Note that some scripts will DROP AND CREATE a new user called SPM_TESTU.
EDIT the following scripts to set the SPM_TESTU password and connect strings:
- example.sql, example2.sql, connect_user.sql ./SE/example_outln.sql ./SE/example_se.sql ./SE/connect_user.sql
Based on this blog article.
The example.sql script demonstrates how to control SQL execution plans using SQL plan management.
The example2.sql calls "proc2.sql": it adds a NEW SQL plan baselines and loads all other plans disabled.
Edit connect_admin.sql, connect_user.sql to suit you environment (e.g. MT or non-MT).
Scripts create utility procedures called "set_my_plan" and "add_my_plan" (see proc.sql and proc2.sql) that allows you to take a SQL execution plan from a test query and apply it to an application query.
Example output is shown in example.lst and example2.lst.
Scripts tested in Oracle Database 11g Release 2, Oracle Database 12c Release 2 and Oracle Database 18c. The only caveat is that in Oracle Database 11g DBMS_XPLAN sometimes returns ORA-01403, but the example still works.
Now included: SPM example for Oracle Database 18c Standard Edition (see SE directory)
-- These scripts are provided for educational purposes only.
-- They are NOT supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support.
-- The scripts have been tested and they appear to work as intended.
-- You should always run scripts on a test instance.