    max_tokens=200, embedding_type='glove.6B.100d')
word_encoder_model = AttentionRNN()
sentence_encoder_model = AttentionRNN()

# Allows you to compose arbitrary word encoders followed by sentence encoder.
model = factory.build_model(word_encoder_model, sentence_encoder_model)
  • Hierarchical attention networks (HANs) can be build by composing two attention based RNN models. This is useful when a document is very large.
  • For smaller document a reasonable way to encode sentences is to average words within it. This can be done by using token_encoder_model=AveragingEncoder()
  • Mix and match encoders as you see fit for your problem.

SentenceModelFactory.build_model created a tiered model where words within a sentence is first encoded using word_encoder_model. All such encodings per sentence is then encoded using sentence_encoder_model.



If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a new feature, have a look at the issues page.

Pull requests are especially welcomed when they fix bugs or improve the code quality.


Built upon the work by Raghavendra Kotikalapudi: keras-text.


If you find Text Classification Keras useful for an academic publication, then please use the following BibTeX to cite it:

    title={Text Classification Keras},
    author={Raghavendra Kotikalapudi, and Johannes Filter, and contributors},
