The basics examples are meant to introduce you to basic concepts of ADIOS2, such as global/joined/local arrays, values, and variables shapes.
They can be found in the following subdirectories, and they should be explored in the order that they are listed:
- globalArray1D: The globalArray1D example demonstrates how to read and write an
1-D global array with constant dimensions over time from multiple processors using ADIOS2's BP engine.
- Languages: C, Fortran
- globalArrayND: The globalArrayND example demonstrates how to write an N-D global array with
constant dimensions over time from multiple processors using ADIOS2's BP engine.
- Languages: C++
- localArray: The localArray example demonstrates how to write and read a local array per processor
with the same name from multiple processors using ADIOS2's BP engine.
- Languages: C++
- joinedArray: The joinedArray example demonstrates how to write local array that is different only in
one dimension so that it can be joined into a global array with the same name from multiple processors at read time
using ADIOS2's ADIOS2's BP engine.
- Languages: C++
- values: The values example demonstrates how to write and read a multiple types of variables with a single
value, such as global constant, global value, local constant, and local value using ADIOS2's BP engine.
- Languages: C++, Fortran
- variablesShapes: The variablesShapes example demonstrates how to write supported variables
shapes using stepping and ADIOS2's BP engine.
- Languages: C++, C++ using high-level API
- queryWorker: The queryWorker example demonstrates how to read variables using ADIOS2's BP engine
and perform queries on the read data and streams the results.
- Languages: C++