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📦 .NET nanoFramework System.Net.Http class library


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Welcome to the .NET nanoFramework System.Net.Http Library repository

Build status

Component Build Status NuGet Package
System.Net.Http Build Status NuGet
System.Net.Http.Client Build Status NuGet
System.Net.Http.Server Build Status NuGet

Usage examples

The API, classes and namespaces in this library follow, as close as possible, the .NET ones. Exceptions are the lack of async calls, generics and the Task, async/await model. The names reflect that by dropping the Async suffix and not returning Task and the lack of the overloaded methods with CancelationToken parameters.

Also worth mentioning is the need to pass the CA root certificate to HttpClient in order to be able to validate the server certificate.

HttpClient calling REST services

HttpClient makes it very easy to connect and consume REST services. In order to use it, one has to create the object and them perform the calls. Note that HttpClient is meant to be reused throughout the application lifecycle. There is no need to create a new instance every time a call has to be performed. Like this:

static readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();

To pass the CA root certificate allowing to validate the secure server certificate. The CA root cert can also come from a binary file or text file from a resource.

_httpClient.HttpsAuthentCert = new X509Certificate(
-----END CERTIFICATE-----");


In order to get a root certificate from a server, if you install OpenSSL, you can run the following command: openssl s_client -connect -showcerts This will show you all the root certs used and present them as PEM. You can then copy/paste the one you need.

It's possible to add HTTP headers that will be sent along with each request.

_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob");

Perform a HTTP GET request

Here's a example of a HTTP request to read some content as a string:

HttpResponseMessage response = _httpClient.Get("");
var responseBody = response.Content.ReadAsString();

The above call would return something similar to the following, which can be output in Visual Studio by calling Debug.WriteLine(responseBody):

  "args": {}, 
  "headers": {
    "Host": "", 
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-6214aad3-38e5f8357bdf90530300eb5f", 
    "X-Ms-Blob-Type": "BlockBlob"
  "origin": "", 
  "url": ""

Note the call to response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();. This will throw an HttpRequestException in case the status code from the HTTP request is not a successful one.

Perform a HTTP POST request

Follows an example of a HTTP request performing POST request to send some json content to an endpoint.

var content = new StringContent("{\"someProperty\":\"someValue\"}", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var result = _httpClient.Post("", content);

Worth noting that the json content above it's presented as a simple string to simplify the code. There is a json library available to help with serializing and deserializing from/to C# classes, even the most complex ones.

Again, note the call to response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); to make sure the HTTP request was successfully performed.

Download binary content to a file

Using HttpClient makes it easy to deal with binary content too. Here's an example of how to download a file from a webserver.

HttpResponseMessage response = _httpClient.Get("");

using FileStream fs = new FileStream($"I:\\i-am-a-binary-file.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

Disposing the response


You MUST dispose the response sent but any of the request. The device memory is limited and the response content will never be disposed if not asked. Depending on the devices, you may have only 16 possible requests before you'll get an out of memory.

Here is few right patterns to make sure you'll dispose properly the response content:

using HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get(apiUrl);
// do whatever you want
// When the response object won't be used, it will be disposed

You can as well have an explicit using for a block:

using HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get(apiUrl)
  // do whatever you want
  // when exiting the block, the response will be disposed

Or explicitly dispose the response:

HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get(apiUrl);
// do whatever you want
// Dispose explicitly the content

In all cases, you MUST make ure you are disposing the response content.

Debugging through a reverse proxy

When code is deployed to a MCU it might be desirable to let the device connect to your development machine running IIS Express. This can be achieved with a proxy such as this one. Be aware that this leads to SocketExceptions with the current version of nanoFramework System.Net.Http when sending consecutive requests to your development machine. A simple retry mechanism in Debug mode will get around this.

Feedback and documentation

For documentation, providing feedback, issues and finding out how to contribute please refer to the Home repo.

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The list of contributors to this project can be found at CONTRIBUTORS.


The nanoFramework Class Libraries are licensed under the MIT license.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behaviour in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.

.NET Foundation

This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.