This application is initialized using Create React App
for its simplicity, allowing rapid development without intricate tooling setup such as bundling and transpiling.
The following essential tools should be configured and utilized:
ESLint, a linting tool for JavaScript and TypeScript, plays a crucial role in preventing common mistakes and maintaining code consistency. The specific configuration is defined in the .eslintrc.js
Prettier is a powerful code formatting tool that enforces a consistent code style throughout your entire codebase. Leveraging the "format on save" feature in your IDE, you can automatically format code based on the configuration in .prettierrc.json
TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, enhances code quality by adding types to the language. It becomes especially valuable during large refactors, catching issues that might be overlooked otherwise.
Configuring and using absolute imports simplifies file movement and avoids convoluted import paths like ../../../Component
. Regardless of file relocation, absolute imports ensure that all import paths remain intact. The TypeScript (tsconfig.json
) and JavaScript (jsconfig.json
) projects should include the following configuration:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": ["./src/*"]
Refer to the Paths Configuration Example Code for a sample implementation. In this project, a separate tsconfig.paths.json
file is created to configure paths and merge it with the base configuration, preventing potential overrides by CRA.
While it's possible to define multiple paths for different folders (e.g., @components
, @hooks
), using @/*
is recommended for simplicity. This approach works well as it is short, eliminating the need for configuring multiple paths, and distinguishes our source folder from other dependency modules in node_modules. Therefore, anything within the src folder can be accessed via @
, allowing easy access to files like @/components/MyComponent