This is python script that automate the cpp compilation throught console.
First you need to have python 3.x.x and g++ compiler install. Then you will need vscode in order to run this program, on vscode install the extension "terminal-command-keys"
Now its time to configure your shourcuts:
press cmd+shift+p or ctrl+shift+p type key and open the following:
Inside of it copy and paste the keybinding-config.json file in this repository. Open a vscode file press cmd+b and cmd+h and enjoy!
I'm a mac user, one day I wanted to upload my C++ projects to a github repository and I noticed that I had a bunch of executable file, since C++ its a compiled lenguage. In unix based OS you cant add this executable files to .gitignore, so that was a problem.
I came up with an elegant solution, when I compiled my programs, this executable files will go to a folder /bin and then I can add /bin in .gitignore and problem solved!
This code give you beatifully colored message in your console, telling you if there are sort of mistakes or typos.
In this repository I have not exclude the /bin folder to you, but its just for demostration the ideal thing is that you add bin in your .gitignore file